Pinkubenu, when u got the NOF and after ur attorney sent the response does the receipt date change? i.e. if a case filed in federal labor on 01/2004 gets NOFd on 05/2004, resonse is sent on 06/2004...would the receipt date move from 01/2004 to 06/2004????
I am in a mess, my case was part of the Pilot program and moved to central processing group, NOFd on Dec 2003, response was sent on 01/2004..and my attorney does not know the receipt date, they have no clue if the NOF was at state or federal level as the now deceased CPG was processing both state and federal cases!!!!! This process is creating so much of heart burn that I would live longer outside the United States ;-(
Pinkubenu & rest of the gurus any information would be highly appreciated..
thanks in advance..