Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

I have no idea on the DOL receipt date, as part of the Pilot program my case was assigned to the Central Processing Group...VA state PD is 09/13/2001, NOF was issued in Dec 2003 for 1 additional day of advertisement, response was sent to CPG on 10/08/ requested DOL for case status in 05/2004...and DOL replied in the same month that case has already cleared state requirements and is in federal labor...atty assumes that the case moved to federal in 05/2004 , told her that the response for a request that we sent is dated 05/2004 which need not be the RD..since CPG is now deceased DOL does not know what transpired when my case was with them..

AwardMyGC said:
Hi sunkav,

What is your DOL Receipt date/Category/NOF Issued Date/NOF Issue Reply Date?


sunkav said:
I have no idea on the DOL receipt date, as part of the Pilot program my case was assigned to the Central Processing Group...VA state PD is 09/13/2001, NOF was issued in Dec 2003 for 1 additional day of advertisement, response was sent to CPG on 10/08/ requested DOL for case status in 05/2004...and DOL replied in the same month that case has already cleared state requirements and is in federal labor...atty assumes that the case moved to federal in 05/2004 , told her that the response for a request that we sent is dated 05/2004 which need not be the RD..since CPG is now deceased DOL does not know what transpired when my case was with them..

What is CPG stand for?

I would like to request everyone here in this forum, please avoid using unfamilar letter code, its too much confusion sometime.
CPG = Central Processing Group

orissa said:
What is CPG stand for?

I would like to request everyone here in this forum, please avoid using unfamilar letter code, its too much confusion sometime.
gc_psraj said:
Hello gurus, My LC was transfered to Philly regional DOL in March 2004 from Virginia after nearly 2 years. I have just got another employment offfer, and the new employer says they can process my LC through Massachusetts sooner. Should I go ahead and change my employer and start all over again with my LC process ? Is it advisable to do so at this stage ? Thanks for any inputs.

Not a guru - just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.
In my opinion this is a deeply personal decision, therefore since you ask I'll throw in my 2 cents but only as considerations and by no means a recommendation.

1. NPC's and BEC's are expected to work with oldest SWA receipt dates first. If this is true you stand to lose what maybe one of the foremost priority dates. What's more this priority date will also help with 140 and 485.

2. Mass like all states is to join the NPC.

3. If the 140 cat changes for the better in your new job ie. from EB3 to EB2 - it maybe worth more given the expectation of priority date retrogression for EB3's beginning Jan 05.

4. Finally, is it a step up in your career (more money better position etc) I personally feel those things are important

Those are a few things I have been considering. My situation is very similar to yours in that I have been waiting since Apr 02 - my labor app is with DOL since Apr 04 and I've been offered new positions a couple of times since early this year. I haven't moved yet but I am getting increasingly frustrated.
Having said that I still haven't moved and will not unless something comes by that I just can't refuse.
Orissa: Or in the first post, someone can edit and add all the acronyms and their meanings.
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spidey said:
Not a guru - just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.
In my opinion this is a deeply personal decision, therefore since you ask I'll throw in my 2 cents but only as considerations and by no means a recommendation.

1. NPC's and BEC's are expected to work with oldest SWA receipt dates first. If this is true you stand to lose what maybe one of the foremost priority dates. What's more this priority date will also help with 140 and 485.

2. Mass like all states is to join the NPC.

3. If the 140 cat changes for the better in your new job ie. from EB3 to EB2 - it maybe worth more given the expectation of priority date retrogression for EB3's beginning Jan 05.

4. Finally, is it a step up in your career (more money better position etc) I personally feel those things are important

Those are a few things I have been considering. My situation is very similar to yours in that I have been waiting since Apr 02 - my labor app is with DOL since Apr 04 and I've been offered new positions a couple of times since early this year. I haven't moved yet but I am getting increasingly frustrated.
Having said that I still haven't moved and will not unless something comes by that I just can't refuse.

I agree with Spider. This is very personal decision and needs to be made with careful thought. Another thing to consider is how many yrs are left on a person's H1B to make such a move.
Im on a 5th yr, I was offered a position with much more money/title and labor in Regional. Category would have been EB3 though. Needless to say, I declined it and still in VA labor. And I am satisfied since atleast I know I shall not be hit by retrogression, if it happens.
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I'm bit confused now. Please enlighten me.

Where you able lookup your case in site?

Central Processing Group acts on, what level? Is it state or federal?
When they issued NOF on Dec 2003, Why it took so long for you guys
to reply? As I read through your posting the dates you mentioned or
contradictory? If you don't mind, could you please break-it down event
by event and re-post your message.



sunkav said:
I have no idea on the DOL receipt date, as part of the Pilot program my case was assigned to the Central Processing Group...VA state PD is 09/13/2001, NOF was issued in Dec 2003 for 1 additional day of advertisement, response was sent to CPG on 10/08/ requested DOL for case status in 05/2004...and DOL replied in the same month that case has already cleared state requirements and is in federal labor...atty assumes that the case moved to federal in 05/2004 , told her that the response for a request that we sent is dated 05/2004 which need not be the RD..since CPG is now deceased DOL does not know what transpired when my case was with them..
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CPG - Central Proccessing Group
BEC - Backlog Elimination Center

BRC - Backlog Reduction Center

DOL - Department Of Labor

SESA - State Employment Standards Administration

ETA - Employment and Training Administration

LCA - Labor Condition Application

EIN - Employer Identification Number

ESA - Employment Standards Administration

VESA - Virginia Employment Standards Administration

NOF - Notice of Findings

RFE - Request for Evidence

VEC - Virginia Employment Commission
Just to add...

that it might be better for us that there is no change in administration. Even if there is no fundamental diff in broad policies with regards to immigration, a new administration would have brought new ppl at the top.. and every person has a different style of working (new boss has to change a few things, otherwise how would ppl know that they have a new boss :-( those little changes would only have added to our waiting time.. so i think continuity is better (dem or rep.. they dont care about legal immigrants.. they are only concerned about illegals... remember it was clinton administration which strated the problem of delays at the labor certification in the first place).

Sorry, no more political comments...

Pineapple said:
This is silly.

First, how is the election related to processing of DOL cases?? Since I do not believe any members of this thread work closely with the president, I seriously doubt the 'theories' that there is going to be a sudden and fundamental change in actions/policies already in place wrt BEC/NPC.

So please take your spam and kvetching elsewhere!!

Second, I have been following the election as well and anyone else, and I did not see Any difference in policies of either candidates. Immigration, like social security is the famed 'third rail' of American policies, and there is going to be no major change for quite a long time, whoever is in the white house. (In any case, the president does not call all the shots as far as the gory details of CIS's rules and policies are concerned, even if he were interested, which is itself unlikely.)

Third, choosing the president is the right and prerogative of Americans, and they do so based on their individual choices. To think that Americans would choose a president based of the feelings and hopes of foreign workers is ridiculous. Dont make the mistake of thinking yourself to be That important!

I hope this puts an end to irerelavent discussions about the election and stick to the purpose of this thread.
Hi AwardMyGC
My case was not found in
Central Processing Group worked on both State and Federal labor, this was the group that took 1500 live cases for Pilot Program.
VA SESA file date was 9/13/01
Date when I came to know that case was selected for Pilot Dec 2002 (When I called SESA to check on status)
NOF Issue date Dec 2003
Response sent Date after 1 additional day of advertisement 01/08/04
Request for information from Attorney on 05/02/2004
DOL response on 05/06/04 that case currently is in federal processing and that central processing group has been closed residual cases have been transferred to National Office Staff.

No news about the case after that...

Hope that helped...

AwardMyGC said:

I'm bit confused now. Please enlighten me.

Where you able lookup your case in site?

Central Processing Group acts on, what level? Is it state or federal?
When they issued NOF on Dec 2003, Why it took so long for you guys
to reply? As I read through your posting the dates you mentioned or
contradictory? If you don't mind, could you please break-it down event
by event and re-post your message.


dcmetro22042 said:
I agree with Spider. This is very personal decision and needs to be made with careful thought. Another thing to consider is how many yrs are left on a person's H1B to make such a move.
Im on a 5th yr, I was offered a position with much more money/title and labor in Regional. Category would have been EB3 though. Needless to say, I declined it and still in VA labor. And I am satisfied since atleast I know I shall not be hit by retrogression, if it happens.
exactly same with me. i m in my 5'th year, and have declined an offer. so basically i cant even move.
orissa said:
CPG - Central Proccessing Group
BEC - Backlog Elimination Center

BRC - Backlog Reduction Center

DOL - Department Of Labor

SESA - State Employment Standards Administration

ETA - Employment and Training Administration

LCA - Labor Condition Application

EIN - Employer Identification Number

ESA - Employment Standards Administration

VESA - Virginia Employment Standards Administration

NOF - Notice of Findings

RFE - Request for Evidence

VEC - Virginia Employment Commission

thats definitly a great help. thanks :)
orissa said:
The AVM not working, please wait with patience. No there no other way to check your case status. We hundreds of here just waiting patiently.
Thank you for letting me know that AVM isn't working ...Lets hope we all will get a way to know the status of our cases soon.
Another Week passed no letters

Another week passed no letters yet.
CPG - Central Proccessing Group
BEC - Backlog Elimination Center
BRC - Backlog Reduction Center
DOL - Department Of Labor
SESA - State Employment Standards Administration
ETA - Employment and Training Administration
LCA - Labor Condition Application
EIN - Employer Identification Number
ESA - Employment Standards Administration
VESA - Virginia Employment Standards Administration
NOF - Notice of Findings
RFE - Request for Evidence
VEC - Virginia Employment Commission
11/06/2004: Now Election is Over and White House Should Either Deny or Approve DOL PERM Regulation

The U.S. Department of Labor has excerted its energy to work out the so-called Five-Year Strategic Plan of 1998 after spending enormous amount of time for a careful and thorough research and review of the problems of the labor certification system. The Five-year Strategic Plan was founded on two pillars to reduce the backlogs and to correct the ailing labor certification system: One pillar was to reduce the "existing" backlogs by the "Backlog Reduction Centers." The other pillar was to "prevent" new backlogs by launch of the new labor certification system named "PERM." The implementation of this Strategic Plan has been delayed and delayed for a number of reasons which included oppositions from anti-immigration forces and other departments in the Administration, lack of full support by the Congress to fund the reengineering system, and recently by the White House for fear of its impact on the national election.

To deal with the "ever" mounting backlogs, the U.S. Department of Labor recently announced and launched the so-called Transition Guide which is nothing but "reorganization" of labor certification process changing from the two-tier system into one-tier system , removing the state agencies' involvement in the labor certification process. However, as we noted earlier, this Transition Guide is, without doubt, expected to streamline the "backlog" reduction part of the Strategic Plan but in no way contribute to other part of the Strategic Plan, "prevention" of new backlogs. Without such sweeping changes of the labor certification system as reflected in the PERM program, simple reorganization or restructure of the processing agencies will no way help in achieving this part of the Strategic Plan. The reengineering of the labor certification system to save it from the total collapse works only if the two pillars are firmly cemented and operated simultaneously and side-by-side.

The White House (OMB) has no excuse to delay its decision at this point causing further damage to the nation's employment-based immigration system. It has only two choices: Either it denies the PERM regulation and faces the consequences of collapse of the nation's labor certification system or approves it quickly so that the labor certification system moves in the right direction. With the indecision of the White House, the DOL appears to be struggling to deal with the problem simply on "reorganization" rather than fundamental reengineering of the labor certification system itself in terms of the "substantive system and standards" as well as the "procedural reform." It is time for the White House to act!

under breaking news.
Priority Date Retrogression Expected


I read the following article at and trying to understand if this is true:

There would be a freeze from USCIS on receiving all I-485 applications till USCIS maintain all the priority dates upto current. The last date that USCIS accepts applications for filing I-485 is some time in January 2005 and USCIS won't accept applications after January 2005.

Please interprete any one if this is true. If it is true, then in that case if our labor cert approved after Jan, 2005, we cannot get the benefits of EAD?

Please comment on this.

It’s a brand new week, Any updates on BEC/BRC?

Revive my earlier post.

AwardMyGC said:
Tomshu, Akela or Anybody,

I know it's too early to pop this question. Do you guys have any new updates on BRC/BEC? When you guys call them next time,

*. What dol receipt date ranges they are going to send out letters?
*. Who is the letter recipient? Is it employer/lawyer?
*. How many letters are the planning to send out?
*. Are they issuing new Case number or Tracking number to every application that's been entered into the system?
*. If they do assign a new number, how can we track cases not vexing them (in other words are they setting up an automated tracking system)?
*. Endow with some ballpark of, how many LC applications from Philly DOL is being processed in their system?

If anyone has questions, please feel free to add it to this stack.

Best Regards
