Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

Okay, so the first batch of 10,000 cases from Philly DOL cases is in their system. Does anyone, how many cases are being transferred from SFDOL?

Based on regional processing times posted on DOL website:

Philadelphia is processing Regular - Mar. 2003 and RIR - Jul. 2003
San Francisco is processing Regular - Jan. 2003 and RIR - Mar. 2003

So, if all these were tangled up together I would visualize the BEC processing time would be with the receipt date of Dec 2002 and Jan 2003. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

gp111 or anyone,

Do you know, how many cases are being transferred from SF DOL? If you can break it down to Regular Vs. RIR it will be easy for us to comprehend.

I guess website (one of the links in this page) says 20,000 cases are being treansferred. The thing is when the next region comes in, will they still input or start the preocessing? Or for now it will stop at two DOLs??

AwardMyGC said:
gp111 or anyone,

Do you know, how many cases are being transferred from SF DOL? If you can break it down to Regular Vs. RIR it will be easy for us to comprehend.


SF DOL has transferred 20 K cases to Phily & Dallas ( mostly 10K each) starting from RD May 2003 for RIR & OCT 2003 for Non RIR... No Info how may RIR & Non RIR...
gp111 said:
SF DOL has transferred 20 K cases to Phily & Dallas ( mostly 10K each) starting from RD May 2003 for RIR & OCT 2003 for Non RIR... No Info how may RIR & Non RIR...
Hi Gp111,

would tell me how did u know that sf transfered to bec for rir cases from may 2003 onward and for non-rir since oct 2003? is there any reference or memo from dol?


As stated by gp111 they heard this playback message when dialing
415 975 4601 (press 1 and press1) to find out there case status.

This message clearly explicate that SF DOL cases are being transferred to either Philly or Dallas BEC’s.

As per Tomshu earlier posting, he has confirmed that they finished entering Philly DOL cases into their system and they are in the process of entering SF DOL cases into their system.

Now the million-dollar question is, how are they going to work the cases? Are they going to wait till all the cases are entered into their system or just go ahead send out letters for the cases that are already entered?


antonioa77 said:
Hi Gp111,

would tell me how did u know that sf transfered to bec for rir cases from may 2003 onward and for non-rir since oct 2003? is there any reference or memo from dol?


As per the DOL processing time published on DOL website:

Philadelphia is processing Regular - Mar. 2003 and RIR - Jul. 2003
San Francisco is processing Regular - Jan. 2003 and RIR - Mar. 2003

What's going to happen to cases with dol receipt date range
Jan 2003 thru September 2003 (regular) and March 2003 thru April 2003 (RIR)?



gp111 said:
SF DOL has transferred 20 K cases to Phily & Dallas ( mostly 10K each) starting from RD May 2003 for RIR & OCT 2003 for Non RIR... No Info how may RIR & Non RIR...
AwardMyGC said:

As per the DOL processing time published on DOL website:

Philadelphia is processing Regular - Mar. 2003 and RIR - Jul. 2003
San Francisco is processing Regular - Jan. 2003 and RIR - Mar. 2003

What's going to happen to cases with dol receipt date range
Jan 2003 thru September 2003 (regular) and March 2003 thru April 2003 (RIR)?



SD DOL will continue work on cases which are not transferred to BEC... As of last week the latest processing date was March 14th 2003 & I guess they will continue work & finish RIR till end of April 2003 soon.. then focus on LOTS & LOTS of Non RIR between Jan to Sept 2003

Thanks for prvoiding the BEC number I called the number 415 975 4617 and I entered my case number, but my case number was not found ??

My Phily DOL priority date is Jan 24, 2003 non-RIR an NOF was issued during month of Octover, 2003 and was rebutted by DEcember 31, 2003. I still waitng to hear from Phily DOL.

If anyone has any idea about cases which are already opened by old Phily DOL
? Are the going to transfer such cases to BEC ???

Tomshu any help will be greatly appreciated !!!!


AwardMyGC said:

As per the DOL processing time published on DOL website:

Philadelphia is processing Regular - Mar. 2003 and RIR - Jul. 2003
San Francisco is processing Regular - Jan. 2003 and RIR - Mar. 2003

What's going to happen to cases with dol receipt date range
Jan 2003 thru September 2003 (regular) and March 2003 thru April 2003 (RIR)?


pinkubenu said:

Thanks for prvoiding the BEC number I called the number 415 975 4617 and I entered my case number, but my case number was not found ??

Please thank gp111 for the BEC number. Moreover that number is only for SF DOL cases. I believe your case and my case is with Philly DOL and there AVM is totally useless.

My Phily DOL priority date is Jan 24, 2003 non-RIR an NOF was issued during month of Octover, 2003 and was rebutted by DEcember 31, 2003. I still waitng to hear from Phily DOL.

Honestly I don't have answer for this question. I did try to get Tomshu and Akela for some information. But everything is futile. Why don't your employer raise an inquiry to find out, what's happening with your case?

If anyone has any idea about cases which are already opened by old Phily DOL
? Are the going to transfer such cases to BEC ???

This should be added to the stack of 'Questions of the Week'.

Tomshu any help will be greatly appreciated !!!!

pinkubenu & AwardMyGC

415 975 4617 / 4601 are not the numbers for BEC... those numbes are of San Fran DOL...
This is wasting our time

If they are not going to process the cases they are put into the "system", why do they put in there from the first place? They should put in the information for those cases that are to be processed immediately rather than cases from Philly Regional if they are not going to process them for the next few month according to FIFO rule. Or they should have set up the freaking BECs where there are most backlogged cases rather than moving the thousands of cases around the country. Philly would have been processing July 2004 rather July 2003. Or why don't they simply give more money to those backlogged centers and hire more people. It is really frustrating. The result will be if they eliminate the backlog, they will also eliminate their jobs! I am not sure how that is going to work out.
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pennwaiting said:
If they are not going to process the cases they are put into the "system", why do they put in there from the first place? They should put in the information for those cases that are to be processed immediately rather than cases from Philly Regional if they are not going to process them for the next few month according to FIFO rule. Or they should have set up the freaking BECs where there are most backlogged cases rather than moving the thousands of cases around the country. Philly would have been processing July 2004 rather July 2003. Or why don't they simply give more money to those backlogged centers and hire more people. It is really frustrating. The result will be if they eliminate the backlog, they will also eliminate their jobs! I am not sure how that is going to work out.

well it doesn't seem to me that the FIFO of Dol is the same as the one we understand. here is the proof:

1- when BEc pick up most of the cases from SF till this day, which is november 2004, this means that they will process people who got their lc in SF queue till oct 2004 although other people in other regional or state offices are waiting since 2001. this is not a FIFO, this is a stupidity.

2- according to what i explained above, i think FIFO for DOl means that they will pick up a whole center or state office and clear it ,then go to another according to actual processing time. agree?

Antonioa77, from Tomshu's most recent info from DOL, FIFO means DOL officials have to wait until they put in the oldest cases into the system before they are going to start to process cases to be sure it is "fair" to everyone nationally. I believe all those filed in Philly Regional have been screwed big time because Philly office have not processed any case for so long just to prepare for this BEC.
Talked to the good lady...

As Tomshu said, its comp problem, the letters will go out this week or next (now havn't we heard that before..but I suppose, if there are comp/printer problem give it a week to resolve, it might be high priority for us but not to all)

As of now only two centers Phily and SF (and SF only regional no state...that contradicts what Tomshu says.but..) have send in the apps, there are no instructions for other state or regional center to send their cases.

Eventually they will send.

They are not going to sit and first enter the data and then start the process, more likely the process will start after they recieve letters and I guess a group of ppl will still be inputing data if the data has not been entered.
(Now even BRC has not resolved the process yet, and of course the training is not complete yet)

So as of today, best case, Phily goes first, worse, Phily and SF go together with FIFO.

The folks at the center are anxious to start the process, they are under pressure as well.

Last but not the least there are 20 times more people working, according to her this merger of SF and Phily cases shouls not make a significant difference in your processing time.

According to her no distinction between RIR and traditional at BRC. (bUT i Guess I read something different in Murthy's update...confused now)
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antonioa77 said:
well it doesn't seem to me that the FIFO of Dol is the same as the one we understand. here is the proof:

1- when BEc pick up most of the cases from SF till this day, which is november 2004, this means that they will process people who got their lc in SF queue till oct 2004 although other people in other regional or state offices are waiting since 2001. this is not a FIFO, this is a stupidity.

I want to say thanks to our good friend "Antonioa77" for for made of laough.
I could not control my laugh when I read his last post "this is not a FIFO, this is a stupidity".

Be mentally prepared for another BKC( Backlog Killing Center ) may come sometime to take over Phily DOL BEC.

I dono when the next week will start, since september 2004 next week is walking but so far not reached yet.

sorry Folks
akela said:
Talked to the good lady...a

Akela and Tomshu,

Can you please ask the ladies about BEC plans (if any) to start AVM or something similiar so we us can check our case status, or if you already talked about it, can you please let us know what they said.

Hello all,
I got a call from my lawyer today. My case was finally approved by Virginia SESA (VEC) and was forwarded to Philly DOL. My lawyer faxed me a copy of the letter from VEC. Here are the details.

Virginia SWA, RIR Case Number 03461***
Priority Date (VEC Receipt Date): April 24, 2003
SESA issued NOF on Sept 3, 2004
Deadline for lawyer's response: Oct 18, 2004
Lawyer responded to NOF on: Oct 15, 2004
VEC forwarded the case to Philly DOL on: Oct 29, 2004
Lawyer recieved letter from VEC on: Nov 1, 2004

Does BEC have a AVM or Online case status checking system? Will my case be directly received by BEC OR first by Philly DOL and then by BEC? Anybody, please shed some light. Thanks!
Spoke to someone at Phily BEC

I just spoke to analyst processing my case and She told me that letters are going to go out soon asking employer to confirm that they are still interesetd in LC.

In my case there was an NOF issued the analyst told me that in such cases they really have to come to a conclusion what decision to make ?? Analyst told me that there is no need for attorney to send reminders because it really increases their work.
