Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

Do u know what was the priority date or the date when that case was received by Philly DOL? One that received the 45-day letter?
hopeAlive4 said:
I was a silent reader of this post for about 6 months. Finally i have something to share with.

My employer said he recieved a two letters for the same case which has a PD of APR 2004 in Philly SWA. One letter stated that the case moved to philly BEC and the other letter was 45 day letter. This is not my case. So far my employer has been trust worthy

Details of my case

PD: Nov 2004 Pilly SWA
RD: 2003 Philly DOL

I dont have any update on my case

Is it April 2004 or 2003?
Do you know when was this case moved to Philly DOL?
I dont know the exact PD but he said he recieved two letteres for the same case, one indicating that it is being forwarded to Philly BEC . I dont know the exact PD of the case that but it was in April 2004 i can get more details by tommorow.
A Little hope with Labor

I called my attorney today and got the news that they recieved the 1st letter today from BEC Phily.This case is gone to Phily on August 2003.

Details of my case

April 2004 Philly DOL

flyingwhiz said:
I called my attorney today and got the news that they recieved the 1st letter today from BEC Phily.This case is gone to Phily on August 2003.

Details of my case

April 2004 Philly DOL


Looks like somebody at Philly BEC finally figured out how to use printers. :)
flyingwhiz said:
I called my attorney today and got the news that they recieved the 1st letter today from BEC Phily.This case is gone to Phily on August 2003.

Details of my case

April 2004 Philly DOL

flyingwhiz :

an you explain what do you mean by "This case is gone to Phily on August 2003.". RD is aug 2003 or that it had reached Philly DOL on august 2003?

Thanks for providing some positive news

"We have just started to receive notices from the Department of Labor Backlog Reduction Center and yours was one of the first ones that we received. The only thing they asked was whether the company wants to continue the labor certification process.

Even from the very beginning they seem to be inconsistent in terms of the order in which they are sending out these notices."

This is the response one of my friend got, his PD was april 2002, but u guys are saying even letters has been sent out for april 2003- can any one clarify on it and tell me what is the PD for Philly.

any help is appreciated.

I am silent frequent visitor of this forum. I am waiting for labour to be cleared for nearly 4 years. I checked with my lawyer and he told that he received the BRC letter for one his client.
Transfer of the case to the Backlog Reduction Center of the US Departmentof Labot

Dear Friends:
I have been silently watching this forum and eagerly waiting for the nice things to happens.
Today I got an email from the my Lawyer that they received an (e)mail/letter from BRC(?) that they my case was forwarded to BRC. The lawyer has apparently responded this query. I am not sure about contents but not too eager to ask them either...

Well the things are moving... in a day or all of you too can expect some thing like this so be prepared and wake up your lawyers for this....

VA State: May 17 2002
Phil DOL: April 2004.
Letter from BRC Dec 21/22....

All the best.... and Merry Christmas...
Case being transfered to Phily BEC

As an Echo, my case was also been transfered to Phily BEC. Lawyer sent me an email indicating they received the letter on DEC. 20th. It is inquery for whether the case will be continued. The lawyer has already replied to the letter.

My priority date: March 2002
Case received in Phily DOL 3/25/2004

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, wish all the people who are in line will be getting some good news soon....
Case being transfered to Phily BEC

Forgot to mention, my case was originally filed in Harrisburg, and it is NON-RIR
So once they end the letters out and the lawyers respond back, I would like to see when Philly DOL/BEC approves these cases. I hope they dont wait for all the letters to be sent out and replied back before starting to work on the cases. I hope there is separate staff dedicated towards sending the letters and for processing/approving the cases.
BEC Hotline Update

I called that hotline number and talk to a Lady.

1- She ask me what your receipt date on letter send from Philadelphia DOL?

2- I said July 26, 2004 (Note Phily DOL receipt date different then SWA
receipt date)

3- She told me they are sending letters those LC received at Phily DOL
by 2003.

4- Moreover she told me your letter will take another 5 to 6 months, because
my receipt date at Phily DOL is July 26, 2004.

I hope this will help everyone.
vikram_p said:
flyingwhiz :

an you explain what do you mean by "This case is gone to Phily on August 2003.". RD is aug 2003 or that it had reached Philly DOL on august 2003?

Thanks for providing some positive news

Yeah..My Attorney told this case reached Philly DOL on Aug 2003.

And my case reached in April'04

My Lawyer said she got a letter for someone from Philly DOL

Hi Guys,

I sent an email to my lawyer asking about the status of the Letters from BEC. Here is the response I got.

Hi Satish,

Sorry for the delay but I was busy to get some cases filed today. As of
today, I have seen only one that we have received just today. I will keep
an eye out but as of now, I have no update on your case.

Happy Holidays,

It is moving guys, although when it will get to us is anybody's guess.

What you say here contradicts what Aurora73 says...
See below:

Aurora73 said:
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 2

Case being transfered to Phily BEC


As an Echo, my case was also been transfered to Phily BEC. Lawyer sent me an email indicating they received the letter on DEC. 20th. It is inquery for whether the case will be continued. The lawyer has already replied to the letter.

My priority date: March 2002
Case received in Phily DOL 3/25/2004

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, wish all the people who are in line will be getting some good news soon....

orissa said:
I called that hotline number and talk to a Lady.

1- She ask me what your receipt date on letter send from Philadelphia DOL?

2- I said July 26, 2004 (Note Phily DOL receipt date different then SWA
receipt date)

3- She told me they are sending letters those LC received at Phily DOL
by 2003.

4- Moreover she told me your letter will take another 5 to 6 months, because
my receipt date at Phily DOL is July 26, 2004.

I hope this will help everyone.
6 months on the basis of Phily DOL date?

Hey Orissa,
Your inquiry is really helpful. Now that I know that they are handling cases on the basis of Phily DOL received date puts things in perspective. From previous posts from various people, I was under the impression that the SWA received date will be the basis of priority to iron out discrepancies between various state DOLs under one regional center.
I wonder what happens to people who had a query almost recently (lets say from sometime this year and the employer/lawyer responded to it inherently meaning that they are interested in pursuing the case). Do they really need this letter?
I do not understand the logic

orissa said:
I called that hotline number and talk to a Lady.

1- She ask me what your receipt date on letter send from Philadelphia DOL?

2- I said July 26, 2004 (Note Phily DOL receipt date different then SWA
receipt date)

3- She told me they are sending letters those LC received at Phily DOL
by 2003.

4- Moreover she told me your letter will take another 5 to 6 months, because
my receipt date at Phily DOL is July 26, 2004.

I hope this will help everyone.

It kind of makes sense that they are sending letters to those who are in Philly DOL before 2003 because Philly DOL date on their site shows July 2003 and they are continuing from there.
But what I do not understand is if they are not going to process case by Priority Date and just pick up from where they left, why did they stop processing those cases for a year, they might have as well continued what they were doing. Thats what confuses me??

5-6 months for July 2004 letters? Someone who's receipt date is march 2004 has already received letters. Welcome to BEC. :confused:
GC_Lover said:
5-6 months for July 2004 letters? Someone who's receipt date is march 2004 has already received letters. Welcome to BEC. :confused:

So far two people have reported to have recieved BRC letters in this forum. Both had the Philly DOL recieve date of 2004 (March and April 2004), which contradicts with what someone reported that they are sending letters to only those cases recieved by philly DOL in 2003. Lets see how it unfolds.