Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

Posting should not become a liability

Hey folks,
I have been observing a lot of criticism for the info posted by RahulAtDC. This has also happened to people like Tomshu in the past. I hope you guys understand the sincerity behind the postings ( a good way to do this can be to look at someone's past postings too). You always have the choice "Take it or leave it". Discouraging people from posting what they are posting out of goodwill and sincerity does not look healthy. Also, it tends to put a lot of pressure on these guys (like asking RahulAtDC again and again and again if he found any more info...although he has already mentioned that he will update the forum once he has any). I hope you guys see the point.
yours_sincerely said:
Hey folks,
I have been observing a lot of criticism for the info posted by RahulAtDC. This has also happened to people like Tomshu in the past. I hope you guys understand the sincerity behind the postings ( a good way to do this can be to look at someone's past postings too). You always have the choice "Take it or leave it". Discouraging people from posting what they are posting out of goodwill and sincerity does not look healthy. Also, it tends to put a lot of pressure on these guys (like asking RahulAtDC again and again and again if he found any more info...although he has already mentioned that he will update the forum once he has any). I hope you guys see the point.

I agree with you yours_sincerely, criticisim of RahulAtDC is wrong, but asking more information from RahukAtDC is NOT. This is not to discourage RahulAtDC from posting more information, but to encourage people to post information after they verify their sources. I am sure a lot of people would have been pleasantly suprised after reading the post and they would like to know what's happening. So let's all hope and wait for some good news from RahulAtDC, orrissa, tomshu or akela and not argue among ourselves.
yours_sincerely said:
Hey folks,
I have been observing a lot of criticism for the info posted by RahulAtDC. This has also happened to people like Tomshu in the past. I hope you guys understand the sincerity behind the postings ( a good way to do this can be to look at someone's past postings too). You always have the choice "Take it or leave it". Discouraging people from posting what they are posting out of goodwill and sincerity does not look healthy. Also, it tends to put a lot of pressure on these guys (like asking RahulAtDC again and again and again if he found any more info...although he has already mentioned that he will update the forum once he has any). I hope you guys see the point.

well said yours_sincerely!

there are always people in this forum jumping to criticize those that are kind enough to provide any info they can get...the irony is that those that criticize other people's info don't provide any info at all.

as yours_sincerely said, "take it or leave it"...but stop criticizing or at least politely ask for more info. no one is obligated to share info...those that are sharing info, are doing so out of kindness and hoping it will help others.
Another one bites the dust...

Found this posting under the newly created thread under the US Dol Trackers for Labor Certification -> Recently approved cases from Dallas and Philly BEC's...

Check it out here...

I thought this would be proof in the right direction. Irrespective of any sentiments, one fact seems to be clear, the BEC's have started processing cases and adjudications have begun to trickle out.


This is good news indeed.

And oh yeah -- stop badgering poor RahulAtDC... he's not the enemy.


LC approved @ Dallas BEC


One of my family members just got the LC approved. I am happy
to provide this piece of info to you all.

Received: 3/28/2005
Approved @: Dallas BEC
Priority Date: 6/21/2001
type: Non RIR
State: TX

Good luck to all of you !
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I am one among like you, waiting since last 3 years.

gth999 said:
Looks like RahulatDC is playing "April 1st" trick on us.

Guyz, I am like most of you here, waiting since last 3 years, as I mentioned before people who got approval is my co-worker friends friend, you see relationship, now I am asking him, he is asking his friend to ask people who got approval, but believe me my co-worker cant be wrong because he himself went through all this.

I am in same s**t like most of you here, once again I am working hard to get this info, its important for me too.
I dint mean to discourage you with the information you provided. I wish it’s true. Just wondering how can 2003 cases be approved when there are lot of 2002 cases pending that’s the reason its confusing. I will be waiting for your further update. Thanks for gathering this information.
What info do you have?

Zany_Brainy said:
This is not possible,
No way a 2003 (PD) case got an approval from Philly BEC.


Dude, you have no basis for making a comment like this. Why do you think it is "not possible"? Do you have any insider connection at BEC or DOL? You may wonder why isn't BEC following FIFO. But you absolutely cannot make baseless statements.

shaaka said:
can anyone guess when RIR cases will see approvals :confused:

Hey Shaaka,

Wait for the sentiments around RahulatDC's post have been dealt with.. then we'll deal with your questions ;)

Seriously - thats the big question - and no one can give you an answer. We know that the BPC has started looking at cases now.... so your guess is as good as anyone elses...
besides it matters what date your application was recd by the State WorkForce Agency (SWA or SESA)... thats your PD. If you are a 2005 case for eg. you may want to sit back and enjoy the ride... I dont expect them to get to your case before sometime mid 06.

Hope this helps.
7th Year Question.

My current visa expires in July 2005 so as my wife's. I got the 7th Year extn. is valid until Jul 2006. I didn't applied for my wife's H4 extn. as she went to India before I filed for my extn. On our arrival from India, both of us got I-94 valid unitl Jul 2006.
Question: Does I need to file 7th Year H4 extn. for my wife or her new I-94 is enough for her to stay in US ?

Anybody with the some information pls. update

- VB
dvvb said:
My current visa expires in July 2005 so as my wife's. I got the 7th Year extn. is valid until Jul 2006. I didn't applied for my wife's H4 extn. as she went to India before I filed for my extn. On our arrival from India, both of us got I-94 valid unitl Jul 2006.
Question: Does I need to file 7th Year H4 extn. for my wife or her new I-94 is enough for her to stay in US ?

Anybody with the some information pls. update

- VB

You better ask the lawyer. Thats what i would do.
dvvb said:
My current visa expires in July 2005 so as my wife's. I got the 7th Year extn. is valid until Jul 2006. I didn't applied for my wife's H4 extn. as she went to India before I filed for my extn. On our arrival from India, both of us got I-94 valid unitl Jul 2006.
Question: Does I need to file 7th Year H4 extn. for my wife or her new I-94 is enough for her to stay in US ?

Anybody with the some information pls. update

- VB

NO.. her I-94 valid up to July 2006 is proof of her legal status as H4. Next time she goes out of country she need to get stamped ( That also using your H1 extension approval).. That's it.
gp111 said:
NO.. her I-94 valid up to July 2006 is proof of her legal status as H4. Next time she goes out of country she need to get stamped ( That also using your H1 extension approval).. That's it.

we need to keep I94 always current date.,
after July 2006 she will be out of staus.,
before that, H4 extension should be filed based on h1-8th year extension in the case may be ..and need to keep new I94 with that H4 approval along with the one obtained at entry.,
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we need to keep I94 always current date.,
after July 2006 she will be out of staus.,
before that, H4 extension should be filed based on h1-7th year extension and need to keep new I94 with that H4 approval along with the one obtained at entry.,

Dude.. In July-06 H1 is also expiring. SO HE CAN FILE BOTH H1 & H4 Extensions all togather when applying for 8th year extension.

I guess Everybody in this forum knows that "Need to keep I-94 with Current Date"... JULY-06 is CURRENT DATE for Her/His Case.

There is nothing CALLED 7th or 8th year H4 extesion.. If H1 gets extened then only H4 gets benifit.. You can't file H4 extension by its own.
gp111 said:
Dude.. In July-06 H1 is also expiring. SO HE CAN FILE BOTH H1 & H4 Extensions all togather when applying for 8th year extension.

I guess Everybody in this forum knows that "Need to keep I-94 with Current Date"... JULY-06 is CURRENT DATE for Her/His Case.

There is nothing CALLED 7th or 8th year H4 extesion.. If H1 gets extened then only H4 gets benifit.. You can't file H4 extension by its own.

yes , I agree , i oversighted his h1 7th year extension date..

I guess Everybody in this forum knows that "Need to keep I-94 with Current Date"... not sure about every body .. still we see messages about delayed H4 extensions and H4 out of status...
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I was talking to my company repersentative, (not a DOL employee or an attorrnee), she said that she has seen many communications between applicant and the attorney or between DOL and attorney and here is what she thinks is going on...

1.The processing has started, albeit its slow. Maybe there are less resources assigned to it.

2.BEC might be using some date range as of now say from 1999 to 2001, but u would still see many random approvals from outside this date range.

3.If you have recieved your 45 day luv letter, u should be cleared between 3-6 months (I pressed her to give an estimate, don't quote her or me). It's just a guess.

Thanks to All


Thanks for the Insight. Now I already called my lawyer and she said we don't need to file H4 7th Extn. as we got I-94 till Jul'06. When I apply for next extn. I will apply both H1 & H4 together.

Also, I asked my atty. about BEC approvals, she hadn't had any approvals from BEC and told me to wait atleast till August before we can here anything form Philadelphia. May be discouraging news but may be she is incorrect.

Thanks again for the insight.

- VB
status of 45 day letter notice from DC

1) has any one received 45-day letter notice from philly backlog elimination center for the labors applied in DC SWA? my DC priority date is october 2001 and still not received the letter. i don't know whether my labor got cleared from state or not.

2) my employer has changed the attorney in 2003. so, philly BEC is going to send the letter to emplyer and/or attorney (old/new)?

please share with me if any of you know anything about this.

WashingtonDC said:
1) has any one received 45-day letter notice from philly backlog elimination center for the labors applied in DC SWA? my DC priority date is october 2001 and still not received the letter. i don't know whether my labor got cleared from state or not.

2) my employer has changed the attorney in 2003. so, philly BEC is going to send the letter to emplyer and/or attorney (old/new)?
==> I had similar problem, I changed my lawyer in 2003. But my 45-days was sent to my old lawyer. It is safe to check with both the lawyers.

please share with me if any of you know anything about this.
