Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Hi All,

I've added my details to the List.

************************ RIR **********************
geadnic - VA - 02/22/02 - PhilyDOL - 08/22/03 (030) Rcvd.
PradK- DE - 01/??/'03-PhilyDOL-08/25/'03-EB2 (030...)-Rcvd.
TSE_US-Harrisburg 02/??/03- PhilyDOL-09/24/03-EB3(030.)-Rcvd.
stueym-Philadelphia-04/24/03-PhilyDOL 10/06/03-Rcvd.
ers_md-MD 07/18/2001- PhillyDOL 10/09/03-EB2 (003) Rcvd.
GC_MD_2001-MD 04/30/01- PhilyDOL-10/31/03-EB2(030.)-Rcvd.
GCMystery-DE 01/07/2003 - PhillyDOL - 11/19/2003 (030) Rcvd.
Z0002 - VA 04/19/02 - Phily DOL -01/8/2004 - EB3 (030) - Rcvd
decPhil - DE 02/19/03 - Phily DOL - 12/10/03 - EB2 (030) - NOF
sameer2730 VA 5/17/2002 -Philly DOL-01/20/2004 Eb2(031)
need_green_card - DE -Philly DOL -07/23/2003 (033) -RCVD

************************ nonRIR *******************
Sorted List:

************************ RIR **********************
need_green_card - DE -Philly DOL -07/23/2003 (033) -RCVD
geadnic - VA - 02/22/02 - PhilyDOL - 08/22/03 (030) Rcvd.
PradK- DE - 01/??/'03-PhilyDOL-08/25/'03-EB2 (030...)-Rcvd.
TSE_US-Harrisburg 02/??/03- PhilyDOL-09/24/03-EB3(030.)-Rcvd.
stueym-Philadelphia-04/24/03-PhilyDOL 10/06/03-Rcvd.
ers_md-MD 07/18/2001- PhillyDOL 10/09/03-EB2 (003) Rcvd.
GC_MD_2001-MD 04/30/01- PhilyDOL-10/31/03-EB2(030.)-Rcvd.
GCMystery-DE 01/07/2003 - PhillyDOL - 11/19/2003 (030) Rcvd.
decPhil - DE 02/19/03 - Phily DOL - 12/10/03 - EB2 (030) - NOF
Z0002 - VA 04/19/02 - Phily DOL -01/8/2004 - EB3 (030) - Rcvd
sameer2730 VA 5/17/2002 -Philly DOL-01/20/2004 Eb2(031)

************************ nonRIR *******************
Added to my details

************************ RIR **********************
need_green_card - DE -Philly DOL -07/23/2003 (033) -RCVD
geadnic - VA - 02/22/02 - PhilyDOL - 08/22/03 (030) Rcvd.
PradK- DE - 01/??/'03-PhilyDOL-08/25/'03-EB2 (030...)-Rcvd.
TSE_US-Harrisburg 02/??/03- PhilyDOL-09/24/03-EB3(030.)-Rcvd.
stueym-Philadelphia-04/24/03-PhilyDOL 10/06/03-EB3 (167...)-Rcvd.
ers_md-MD 07/18/2001- PhillyDOL 10/09/03-EB2 (003) Rcvd.
GC_MD_2001-MD 04/30/01- PhilyDOL-10/31/03-EB2(030.)-Rcvd.
GCMystery-DE 01/07/2003 - PhillyDOL - 11/19/2003 (030) Rcvd.
decPhil - DE 02/19/03 - Phily DOL - 12/10/03 - EB2 (030) - NOF
Z0002 - VA 04/19/02 - Phily DOL -01/8/2004 - EB3 (030) - Rcvd
sameer2730 VA 5/17/2002 -Philly DOL-01/20/2004 Eb2(031)

************************ nonRIR *******************
Added my details

************************ RIR **********************
need_green_card - DE -Philly DOL -07/23/2003 (033) -RCVD
geadnic - VA - 02/22/02 - PhilyDOL - 08/22/03 (030) Rcvd.
PradK- DE - 01/??/'03-PhilyDOL-08/25/'03-EB2 (030...)-Rcvd.
TSE_US-Harrisburg 02/??/03- PhilyDOL-09/24/03-EB3(030.)-Rcvd.
stueym-Philadelphia-04/24/03-PhilyDOL 10/06/03-EB3 (167...)-Rcvd.
ers_md-MD 07/18/2001- PhillyDOL 10/09/03-EB2 (003) Rcvd.
GC_MD_2001-MD 04/30/01- PhilyDOL-10/31/03-EB2(030.)-Rcvd.
GCMystery-DE 01/07/2003 - PhillyDOL - 11/19/2003 (030) Rcvd.
decPhil - DE 02/19/03 - Phily DOL - 12/10/03 - EB2 (030) - NOF
Z0002 - VA 04/19/02 - Phily DOL -01/8/2004 - EB3 (030) - Rcvd
sameer2730 VA 5/17/2002 -Philly DOL-01/20/2004 Eb2(031)
sgupta01 PA 08/18/2003 Philly DOL 10/15/2003 EB2 (030)(Rcvd)

************************ nonRIR *******************
Re: Same as yours

Originally posted by kohinoor4me
Same as yours, My labor application, applied from DE in Dec 2002, moved to Philly DOL on Aug 20th.

Changing lawyer may not help, my attorney is Sheela Murthy and giving same advice.

I am filling fresh labor from Philadelphia :(, it is just 2 months back logged.

Is it the same case for RIR and Non-RIR?
RIR denial @ Phily DOL for DE

Mine was RIR, still waiting for final words, my company says there is some talk going on with certifying officer. Response to NOF is due by March 11th.

Added my details

************************ RIR **********************
need_green_card - DE -Philly DOL -07/23/2003 (033) -RCVD
driveto - VA- Philly DOL - 08/20/03 (033) RCVD -
geadnic - VA - 02/22/02 - PhilyDOL - 08/22/03 (030) Rcvd.
PradK- DE - 01/??/'03-PhilyDOL-08/25/'03-EB2 (030...)-Rcvd.
TSE_US-Harrisburg 02/??/03- PhilyDOL-09/24/03-EB3(030.)-Rcvd.
stueym-Philadelphia-04/24/03-PhilyDOL 10/06/03-EB3 (167...)-Rcvd.
ers_md-MD 07/18/2001- PhillyDOL 10/09/03-EB2 (003) Rcvd.
GC_MD_2001-MD 04/30/01- PhilyDOL-10/31/03-EB2(030.)-Rcvd.
GCMystery-DE 01/07/2003 - PhillyDOL - 11/19/2003 (030) Rcvd.
decPhil - DE 02/19/03 - Phily DOL - 12/10/03 - EB2 (030) - NOF
Z0002 - VA 04/19/02 - Phily DOL -01/8/2004 - EB3 (030) - Rcvd
sameer2730 VA 5/17/2002 -Philly DOL-01/20/2004 Eb2(031)
sgupta01 PA 08/18/2003 Philly DOL 10/15/2003 EB2 (030)(Rcvd)

************************ nonRIR *******************
Re: RIR denial @ Phily DOL for DE

Originally posted by kohinoor4me
Mine was RIR, still waiting for final words, my company says there is some talk going on with certifying officer. Response to NOF is due by March 11th.


Are all DE state labor applications being checked?If a company has existing business in DE will it then pose any issues?
Hi There,
I am new to the forum. I have couple of basic questions.
My employer sent my LC application to Philly SESA in DEC 2003. In Jan 2nd week Philly SESA sent a query asking for form 750B in original format. We replied to the query sometime in last week of JAN. Till now we haven't heard anything from the Philly SESA. DOL has not sent any receipt. Is Philly SESA consistent in sending the DOT /receipt nos once the case is forwarded to Philly DOL regional?

Any cases from West Virgnia

Hello Gurus,
Does anyone has any idea about cases filed from WV? My company is about to file for my labor from WV. I am rethinking about WV after hearing about Philly & Boston DOL's attitude towards the cases filed from DE, NH, Maine.

Any info/advise in this regard would be appreciated.
Here are things to check
1. Does your company have (Registered)head quarter at the place of filling?
2. Does your company has a fully blown office ( physically people working ) in the state filling?
3. Does any LCA(H1b) has filed from the state from your company?
4. Does company taxes have been filed from the state?
5. Enough revenue flowing thru state?
6. A little history at the place of filling.

If these are fine, then in my opinion its good to go.
- kk
'I am not lawyer, please contact lawyer for fine details'
same problem

i work for a small company. it has a registered headqurters in delaware (one room office, no staff). they run all the paychecks from delaware. i filed my labor from delaware. With the recent developments at philly dol, am i in trouble. i have only two months left in my six years. appled for seventh year extension. Thier working office is in New jersey. With my non-rir eb3 case moved to dol in july 2003 , i am expecting some response to my case only after entering seventh year. So i am really at crossroads, unable to decide on any soultion.. any advices.. please ...
My wild guess about all these NOFs and DOL threatening an investigation against companies is probably to create a buzz to stop the future bombardings from states that have faster processing times. While I do understand that this will lead to few cases even being rejected, eventually, things will be green. So, dont panic and you will see approvals for applications filed from DE (NOFs will have to be replied and challenged for this to even happen). Or its just a easy get away for the regional office. Presto!!! Backlogs cleared with blackmails of DENIAL and probing into companies activities in a particular state.

With PERM talks coming up, it will be further confusing with both the processes going on simultaneously. So, if I think what this is, they are trying to clear all the applications in the next 5-6 months and bring them to current status so that they can start with a clean slate for PERM (90 days of OMB review at the max and 120 days after the regulation is actually published for PERM to be effective)
Just my 2 cents...
Believe ppl.

Good luck to you all and I've a long way to go too along with a lot many friends here (Dec 10 recd at Philly Regional. NON-RIR, go figure!).
-an optimist
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That is true.

I also think it is scam. This could be another way the law firms would make little more money.

Withdraw the applications, make the companies re-file some where else, that is an additional 2000 bucks for every re- application.

Let us say there are 3000 applications now from a big lawyer and even 2000 come back to re-file, 2000*2000 (Avg) is 4 millions dollars.
Isn't that mega million Dollar scam.

More over this is probably one of the DOL's first step when they say clearing back log is their priority for year 2004...
Thanks guys for ur replies. I was actually looking to find out if any case filed from WV also has same problem.

Good luck for ur cases.
one of my friends case went to federal in last week of October and his case was approved one-month back and another friend's
Case went to federal 2 days after first one and his case is still pending. Both of them applied for labor on 5th may 2001 from merry land
NON-RIR Applicants..

NON-RIR’s any word on your case status. I didn’t see any approvals recently. Please post if you have any adequate information?

I did some research and here is my inference pertaining to that.

This NON-RIR application was received by Philly DOL on 3/6/2003 with the DOT code of 030.062-010 from Pittsburgh, PA and 'Certified' on 01/29/2004. I didn't see any approvals after this.The above information might not be precise, somebody might have up-to-the-minute information.

If you've any priceless information, please share it.

Best Regards,

I asked my lawyer about what is going in Philly DOl and can we contact these guys, according to her it is good not to contact about your case and ask for unnecessary attention, which could give problems for your case. And I asked another lawyer the same thing, according to him there should be no problem.
Can you guys comment on this. Should we contact thru lawyer OR not? Because the cases which are certified may be result of their lawyers are calling certifying officer.


Check-out this website.

P.S. My lawyer said the same thing...

Best Regards,


Originally posted by hemant2001
I asked my lawyer about what is going in Philly DOl and can we contact these guys, according to her it is good not to contact about your case and ask for unnecessary attention, which could give problems for your case. And I asked another lawyer the same thing, according to him there should be no problem.
Can you guys comment on this. Should we contact thru lawyer OR not? Because the cases which are certified may be result of their lawyers are calling certifying officer.
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