Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Just now my friend called up. Can you imagine his Labor got cleared (SESA & Regional) within 3 months. His SESA date was 10/10 and DOL date was 10/20. YES YOU ARE RIGHT SESA cleared in 10 days and DOL less than 3 months. Mine DOL date is 08/25/2003. I have asked my lawyer what is going on. I don't understand how the apps are processed. Seems like a lottery. If luck is on your side then great otherwise just keep hanging on the edge. One clarification how good is consular processing?

Just curious which SESA and DOL is that now...? Also, do you mind sharing Job Title/DOT Code.

Originally posted by san27geet
Just now my friend called up. Can you imagine his Labor got cleared (SESA & Regional) within 3 months. His SESA date was 10/10 and DOL date was 10/20. YES YOU ARE RIGHT SESA cleared in 10 days and DOL less than 3 months. Mine DOL date is 08/25/2003. I have asked my lawyer what is going on. I don't understand how the apps are processed. Seems like a lottery. If luck is on your side then great otherwise just keep hanging on the edge. One clarification how good is consular processing?
Re: certified

Originally posted by RR22
my labor certified on jan 30th 2004 fro phily(local and fed.)
i called AVM yester day.

SESA RD: sep 20th 2003
DOL RD: SEP 26th 2003
certified : JAN 30th 2004
D.O.T code : 030.062-010(SOFT.ENGG)

best of luck for all ......
Cool RR22. U lucky chap. Does DOT has anything to do with as far in what order the cases are processed.
My information

My information is as given below:

DOT Code: 030.162-014
Received date: Dec 29 2003
Status: Received
Status Date: Dec 29 2003.

Re: Reg : NON-RIR

Originally posted by nkvatsan
Could anybody please let me know how long will it usually take to move from State to Federal after the ad. response report...I have asked this question before but i am trying to get an idea..Its been a long wait queue..The ad. response report in my case was done on October of 2003 itself..


It took me about 3 weeks after the ad response was sent back. Sent it on Nov 15th or so and was moved to DOL (Fed) with a received date of Dec 10.
Hope this helps. However, remember YMMV. still has 02/2003 for Fed and the official site still says 05/2003 for non-RIR (even after Jan's update). Maybe they are covering up for their mistake for updating it as 05/2003 (while they are still processing 02/2003) by leaving it that way until 05/2003 cases are really being processed.
My info

DOT code - 030.062-010
Received on Dec 10th

Somebody, please add this to the file.
Re: Reg : NON-RIR

Originally posted by nkvatsan
Could anybody please let me know how long will it usually take to move from State to Federal after the ad. response report...I have asked this question before but i am trying to get an idea..Its been a long wait queue..The ad. response report in my case was done on October of 2003 itself..


It took me about 3 weeks after the ad response was sent back. Sent it on Nov 15th or so and was moved to DOL (Fed) with a received date of Dec 10.
Hope this helps. However, remember YMMV. still has 02/2003 for Fed and the official site still says 05/2003 for non-RIR (even after Jan's update). Maybe they are covering up for their mistake for updating it as 05/2003 (while they are still processing 02/2003) by leaving it that way until 05/2003 cases are really being processed.


Mine has been waiting to move to Fed since Dec 04, 03. When my lawyer called she was told it may take almost 3 months.

Hi Guys,

Wanted to share this bad news with all of you and see if there are any inputs. It looks like DOL has issued NOF for apprx 13 cases from company and obviously mien is on top of them. It say march 4th is due to respond back.
Who will get this notification, employer or lawyer?
Do you guys know the proceedings after that(in brief). Sorry, i looked for the same in the thread but i don't seem to find so much.
What are the chances of getting thru this?
Most of the cases for which NOF has been issued are EB2-RIR.

Thanks in advance for any inputs.
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Add to tracker

I am not very good at updating the tracker. Could any of you pls add the following. This one seems to have been lost in the flurry of recent postings.

Name :- VinodB
Category :- EB2 RIR
DE SESA Date :- 02/02/2003
DE SESA Approval :- 01/12/2004
PA DOL Received Date :- 01/14/2004
DOT Code :- 030.062-010

New to this thread...Can anybody add my details....

Category : EB2 RIR
DE SESA Filing Date : 02/19/2003
PA DOL Received Date : 12/10/2004
DOT Code : 030.062-010

Sorry about mis-typing...PA Received year is 2003.....

Category : EB2 RIR
DE SESA Filing Date : 02/19/2003
PA DOL Received Date : 12/10/2003
DOT Code : 030.062-010

Hi desi_boy_usa,
Don't loose your heart. My was approved after getting the 3 options letter. Infact when I called the automatic response said RIR is denied. I infact lost hopes.
It actually depends on what the letter of denial that is sent to your company says. Most of the cases in my company were given option of readvertising in which case there are pretty good chances of approval. After re-advertisement for my postion there was only one response from an american citizen and my case was approved.

Note: Total process since the case was rejected(till approval) took approximately 4 1/2 months.


Hi Guys,

Wanted to share this bad news with all of you and see if there are any inputs. It looks like DOL has issued NOF for apprx 13 cases from company and obviously mien is on top of them. It say march 4th is due to respond back.
Who will get this notification, employer or lawyer?
Do you guys know the proceedings after that(in brief). Sorry, i looked for the same in the thread but i don't seem to find so much.
What are the chances of getting thru this?
Most of the cases for which NOF has been issued are EB2-RIR.

Thanks in advance for any inputs.
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