Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Originally posted by harypati
Hi All,
Thanks for all your support.
I just got a confirmation from the AVM that mine is approved.


Congrats Harypati,
two down, 8 more to go

RKIndiaCBE 05/27/03
alpha2002 05/27/03
rgullapa 05/27/03
harypati 05/30/03 ---- Approved
John_cdn 06/07/03
PinShi 06/24/03
ravi_us 06/25/03
shsb 06/26/03

rsingh123 07/07/03
budct 07/07/03 -- Approved
Case moved here

Hello all
My first posting here

My case got moved to Phily DOL from Delaware SESA on Dec 17th. Looks like another long wait is about to begin here.

I hear some people saying that sometime the DOL changes the RIR to NonRIR in some cases. Does it happen often in Phily?
What is the criteria for DOL making such a change?

Labor Certified

Hello All,

My labor was certified on 12/26. Checked in AVM yesterday.

DOL Receipt Date - 07/17; EB2-RIR.

Good luck to all.

My labor was moved from Delaware state to Regional Office on August 20 dot code : 030.162.014

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Re: Labor Certified

Originally posted by gc7723
Hello All,

My labor was certified on 12/26. Checked in AVM yesterday.

DOL Receipt Date - 07/17; EB2-RIR.

Good luck to all.

Congrats gc7723

Updated Tracker
Happy New Year...

Any new approvals...

AVM is not working for me for 2-3 days. Any luck with AVM.

Well group hope this new year brings more approvals.
Happy New Year...

I checked yesterday, it worked for me. I got info. about some new cases filed by my employer moved into DOL on 12/05/03.

We also see movement of cases of July'03 thus it is definately a good sign than it has been for the past 2-3 months when almost nothing moved.

AVM update

I don't what this means but I called AVM this morning and selected the 1st option, to search by case Number, entered by case number and I got a message, that case number cannot be located.

Previously I use to get messgage like bla bla bla - received in regional office.....

Any idea what might happened? BTW my receipt date at DOL is 07/23/2003

Let me know guys
Avm is acting weird!!!

Me too...

When I tried to get my case update,it says CASE # NOT FOUND....
when I typed my Employer Phone #, its says no more cases...

some thing went wrong with that AVM...

Hope they will correct it soon....
Re: AVM update

Same thing happend to me when i checked my case, may be they are updating AVM (Just my thought)

Originally posted by need_green_card
I don't what this means but I called AVM this morning and selected the 1st option, to search by case Number, entered by case number and I got a message, that case number cannot be located.

Previously I use to get messgage like bla bla bla - received in regional office.....

Any idea what might happened? BTW my receipt date at DOL is 07/23/2003

Let me know guys
Guys any luck with AVM?

Guys any luck with AVM?

When I tried to get my case update,it says CASE # NOT FOUND....
when I typed my Employer Phone #, its says no more cases...

some thing went wrong with that AVM... my receipt date is 11th Aug 2003

Hope they will correct it soon....
AVM Messed Up...

AVM Messed Up..
I tried to check my LC status few minutes back. This is, what I infer?
Step 1:
I dialed the hotline # 215-861-5286
- Followed by option 1 (Permanent application)
- Followed by option 1 (Search by case #)
- Entered my case #. 0338*

AVM Response: I am getting reply for entirely different case # that was certified back
in Jan 2001.
Step 2:
I dialed the hotline # 215-861-5286
- Followed by option 1 (Permanent application)
- Followed by option 2 (Search by employer phone #)
- Entered my employer phone #

AVM Response: I am getting reply saying there are no more cases.
I don’t get it. Is anybody having similar problems?

I tried this more than one time and I made sure I was entering the right case# and phone #.
same here - AVM not working I guess

Looks like AVM is not working, I too get the same message. Its possible that they are updating the system.
Me too .. I am getting the same. Though there are few cases ... like 3000 before mine ... they have a status in place, but cases like 033-92--XXX are not coming up.

May be they are updating the system, for some processing has been done on the cases.

Lets be hopeful that PhillyDOL doesnt come up with some fancy new rules.
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