Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Hi Sunkav

Hi Sunkav,

What do you mean by this?
"Had to go through 245(i), then the pilot program and now this..."

Has your H1 time period elapsed?

EB2/EB3 --?

Hi guys,
Whats the basic difference between EB2-RIR/EB3-RIR?
I mean in terms of processing times etc? I just confirmed with my lawyer that my case is in EB3-RIR.

I got stuck in the 245(i) process whatever where all the illegal immigrants were given a chance to file for LC. This made sure that the number of applications for LC in 1 month went to 200k from the normal 10-20k. There was a backlog in Virginia that took close to a year. Next I was selected as part of 1500 random applications which were sent to a external consulting firm to test live cases for a new software that they were developing. I was not able to check on the status of my file. Now RIR has been denied so am not sure if the case would be processed as EB2/Non-rir or Eb3 and the time frame for the same.


sorry that I did not answere ur last question...I still have a year and half of H1b status left...afterwhich I think I can apply for a 1 year extension cause labor has been pending for more than a year...



Hi guys,
Whats the basic difference between EB2-RIR/EB3-RIR?
I mean in terms of processing times etc? I just confirmed with my lawyer that my case is in EB3-RIR.


it does not make any difference now. They had significance prior to April 2001 when EB3 never use to be current due to lack of visa but a law changed that and made INS to use the execess of other Visa number that were not utilised. There is no problem in near future on this issue
Re: HELP, please!

The same thing has happened with my case as well. The good news is that your case is in the Philly office and they are really quick in getting back to the company to file the new ad and they do not give too much time to get back with the answer. The bad news is that your case is in Philly....and that means that there are going to LOTS of people replying to ad they post for the job.

It depends what kind of relation you have with your HR people, your manager etc, coz they will have to reject all those who apply to the ad.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Originally posted by lcvirginia2002
Hello, everyone,

Last week, my RIR case was processed in Philly DOL and got a remand to the state saying that they need my employer to do one more ad. My case is still under RIR processing. The notice from DOL is saying that the state (SWA) will instruct my employer to place one more ad.

Does anybody know when the state will send the instruction for additional advertising to my employer? Is it going to take long for them to contact my employer?

Anybody out there has encountered the same situation...? PLEASE share some info...

Desperately need help...Thank you all in advance!
If u had applied for ur labor 2 years back , how can they test the same against the current labor conditions? guess that processing would be slower cause they reduced the h1 cap, part of the funding for DOL was from the h1 fees collected, now that the cap is to be reduced guess dol too would reduce the # of people working on processing GCs...
To Jatt5abda

Hi, Jatt5abda,

Thanks for your reply! My case is with state of Virginia now, not in Philly (SWA). I am really worried about this notice.

I don't know how quickly VA SWA will ask my employer to do the advertising. I am still under RIR, 'cause no decision has been made on my case yet.

Can you share some info on your case? How soon did your employer get the instruction from SWA to do one more ad? Are you currently waiting for the ad results?

My employer hasn't heard anything from VA Employment Commission yet. I am so frustrated by all this mess...

Hope you are pulling through!

Appreciate your reply!

Originally posted by jatt5abda
The same thing has happened with my case as well. The good news is that your case is in the Philly office and they are really quick in getting back to the company to file the new ad and they do not give too much time to get back with the answer. The bad news is that your case is in Philly....and that means that there are going to LOTS of people replying to ad they post for the job.

It depends what kind of relation you have with your HR people, your manager etc, coz they will have to reject all those who apply to the ad.

Keep your fingers crossed.
Need to know the case#

Hi All,
My case was moved to DOL by Sep-13-2003,
I checked the AVM using my employer#, my case was not there.
I used automated email system for 2 weeks,I think it is down.

any idea how to ensure that phil DOL got my case.

reply is appreciated.

God knows what DOL is doing ...May be AVM is not updated. Just guessing guys. Any RIR/Non- RIR cases approved.... Please share..........
Mine Labour is filed from Delware .......
I got a query on Prevailing Wages ......Attorney said it is taken care of when i check my case status on AVM it say i revceived Philly DOL on July 23 and the DOT is updated on the same day ...Today when i call my Attorney he said the reciept date from Philly DOL he has is Aug 6 ...I have no idea which to believe .....

And one more question Is prevailing wage query is at state level or fedral level query .....

Hi phguy,
is ur updated in AVM, I am just trying to know that AVM is updated regularly or not.

Can any one update my info in the exel sheet

Philly Recd Data : Aug 25 2003
DOT : 030-162-014
Case No : 0339XXXX
U got ur case# , DOT code from that right.
do u know how many days it is taking to update a case on AVM.
lawyer said my case moved moved to sep-13,but still not updated in AVM...any idea
my case..

Hello guys,

My case was filed from MD EB2-RIR and transferred to Philly DOL on Sept 12.


I think I am in the same boat like you. I also do not have the case# in the AVM yet.

Does anyone know how long it is taking for AVM update (from past experience) ?

Haven't seen any approvals in RIR recently. Any idea which month for RIR ?
Mine is close to your date.was received on august 15th
with case number 03394xxx

Originally posted by msrao
Can any one update my info in the exel sheet

Philly Recd Data : Aug 25 2003
DOT : 030-162-014
Case No : 0339XXXX
Originally posted by ms_from_mich
Does anyone know how long it is taking for AVM update (from past experience) ?

It took 25 days for my case to be updated on AVM.

Haven't seen any approvals in RIR recently. Any idea which month for RIR ?

DOL site shows May 2003 shows July 2003

We know there are few May/June cases not yet processed.
RKIndiaCBE - May, rgullapa - May, PinShi - June , shsb - June . Guys any news.

Hope soon we hear good news we all are waiting for .... With that note Happy Friday .......

Please if someone can update the spreadsheet with new entries. Thanx.
Mine is still in Air, have no clue what the hell is going on. AVM still says the same stupid message which I am tired of listening.
interactions between SWAs and DOL Reginal Offices

Does anyone know how the SWAs and DOL Regional Offices interact? For example, after collecting and validating all information with employers, what kind of problem would the SWA address directly before it forwards the LC app to the DOL? Does the SWA always forward the LC app to the DOL Reginal Office with a recommendation either for approval or for denial? How much a say does the SWA have in the final decision made by DOL? etc... Any input is appreciated!
Effect of lay off on Labor Cert process

Nice question, PhillyJulyLC - I am keenly looking forward to replies from expereinced folks on this forum.

In addition, I have one more question.
I wanted to ask you about the effect of lay-off in a company on that company’s pending labor certifications.


Suppose that a company SomeCompany Inc has 2 employees: emp1, who is a US citizen, is a Programmer with A, B, C as his skill set and emp2, who is an alien, is a Programmer with X, Y, Z as his skill set. From DOL perspective, will they fall under the same job-code.

Now if SomeCompany Inc. lays off emp1 then does it have any implication on the pending Labor Certification of emp2?

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