Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Name of Job different in LC and experience letter


I noticed that while I was listing my previous experience, in the "Name of Job" field in my LC I wrote "Programmer". I interpreted Name of Job as nature of job rather than Title of Job. My actual title was Software Engineer. Can anything be done now? Should they match exactly?


Thats a technical question and you should talk to a lawyer in my opinion... this maybe the wrong forum to ask this.

Most times Rajiv Khanna is very responsive by email if you present a problem to him, try that.

Approved labour

Hi ,
I am looking for an Approved labour. If anybody knows about an Employer who can do it, please lt me know. I have a long term project and very good billing rate and ready to change the Employer.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: no reply yet

Hi AwardMyGC:

No I didn't try to call them again but I called my lawyer and requested her to send a written reminder to Phily DOL. As per my lawyer calling them is useless and their office is a mess.

God bless them all !


Originally posted by AwardMyGC

I really don't know, what is the holdup? I believe your lawyer gave them, what they requested? So, why DOL analyst/Certifying office are taking too long? Did you try to call them again?

Anyone know the AVM's website address? Thanks.
It's really slow now, anything we can do? send letter? We did in VA, Don't whether it's the result of our letters, anyway it speeds up now.
Rgarding the title in experience letter different from the LC.

Hi PP245,
I think, they wont notice unless you piont it out to them. Its better not to send any change requests at this time because it may cause them to notice it and ask you for further explanation, etc. THIS IS JUST MY OPENION.

Pholy DOL dates updated on dol website.....No change !! God Knows why is it struck in June 2003 website updated...


Regional Office

RIR Cases - 06/30/2003

Non-RIR Cases - 02/24/2003

Best Regards

Has the backlog reduction center begun

According to a link posted here a month and a half ago the backlog reduction center for foreign labor certification was due to start on April 14th in Harrisburg. Any news if its on yet. Last year to labor was stuck in federal for several months from Oct to April and suddenly it moved 6 months between April and May of 2003.
Lets hope the same thing happens this year.

NOF for DE cases at DOL

Have any of you received an approval yet for cases that received an NOF at DOL for a case that originated at DE SESA ??

Pls reply.

Re: website updated...

Originally posted by AwardMyGC

Regional Office

RIR Cases - 06/30/2003

Non-RIR Cases - 02/24/2003

Best Regards


Hi All,

Do you know where gets the data on DOL processing dates.
Just compiled the data for the last 9 months.
RIR cases have moved by just a month, where as Non-RIR cases have moved by two months. Sorry state of affairs at the Philly DOL.

Date Checked RIR Cases Non-RIR Cases
Apr 15, 2004 06/30/2003 02/24/2003
Mar 15, 2004 06/10/2003 02/10/2003
Feb 20, 2004 06/2003 02/2003
Jan 20, 2004 5 and 6/2003 2/2003
Dec 16, 2003 5 and 6/2003 2/2003
Nov 14, 2003 6/2003 1/2003
Oct 15, 2003 6 and 7/2003 1/2003
Sep 15, 2003 7/2003 12/2002
Aug 15, 2003 5/2003 12/2002
I think these dates are off. Not that I've heard any non-RIR's being approved, but I have heard of so many RIR's being approved many much later than 6/03.

Therefore, I dont believe these dates anymore. They may serve to inform of the official line being sent out of DOL which is incorrect information. And that in this land of freedom of accurate information.... I do believe this can be construed as mis-information... and liability for that can be placed on shoulders...

Originally posted by spidey
I think these dates are off. Not that I've heard any non-RIR's being approved, but I have heard of so many RIR's being approved many much later than 6/03.

Therefore, I dont believe these dates anymore. They may serve to inform of the official line being sent out of DOL which is incorrect information. And that in this land of freedom of accurate information.... I do believe this can be construed as mis-information... and liability for that can be placed on shoulders...



I think these dates has some relevance. for example As on April 15th the date is 06/30/2003. This means that all applications before the 06/30/2003 has been taken up for processing ( not necessarily certified ).
This is the logic for all processing dates, be it LC or H1B approval.

DOL Dates

According to my lawyer, this date simply reflects the date of the earliest application being processed. This makes sense, given the fact that we know of so many applications that have been approved with a later date.
According to me attorney, Philly DOL is taking 8 months.

According to a link posted here a month and a half ago the backlog reduction center for foreign labor certification was due to start on April 14th in Harrisburg. Any news if its on yet. Last year to labor was stuck in federal for several months from Oct to April and suddenly it moved 6 months between April and May of 2003.
Lets hope the same thing happens this year.


Does anybody have any more information on Sameer's post?

may be late but hasn't been on this thread in a long time.

My LC got approvd in Jan ist week. Don' t have exact Date.

here are details

MD SESA ND 05/03/2001

Reached DOL 09/06/2003.

AD first week of Jan 2004.

This is my previous employer and they used it for somebody else as i no longer work for them

BTW it is RIR. salaray pretty decent 80 to 90 K region as stated in

so ppl don't lose hopes your time will come.
Hi Guys,

I checked with my old company and found that all except 2 of there casesa have been approved till Nov'2003. That shows atleast 20 approvals after June'03. So there is hope...
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