Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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I am glad to inform you all that my LC has been finally certified on Monday, April 5th. I checked the AVM yesterday evening.
Its been a long 3 + years of waiting.

I did post my details on this forum earlier. Here is the summary again.

Started LC process in Dec 2000. EB2/RIR. Data Comm. Analyst
5/7/2001 - Filed LC from Maryland
9/26/2003 - Received by Philly DOL
1/31/2004 - Remanded to Employer: Asked for original Paper ads
2/20/2004 - Lawyer submitted a response
4/5/2004 - Certified.

This forum was very helpful. Thanks to everybody. PradK, Sumanchal, thanks for the replies you posted to my questions eariler.

Its been extremely difficult to hang on to my current job during the last 3 years. Last year I lost my job and got it back.

Have faith and hang in there. I wish you all Good Luck!

I am also tracking a friend's case filed from Maryland in 2002 using the same ID. So, you may see posts from me under this same name again.

Re: Approved

Originally posted by mdgc2001
I am glad to inform you all that my LC has been finally certified on Monday, April 5th. I checked the AVM yesterday evening.
Its been a long 3 + years of waiting.

I did post my details on this forum earlier. Here is the summary again.

Started LC process in Dec 2000. EB2/RIR. Data Comm. Analyst
5/7/2001 - Filed LC from Maryland
9/26/2003 - Received by Philly DOL
1/31/2004 - Remanded to Employer: Asked for original Paper ads
2/20/2004 - Lawyer submitted a response
4/5/2004 - Certified.

This forum was very helpful. Thanks to everybody. PradK, Sumanchal, thanks for the replies you posted to my questions eariler.

Its been extremely difficult to hang on to my current job during the last 3 years. Last year I lost my job and got it back.

Have faith and hang in there. I wish you all Good Luck!

I am also tracking a friend's case filed from Maryland in 2002 using the same ID. So, you may see posts from me under this same name again.


Congrats mdgc2001 :)
Re: Approved

Congrats mdgc2001. You need to celebrate after such a long wait.

Two approvals in two days. Both from MD. Does this mean that Philly DOL has finaly woken up. Guys, Any approvals from VA.

Re: Updated tracker

Do you guys have any idea what's happening with august-03 cases.
8 months and counting, so frustating.
What to expect now?

I recently learnt that my State Labor Certification was cleared and moved to Regional (philly). Date is 03/05/2004. Please let me whats the current date? Per recent posting in doleta website, its july 2003. Whats the latest?
Aug Cases

The moment, when the whole thing started of putting the cases in the messages, and maintaing it there, I felt very excited for the fact that may be very soon the approvals would start coming in, but it seems .. it is going to be a long summer.

I am in the same Aug boat.
Info in tracker

Kiran00, the tracker has info that you seek (to the extent that people have filled their details). Per tracker, there are folks from Jan 04 whose cases have been approved in March04 to cases from Jan 03 that are still to be certified.

By the way, could you update your case details in tracker and post it?



Hello Garp, My details are pretty simple. My company and their immigration attorneys are very strange.. not sure how many companies and their attorneys are this way.. ever since they first filed my H1B four years back, including my first GC application, H1B Extension, they refuse to give me the number (EAC) for any of them.. they say its their policy not to give the number and have big lengthy to support their cause....

H1B First applied Oct xx, 2000
Approved Feb 27, 2001
H1B Extension Applied Oct 20, 2003
Approved April 02, 2004
Labor Certification for State Applied, 5/17/2002
Approved March 05, 2004 and Transferred to Regional(Phlly). I just came to know about this only yesterday...
Hey Kiran,
Maybe you work in the same company than my hubby. They did not want to give him his number. So I called the AVM number. I entered his company phone number and I patiently went through all the cases. Few cases were posted around the date my hubby's was. So then, I wait to be able to see the case on the website and from the salary and job description, I should be able to tell which one is my hubby's.
I know, it's a pain but it's worth the trouble.
The AVM phone number.
I tried to get the info faxed in case I would get more details but I never received the fax.
Phili DOL Case status Fax back


I am trying to find the status of my case from the Phili DOL. I am able to get the info (when it came in etc), but I'm not sure if it's mine!! Also, when I request the status to be faxed to a fax number, it never shows up!!

How can I find out if a particulay case number is mine (apart from attorney/company)

Any ideas??

Updated tracker

Updated with Kiran00's info.

For those who haven't entered any data in tracker please provide your details - even those whose cases were approved in the past few months. Every little bit helps in figuring out what the processing speed is at DOL.



Pls update the tracker with the following info :-

NOF Issued on 04/06/2004
A response is due on 05/11/2004.

The above applies to saran, ravia, pgae and 10 additional cases for the same employer

No specifics known at this time.

Updated tracker

Thanks pgae and wish you and your colleagues all the best.
Updated tracker attached.
Any 2004 applications?

Fellow sufferors:

I was trying to understand if the process has become faster in 04 and was wondering if any of you had any information about any new applications.

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