Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline

Thanks for replying. Can you please share your interview experience, including docs they asked etc? Also, cld u not request for Oath date?


yes, sure you can request for it, but sometimes they don’t give it to you right father got his date at the time of his case was different since they didn’t have my file in the local office, so now i am waiting for an Oath date.......and it might take up to 120 days
Interview went very well.........they will ask you questions from your N400 and you will take a test: 10 essay questions 6 have to be correct.........then immigration officer will check your answers and will issue you and paper that says that you passed or you didn’t. It is good idea to ask him about an Oath date........because when you don’t ask it might take a while before your letter.
Don’t stress out about your interview, just learn your questions and don’t be too nervous

Thanks for writing back. Well, I was more interested in asking if the IO asked any docs other than passport, greencard and IL. Did he ask for tax returns, DL history etc


Thanks for writing back. Well, I was more interested in asking if the IO asked any docs other than passport, greencard and IL. Did he ask for tax returns, DL history etc


No, he did not ask me for anything but my passport, which he looked at for 2 seconds and that is it......But to be on the safe side take your tax returns for last 3 years with you and of course your green card......I did, just because if they have a question... you will provide them with an answer which will speed up your process........also don’t forget to take two passport pics with you, they might need it.
FBI Name Check Status Update:

I don't know if it helped or not, but after sending letters to all relevant people (senators, First Lady, etc.,..), I finally I got a response from the FBI to the letter I wrote to the FL saying that my name check has been cleared after almost year and a half. I have not received an IL yet, though I learned that it is waiting to be scheduled.

PD: Jan 07
FP: Feb 07
philly do
PD- 09/20/2007
ID- 05/23/2008
OD- 06/11/2008

Interview done in 5 minutes. Did not see PP. Just asked if any change from the date application filed. Gave question sheet. Gave approval letter. Asked if I want July 2nd for oath. I asked him to give me an early date and he told me he will try. Got oath letter last friday for June 11.
Hi goPhilly,

what are the other documents that were asked for? did you have any speeding tickets?

I did not take any other document except PP and GC and he did not even see them. I never had any traffic tickets. Stop worrying, the whole thing is just a formality.
Well, finally I'm having my cigar at least... a letter from the FBI came in mail today with the good news - namecheck is cleared after 14 months of waiting. So, democracy at work - all my time (and postage) spent on writing/sending petitions, complains, document/facts discoveries, etc have finally paid off. Ironically, just three weeks ago received the letter signed by the same person from the FBI asking me not to bug them again and agian over the progress... Guess finally they decided that it's less expensive to just do thier work than to answer my complains and inquiries. Anyway, I'm a happy cat now, will start calling USCIS on Monday.
Wish everybody to get their namecheck cleared and move on with the life.
Thanks, au071. I'm sure you'll get yours soon. Might be just a matter of reaching a critical mass... Personally, I never had good luck in dealing with the government and don't believe in concept of luck as such. If your cause is right (and I'm sure it is), just keep pushing and it should all eventually work out in your favour.
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Where are you all?

Hi All,

I was wondering why no one is posting to the philly DO. I hope at least someone got the IL.

As I have mentioned before, I have mine on 28th July.

Thanks all,
I was wondering why no one is posting to the philly DO. I hope at least someone got the IL.

As has been mentioned before, Philly is one of the slowest DOs in the country. We even see activity in LA, DC and Miami DOs. But very rarely in Philly DO. Even the Philly DO applicants are not showing much enthusiasm. Maybe it is an eastern PA characteristic?
IL received

Received IL for my spouse and I today

N 400 mailed 1/7/08
FP 2/14/08
IL 6/27/08
Interview date: 8/13/08
Doesn't it look like scheduling the interview in Philly takes about 2-4 months alone?
I'm in the queue for interview scheduling since 06/06 and still waiting...
Received IL for my spouse and I today

N 400 mailed 1/7/08
FP 2/14/08
IL 6/27/08
Interview date: 8/13/08

schandrag, congratulations! This is indeed excellent news. Thanks for updating us!

albertr: You might want to go for an InfoPass, if possible. I think akapoor's PD is in Nov 07, and now schandrag has a PD in Jan 08. You may want to see what the hold up is in your case.
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schandrag, congratulations! This is indeed excellent news. Thanks for updating us!

albertr: You might want to go for an InfoPass, if possible. I think akapoor's PD is in Nov 07, and now schandrag has a PD in Jan 08. You may want to see what the hold up is in your case.

Actually it makes sense that albertr is still waiting as he was placed in the queue in June 2008 whereas schandrag and his wife were presumably placed in the queue in March 2008 after their name check and finger prints have cleared.

I know this doesn't make sense to us, but it does not matter when you applied if you get stuck in name check - they will place you at the end of the interview queue when you clear name check.

However, I do not want to discourage albertr, please go for an InfoPass if that will make you feel better.
Actually it makes sense that albertr is still waiting as he was placed in the queue in June 2008 whereas schandrag and his wife were presumably placed in the queue in March 2008 after their name check and finger prints have cleared.

I know this doesn't make sense to us, but it does not matter when you applied if you get stuck in name check - they will place you at the end of the interview queue when you clear name check.

However, I do not want to discourage albertr, please go for an InfoPass if that will make you feel better.
Got my interview letter!! Well, sort of.

Filed WOM early May and got an email from the district attorney today; included is the forwarded email from the Philly USCIS director with a word copy of the interview notice for next week:) Guess all they need is a little push. The notice is dated 6/30, so I will probably get the real thing in the next couple days; fingers crossed.

For everyone who is considering filing WOM. seems like it is working well in Philly. Good luck. Will post more after the interview.