Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline

I haven't seen too many instances posted here of oath letters arriving less than 2 weeks before the ceremony. I wonder if that means that none of us made it into the June 14 ceremony. That would really suck (especially for those who have been waiting since March) and no one knows how long the wait for the next oath might be.

I called the number for the Philly DO and got a person who refused to give out any information (she said I would have to make an InfoPass appointment for that). She did however say that the oath letters were still being processed and sent out.

I guess all we can do at this point is wait. Maybe we will still get lucky over the next (business) day or two and find that oath letter in our mailbox. Or else there isn't much we can do about it :(

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Nothing here either. Not a good sign but I hope it's just Philly DO that's being a little sloppy here by not sending out the notices on time. It would be hard to imagine that people who finished their interviews in March didn't make it to the oath in June.

thanks for your answer, YORK90. All of us(Kagemusha, Alnera,
York90 AND ME) did not receive the oath is weird. Please post
it here if any of us receives it.....
Any updates anyone ? Nothing from my side yet because I won't get home for another 3-4 hours. Also has anyone been able to get any further info by calling the Philly DO ?

Sigh...I just checked my mailbox, no oath notice on Monday. I guess I have no chance for June 14 Ceremony. Kagemusha, Alnera, York90, please post whether you receive oath letter or not today....
No oath letter for me either. This is getting so frustrating :mad: But I wouldn't know for sure that I didn't make it into the June ceremony until someone else in our group has received the letter and I haven't (within a day or two of them receiving it). Alnera and york90 have been waiting since March and so it is hard to imagine that they also didn't make it.

I wish there was an easy way of finding out for sure without taking an InfoPass appointment and going all the way to Philly. I might still do that if the letter doesn't show up in the next couple of days.

Did you guys request name change? If requested, usually take longer to have oath notice. I did not request name change.
Not just oath letters

As someone waiting anxiously for the interview notice, I would like to point out that, incidentally, no interview notice has been reported on this thread either since the last batch in late April. I was relieved to see folks who had been waiting since last June finally receive their interview notices and took it as a good sign indicating the backlog was being cleared. Didn't quite expect the standstill we are seeing now...
Even more frustrating than the wait itself is trying to get info from USCIS over the phone. I don't know how some of the DE guys managed to find out if their name was on the oath list. I called a few times and each time the receptionist who picked up refused to give me any information and said I had to take an InfoPass appointment.

The lady today was a little more forthcoming. She put me on hold, talked to an IO and came back saying that the oath letters had in fact been mailed out "a few days ago" and that it was still not too late for us to expect to receive them. But if the letter didn't show up I should take an InfoPass appointment (only way I would know for sure the letter wasn't lost in transit).

Can the others waiting for the oath letters try calling to see if they have any better luck ?

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The oath notices had been mailed out a few days ago? Oh, holy cow, seems we are out of luck for June 14 Ceremony. WHEN IS NEXT TIME? what do you mean by infopass? how to do infopass?
InfoPass is the only way you can get some useful info about your case from USCIS. For that you make an appointment (see link below) and go to the DO to talk to someone in person.

Like I said I wouldn't give up hope yet. Maybe they mailed the letters yesterday (the lady didn't seem to know for sure). But if we get to the end of the week with no letter then I guess we didn't make it to this ceremony.

I have no idea when the next oath ceremony is but if I had to guess it will be at least 2-3 months later (based on the oath dates at Philly last year they seem to have only 3 or 4 ceremonies each year). I know that disrupts my plans to get married this summer and bring my future spouse over on a spouse visa and that is what makes it all the more frustrating for me.
