Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline

Hello fire2china and kagemusha,

We are also waitind for our Oath Letter for the June 14 Ceremony. Our IO said that we will be included on that one. We passed the interview on March 22 (but was late for the April 4 ceremony).

Hopefully, as the letters arrived 2 weeks before the oath date, we should receive them by next week. If we will not receive ours by then, we will do an Infopass.
Hi Alnera and everybody else, please share with us if any of us receive the notice letter for June 14 Ceremony. I will check my mailbox carefully^-^. Really hope I will be lucky to be included in this mega one.
alnera and york90 who had their interviews in March should definitely get in this time (the June 14 ceremony) while fire2china and I might get in if we are lucky (since our interviews were about a month before oath). I will keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully we will hear something within the next week or so.


Yes you can. It clearly says "Friends and Family are welcome" in the letter for Clayton Hall U of D.


We went over the red sheet again we are supposed to bring to the ceremony and can't find any information. Must be blind...
We went over the red sheet again we are supposed to bring to the ceremony and can't find any information. Must be blind...

Did you guys get a second info sheet for the oath with general info for parking, visitors, etc.? We only got one red form.
You can bring guest

drjochen, you should have a second sheet with oath letter telling you that you can bring the family and guest for the ceremony. Don't worry.
Great, they must have forgotten to put it in the envelope.
The red nore says to report at 9.45 am. When does the actual ceremony begin? In Philly, I had to report 1 1/2 hurs before the ceremony began...
Any other useful information on the sheet?
Now I am getting bold - could anyone scan it and e-mail it to me?
kagemusha alnera york90 and everyone else, please share it if any of us receive the notice letter for June 14 oath ceremony!!! I guess the notice letter should be sent out this week.
Anyone with PD in Nov/Dec of 2006?

This is my timeline:
PD: 11/29/2006
FP: 12/27/2006 in Philadelphia
IL: Waiting. Case still active online.

Have anyone with similiar timeline received IL (or has your case disappeared on line)?

Hiddentiger, have you heard anything since your last post? Going back on this thread I found a couple of earlier posts from other individuals with priority dates in December. My priority date is in mid-December, I wonder if anyone has received his interview letter in the latest round...

Good luck to everyone waiting anxiously!
Great, they must have forgotten to put it in the envelope.
The red nore says to report at 9.45 am. When does the actual ceremony begin? In Philly, I had to report 1 1/2 hurs before the ceremony began...
Any other useful information on the sheet?
Now I am getting bold - could anyone scan it and e-mail it to me?

drjochen, we received the same thing(only one red form)nothing else.
kagemusha alnera york90 and everyone else, please share it if any of us receive the notice letter for June 14 oath ceremony!!! I guess the notice letter should be sent out this week.

Nope nothing yet. Hopefully by the end of this week.

Hiddentiger, have you heard anything since your last post? Going back on this thread I found a couple of earlier posts from other individuals with priority dates in December. My priority date is in mid-December, I wonder if anyone has received his interview letter in the latest round...

Good luck to everyone waiting anxiously!
Hi aaav,

I have not heard anything since last post. It seems that nothing has been going on for people in the Philly district for the past two months. Please update the forum once you receive your IL or when your case disappear online. Thanks.

Hi fire2china,

We are very anxious taking our mail today. Unfortunately nothing yet. We really hope and pray we get the oath letter this week. We will definitely post if there is any progress.
Hi, Alnera, I guess the mail will show up in your mailbox this coming weekend:). Monday was off for all government agencies, so it is not surprise not having oath letter today.
No oath letter in my mailbox either but I am not going to worry until someone else has received their letter for the June 14 oath and I still haven't (which doesn't seem to be the case so far).

No oath letter today either. I wonder if I should call the DO directly and enquire about this. Any updates from anyone else waiting for the June 14 oath letter ?

Hello Kagemusha,

We did not receive the oath letter either. I called the DO at 215-255-4825 and was transferred to a voice mail. Unfortunately, they did not return my call. We will wait until Saturday.
Hi, I just checked my mailbox, no oath notice letter either!!! Hopefully it will come this weekend. Please post here if any of us receives the oath notice letter for June 14 Ceremony:)