Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline

My wife passed the interview today in Philadelphia. Her priority date was around Middle of November 2003, I don't remember exactly the date.

She said they asked her a few easy questions and asked to write one sentense on a paper and it was over.

They said oath should be some time in October.

I applied about 10 weeks before her and my oath was on July 1.

Or, they asked her to sign the permission to conduct an interview without her attorney present. They have not asked me to sign such waiver. Our petitions have been prepaired by an attorney, but we did not hire him to go to interviews with us.
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I had faxed in an inquiry to Philly DO last week and got a reply yesterday. It was a 'standard' reply and this option was checked: Your file will be processed in the chronological order.

I guess I have to wait patiently.

Rahul ,

Please free some of you space , I want to send you a private message and I got reply that you don`t have enough space to recive PM..


My husband passed his interview today (PD 10/16/03) in Philly. In and out within a half hour. The lady conducting the interview was very nice - he was asked the 10 questions (including the 13 original colonies), nothing about speeding tickets - no English test - he is Canadian born.

One thing he was asked about was current proof of child support payment which he thought he didn't have (he did...I prepared all his backup). This did not cause a problem even though he didn't produce it. He was asked about any trips of longer than 6 months. He had listed over 200 short trips on his N-400 as he travels for work and does at least 2 quick trips to Canada each month.

He did ask about the oath and was given no information at all - sorry - I had hoped to pass on some info. I'll post when we hear about the oath.
One more thing from the eternal optimist (me)

I believe that they will try to push the oaths through before the end of October for 2 reasons.

First - elections
Second - Oct is the fiscal year end for BCIS. With the pressure of backlog reduction policies, I would think there would be a push on to make the year end numbers look as good as possible (or am I thinking too logically?)
jancdn said:
One more thing from the eternal optimist (me)

I believe that they will try to push the oaths through before the end of October for 2 reasons.

First - elections
Second - Oct is the fiscal year end for BCIS. With the pressure of backlog reduction policies, I would think there would be a push on to make the year end numbers look as good as possible (or am I thinking too logically?)

Congratulations and Good Luck with an early oath ceremony.
I believe that last day to register is Oct 23th. So they better hurry up. I have been waiting for 3.5 months now.
Second reason is very valid, but then again, USCIS is not here to please anybody (no shareholders !! :rolleyes: )
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Does anybody know the name of the Director of Philadelphia USCIS District Office? It's time to start putting some pressure on them...
Bbyaka said:
Does anybody know the name of the Director of Philadelphia USCIS District Office? It's time to start putting some pressure on them...
Please keep me posted if you get any response.

jancdn said:
One more thing from the eternal optimist (me)

I believe that they will try to push the oaths through before the end of October for 2 reasons.

First - elections
Second - Oct is the fiscal year end for BCIS. With the pressure of backlog reduction policies, I would think there would be a push on to make the year end numbers look as good as possible (or am I thinking too logically?)

Elections may be a good PR reason to push as many oath cermonies as possible. But actully, the fiscal year ends on Sep 30 and the new fiscal year starts from Oct. 1.
Gosh, you are right - the fiscal year starts Oct 1 - thanks for the correction (and bursting my bubble) Guess I'll have to think of another great reason our oath should come through soon....

Phillydude - nothing yet????

Desi - FYI - the interview letter never did get forwarded to my new address - the lawyer did receive the only copy - we'll see what happens with oath letter - address change has gone in (AR-11) and the DO was informed during the interview
jancdn said:
Gosh, you are right - the fiscal year starts Oct 1 - thanks for the correction (and bursting my bubble) Guess I'll have to think of another great reason our oath should come through soon....

Phillydude - nothing yet????

Desi - FYI - the interview letter never did get forwarded to my new address - the lawyer did receive the only copy - we'll see what happens with oath letter - address change has gone in (AR-11) and the DO was informed during the interview
Nothing yet. Congressman's office says USCIS does not return calls. Both senators office were not helpful (one asked me to call back in 6 months and the other after an year). I have been faxing letter to Philly District Director
- No response yet. I had received one response last month - my application is waiting to be processed/completed in chronological order.
Year long wait!!

Jancdn: The address change is sure an issue and I am hoping to get that processed next month. Thanks for advice..

Good luck with oath.. I am not anticipating interview for another 4 months based on time lines that PHILi office has and also from all you guys experience.
One more "contemporary" application -
wifey's N400 at the Philly DO
PD - 24th July 2004 from VSC
FP at York ASC, PA - 28th Sep 2004
Rest of the stuff - God only knows.
From what I read here it should be a good 5-6 months before we hear anything
Apparently, according to the lady at the ASC, they have hired 2-3 more people to help clear out the FP process here at York and seems like they are also trying hard to clear out the Philly backlog.
Also wifey reports that atleast 25-30 other people were called to the ASC around the same time as her for FP, so basically it resembled a cowshed in bombay.
Well let's hope this results in the apps moving quicker atleast. Any more movements anyone ?
Amazing! On Monday I sent a fax to the Director of the Philadelphia USCIS DO notifying them of the email I received from the FBI about the completion of my name check. I also left a voice message for the USCIS officer who conducted my interview back in October 2003. On Thurstay I received a reply, saying that my fingerprints have expired and that I need to do them again. The letter also included the form with the address of the FP location, times it is open and the official "Fingerprint Referral Notice". I am given a week starting 10/1/2004 to complete the FP. I don't know what worked but I got the feeling that these guys are getting tired of hearing my name :D
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It good to know they respond. I have faxed 3 times but got reply only the first time. I will call the officer who interviewed me in the next day or two. Also, plan on visiting Philly DO sometime next week.
FP notice


Congratulations for getting the refingerprinting notice. I got mine yesterday...........will go down there after 10/5..........hopefully I will take the oath before October 25th and vote in the presidential elections. May be it is too tight.


The DD of Philly has responded to my faxes before. I was also able to talk to the officer who interviewed me. Recently I talked to an Officer at the number provided by Bbyaka.....she did call me back in 30 min and issued me a refingerprinting notice (which I got yesterday). So don't give up!
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I got a letter from my congressman's office that my oath is scheduled on 21st Oct. :) :)