Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline

San antonio 90 days.???????????????????? i think my cumputer screen was missing number *3* before *90*, or was it not.?????????
Hello Everyone,

I just saw this forum today.
We have Interview Scheduled for Dec 16th. Here are my details.

Applied Late Jan 2003
Finger Printed Late March2003
Interview Letter in Early November 2003
Interview Dec 16th 2003.
(Sorry don't have exact dates at this moment).

Wanted to find out what to expect at the interview and also what all we need to take with us other than the usual ( GC, Passport, Tax returns, copy of N-400 )

Finally, someone with an interview from phila.. 9 months from FP to interview... So the whole thing takes a year then(u must have ur oath by feb), which is expected and is not too bad..

Take copies of ur tax returns,GC,Selective Svc,any reentry permits, Drv Lic,marriage proof (if with spouse etc).. anything u can think is important. its not a bad idea to prepare more than u need

pls post ur experience after interview
Thanks Rahul.

Couple questions for the gang.

- Do we need to memorize the Complete National Anthem (I Guess not ????)

- Re: SSS, I guess It doesn't apply to me, because I didnt have my GC until 2 months after my 27th B'day. I was on F1 & H1 untill then.

- (This is for my brother) If someone does get a GC before 27th B'day, is it a must that they should register with SSS. What happens If they dont and pass age 27 ???

Thanks in advance, I would post my interview Exp. after Dec 16th
You dont need to memorize the Anthem, as far as i know.
SSS does not apply to you
If you dont apply for SSS , technically the Govt can cause a lot of problems for you including citizenship,benefits etc.. If u dont register make sure u have strong reasons.

If u are under 27 and male then u r required to register...

all the best dude
Cleared the Interview

Cleared the interview this morning and it was very pleasant
and quick expereince.

Had the interview scehduled at 8.20AM, and as they suggested in
the appt. letter, we got there 30 minutes before, at 7.50 AM.

We had to go through the security check and they asked us to
wait till 8.00AM in the general lobby before they send us upstairs
to the third floor.

We got to the third floor at 8.00 AM and handed our appointment
letters at the reception, they already had our files and they took
the appt. letter and put it along with our files and asked us to sit.

I got called at 8.10AM, the officer was polite and professional,
asked me to raise my hand and swear to tell the truth. Asked for
Passport and GC, and started going over my N-400 app, and
asking the same questions in N-400 ( like my address, phone
number, If I was married, have any kids, had any arrests, do I
support the US Constitution after naturalizing, would I bear
arms ..etc).

In Phila they actually do all three tests (English read, write and
History) in one shot by giving you a history question sheet with
10 Q's. and asked me to write the answers, which I finished very

After that he asked me to verify my name and GC number, and he
handed me a confirmation letter ( Which has lot of different check
boxes), with 2 check boxes marked.

One that I passed English and History Test, and
Two which says, Congratulations your case has been
recommeded/considered for Naturalization.

He shook my hand and I was out by 8.20 AM.

I did ask him when can I expect Oath, he said he cannot answer
that , and said may be in couple months or more. He said before
Oath, they do final check on you and if there are any questions, it
might take a little longer.

My wife had pretty much same exp. One interesting thing with
her was, one of the questions in the test was to name 3 bill of
rights. ( Irrespective of my hard training ) she put one of them
wrong ( Right to vote). So the officer told her ( in a light mood )
that she got 9 2/3 of marks and she missed that one. He
also told her that Right to Vote did not come until 15th
Ammendment. So the officers do have pretty good knowledge
about the history ( beyond 100 question bank ). He also told her
that, he wishes everyone he is going to interview are like her,
and hopes to have smooth day with interviews today.

It was very quick and was at work by 9.30 AM.

Let me save you some parking money now. Take some coins and
park your car next to the INS building right on Callohill St. You will
be out within 1 hour or 2 atmost. Not knowing how long it takes,
I used paid parking in the lot other side of INS building on 16th
street for $10.00.

(Oh, The Interviewing officer also said I can travel out of US if
need to on GC and passport untill the Oath.
I have no plans though.)

Hope that Helps and Good luck to you all.
Originally posted by phillydude
The processing date for Philly now shows up as Oct 18th 2002.

Just out of curiosity what was it before?
San Jose was Dec 12, 2002, now it's Oct 17, 2002. Good job, INS! Pretty soon you will get to process those 1999 cases.
I already posted this in the thread below but after I saw your response I couldn't resist.

Main Entry: in·com·pe·tent
Pronunciation: (")in-'käm-p&-t&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French incompétent, from in- + compétent competent
Date: 1597
1 : not legally qualified
2 : inadequate to or unsuitable for a particular purpose
3 a : lacking the qualities needed for effective action b : unable to function properly <incompetent heart valves>
- incompetent noun
- in·com·pe·tent·ly adverb
PhilaCitizen - > Congrads and Thanks. Hope you get your oath soon.

Well atleast its confirmed now. Phila takes a year minimum... good they updated the time on their website too

Keep the posts coming...

I'm kinda disappointed with this new processing time for Philly. If I remember correctly it was originally oct 2002 and then it was sept 2003 and now back to oct 2002. Looks like, they did no work(date did not move) for 1.5 months other than the mess up with the dates.

Hopefully, Philadelphian will keep us posted when he gets his interview, which he should have gotten it by now.


Was it not Oct 31 before , they actually went back by 2 weeks now.... GeorgeF is right, now they will get to the 1999 cases and then get to 2003 in 2006.:(