Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline


I moved to VT as my employer moved me. I moved in Nov and have not got any news abt my case from the local office or SVC ctr. They say its so fast here, but.....

Urgency... Arent we all waiting to get our Cz as fast as possible ? Im no different..
Name Check Question

When I contact the FBI about my name check, they say they
have no record of a request from INS. When I ask the INS
about my status they say background checks are going on, but
they cant tell me what it is. I know some kind of Name checks
were done, as I noticed an "Indices Popular" near my name
when I first checked in Nov...

Also the officer at the Svc Center says that the only thing
the FBI is involved in is for fingerprinting and not name checks.
Im a bit confused now... Any ideas ?
Indices Popular?

Delay in IP (Indices Popular) security checks.

The name check is created at the time the application is data entered into the local computer system and then forwarded to the FBI. The center cannot proceed until the results are complete. The center has an expedite process put up for cases that will age-out or sunset. Only cases that meet the expedite criteria is accepted by the FBI and only in few numbers.

What on earth is this?
Do you have the FBI number handy? I will try calling them tomorrow and see what they have to say about my name check. What other information do they need? (A#?)

Can you send the number to me to (if you don't want to, that's OK)?

If I dial the number I found elsewhere, I get no reply...


Lets see...since December we went from Oct 2003 to Oct 2002 to November 2002 to March 2003 and now February 2003. sighhhh...1 year back, 1 month forward......5 months forward, one month back - no sense, no pattern. I don't know about you but I have been checking 18 times a day, anxious to see the new dates. It is disappointing when they finally come out to see a regression.
I just read a new timeline for Philly in another forum

Applied May 2003
Fingerprint July 3003
Interview March 22
Waiting for Oath

Philydude you should be hearing any day now.
Thanks. I applied on 31st July, USCIS website says they received it on 6th August 03. I should hear in May 04 as per my calculations.
Name Check

I took the help of my local congressman to probe into my case - me being dropped from the system, name check confusion etc.

The final response was that the name check is in progress. It seems I have a very common name, (dint i not know that before?).. and i must wait. Wait how long ?

I am really very disappointed. The system does not appear to have done justice to me. Normally I would not care about waiting but I have my fiance waiting for me in India and I cant sit
around here waiting that someone will clear my name check. Its very unfortunate. I have never been in trouble with the law except for a speeding ticket, and I should have no adverse record with any law enforcement agency. But its an honest persons name that they will scrutinize and the real villans slip thru the cracks.

The FBI when contacted does not have a record of a name check request. The INS says they have it on their system and they verified with the FBI and they have it. What more can I do? I am completely frustrated and have reached a dead end in my efforts.

If things dont move in a few months, I will have to quit my job and move to India - atleast for a few months, till I get my call. My family has worked so hard to get a Green Card and I dont plan on losing it , but I have to prioritize and my family will have to come first. Sorry for the ranting but I had to express my dissapointment to someone.

If anyone else has any experiences wrt name checks please let me know..

Rahul, you have certainly done everything possible (and more than most) to ensure a smooth processing. I don't think there is anthing more you can do than wait. You should try to give it the year as was the original expectation when you were going through Philly. Believe me, I understand how frustrating this is and some days are sure worse than others!
You have continuously given positive advise and encouragement to the rest of us when we have "one of those days". You have certainly helped me in provided the insight to the Service Center etc. Knowledge is power and we often feel helpless in this process because of the little information available and inconsistant experiences.
It is admirable to put you family first. I believe you are doing that in maintaining your steady employment and your quest to become a citizen. You are in the home stretch now....don't give up hope!
I concur with Jancdn. Hang in there Rahul...given that this is the election year, things may move quicker going forward.
Thanks Jancdn and fitness99. Your words and caring are very encouraging.. I feel much better than last week! I will face it, even this will pass away! :)

Really Frustrated

Hi Guys,

i am really frustrated with the delay of my oath becuase of name check...

I wanna sponsor my old parents but it appears it will take for ever...

I don`t what to do , I contacted my local congressman office ..
They keep saying wait wait wait .............

I feel your pain:(

Hang in there bud... I firmly believe the system will finally work out even if it screws u with the timing!