Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

I am also waiting since Dec 2001

I am here too in the wait list. It's been 5 years and 2 months of waiting......

Count me too...

Case Type: EB2-NJ-RIR
Priority Date: August 2002
Got NOF on: December 11 2006
Replied for NOF: December 21 2006
ETA case number: P-05234-xxxxx
Right now: on H1 B 7th year extension
Case status now: In Progress
Add another one.

Case Type: EB2-VA-RIR
Priority Date: June 2002
ETA case number: P-04273-xxxxx
45 Days Letter Replied on Feb 05
Case status now: In Progress
Raising my hand !!

Case Type: EB3-NY-RIR
Priority Date: FEB 2002
ETA case number: P-05133-1xxxx
45 Days Letter Replied on Jan 06
Case status now: In Progress
Screen shot - case status: PW
Raising my hand

Case Type: EB2-RIR
Priority Date: March 2004
ETA case number: P-05010-14xxx
Case status now: In Progress
Screen shot - case status: RIR

Looks like nobody pay attention to us, they are pushing again for illegal. Read this's+Most+Popular+Stories&more=/news/newspopular.asp
At the same time nothing about SKILL bill, retrogression or legal people. 9 years working legally paying taxes playing by the rules. But you have no rights you are a TEMPORARY WORKER YOU ARE ON A VISA. Children will go to college now but future is blocked no “current visa numbers”. I am hopping before I die I can leave my family with a pending immigration application, if it happened now they will be kicked out of the country. This is the only country they know, this is the only school system they know, this is the only way of life they know. They do not belong to our original country any more they belong to here. It easy for us to wait, it is easy for us to try and fail but it is a disaster for them.
March is very crucial Month


I came to know from reliable sources that 99.99% cases of 2001-2002 will be cleared by March 31st 2007 . People who have not received any NOF so far mostlikely their cases will be approved . People who have received NOF if they dont receive their approval by March 31st 2007 they might hear some bad news afterwards . Friends its 100% sure now there is no budget for PBEC and DPEC guys after 30th september 2007 . While the actual news is they are one month ahead of their target I mean they will finish all caes by 31st August 2007. so please keep checking your status you could hear any news any time now . All people from 2001-2002 let me make one thing absoutely clear . Your attronies have committed a lot of blunders in your cases . I know in my case also my attroney messed up everything otherwise my case would have been approved by this time . people who have not received any NOF there is good news for them that most likely they will get approval because now PBEC has no time to issue NOF . FRIENDS IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED NOW THAT BOTH THE CENTER WILL BE CLOSED BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 . AND ALL THE RECORDS WILL BE SHIFTED TO RECORDS SECTIONS SO EITHER THEY WILL APPROVE YOUR CASE OR DENY YOUR CASE OR YOUR CASE WILL BE IN APPEAL .again this is my personal information and you have the right to disagree from me
What are those reliable sources?

What are those reliable sources? Please give some clue, so that people will believe your statements.


I came to know from reliable sources that 99.99% cases of 2001-2002 will be cleared by March 31st 2007 . People who have not received any NOF so far mostlikely their cases will be approved . People who have received NOF if they dont receive their approval by March 31st 2007 they might hear some bad news afterwards . Friends its 100% sure now there is no budget for PBEC and DPEC guys after 30th september 2007 . While the actual news is they are one month ahead of their target I mean they will finish all caes by 31st August 2007. so please keep checking your status you could hear any news any time now . All people from 2001-2002 let me make one thing absoutely clear . Your attronies have committed a lot of blunders in your cases . I know in my case also my attroney messed up everything otherwise my case would have been approved by this time . people who have not received any NOF there is good news for them that most likely they will get approval because now PBEC has no time to issue NOF . FRIENDS IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED NOW THAT BOTH THE CENTER WILL BE CLOSED BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 . AND ALL THE RECORDS WILL BE SHIFTED TO RECORDS SECTIONS SO EITHER THEY WILL APPROVE YOUR CASE OR DENY YOUR CASE OR YOUR CASE WILL BE IN APPEAL .again this is my personal information and you have the right to disagree from me

I wish your reliable source should become realistic.


I came to know from reliable sources that 99.99% cases of 2001-2002 will be cleared by March 31st 2007 . People who have not received any NOF so far mostlikely their cases will be approved . People who have received NOF if they dont receive their approval by March 31st 2007 they might hear some bad news afterwards . Friends its 100% sure now there is no budget for PBEC and DPEC guys after 30th september 2007 . While the actual news is they are one month ahead of their target I mean they will finish all caes by 31st August 2007. so please keep checking your status you could hear any news any time now . All people from 2001-2002 let me make one thing absoutely clear . Your attronies have committed a lot of blunders in your cases . I know in my case also my attroney messed up everything otherwise my case would have been approved by this time . people who have not received any NOF there is good news for them that most likely they will get approval because now PBEC has no time to issue NOF . FRIENDS IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED NOW THAT BOTH THE CENTER WILL BE CLOSED BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 . AND ALL THE RECORDS WILL BE SHIFTED TO RECORDS SECTIONS SO EITHER THEY WILL APPROVE YOUR CASE OR DENY YOUR CASE OR YOUR CASE WILL BE IN APPEAL .again this is my personal information and you have the right to disagree from me
What about the 2003 cases ? Any idea when they will be cleared ?



I came to know from reliable sources that 99.99% cases of 2001-2002 will be cleared by March 31st 2007 . People who have not received any NOF so far mostlikely their cases will be approved . People who have received NOF if they dont receive their approval by March 31st 2007 they might hear some bad news afterwards . Friends its 100% sure now there is no budget for PBEC and DPEC guys after 30th september 2007 . While the actual news is they are one month ahead of their target I mean they will finish all caes by 31st August 2007. so please keep checking your status you could hear any news any time now . All people from 2001-2002 let me make one thing absoutely clear . Your attronies have committed a lot of blunders in your cases . I know in my case also my attroney messed up everything otherwise my case would have been approved by this time . people who have not received any NOF there is good news for them that most likely they will get approval because now PBEC has no time to issue NOF . FRIENDS IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED NOW THAT BOTH THE CENTER WILL BE CLOSED BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 . AND ALL THE RECORDS WILL BE SHIFTED TO RECORDS SECTIONS SO EITHER THEY WILL APPROVE YOUR CASE OR DENY YOUR CASE OR YOUR CASE WILL BE IN APPEAL .again this is my personal information and you have the right to disagree from me

I came to know from reliable sources that 99.99% cases of 2001-2002 will be cleared by March 31st 2007 . People who have not received any NOF so far mostlikely their cases will be approved . People who have received NOF if they dont receive their approval by March 31st 2007 they might hear some bad news afterwards . Friends its 100% sure now there is no budget for PBEC and DPEC guys after 30th september 2007 . While the actual news is they are one month ahead of their target I mean they will finish all caes by 31st August 2007. so please keep checking your status you could hear any news any time now . All people from 2001-2002 let me make one thing absoutely clear . Your attronies have committed a lot of blunders in your cases . I know in my case also my attroney messed up everything otherwise my case would have been approved by this time . people who have not received any NOF there is good news for them that most likely they will get approval because now PBEC has no time to issue NOF . FRIENDS IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED NOW THAT BOTH THE CENTER WILL BE CLOSED BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 . AND ALL THE RECORDS WILL BE SHIFTED TO RECORDS SECTIONS SO EITHER THEY WILL APPROVE YOUR CASE OR DENY YOUR CASE OR YOUR CASE WILL BE IN APPEAL .again this is my personal information and you have the right to disagree from me

Tanveer, what is your source's estimation of time frame for NOF cases? Thanks
Thanks for this encouraging news, but the way things have been going in these centers, I won't become euphoric even if you heard it from a reliable resource...

Till they don't close these centers by Sept,2007, I won't believe any such news. Sorry not to be against you at all, but I am tired of these hope raising rumors all the time when people with old PDs still sitting w/o any news on their cases and people w/later PDs going on to the next stages...

I wish what you said actually happens though...
My reliable source is some body working in F LC departemnt