Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

woha, watch your language.

adallac said:
Is he idiot? or just fucking dollars sucker?

Watch your language buddy. Change your lawyer if you don't like him, but what is the point is using such language on this forum?
Notice of intent to deny

Hi people here,

I need your help.

My company, a consulting firm, received an intent to deny notice for my labor application. (They received it in 1st week of may and a** telling me now. Needs to be replied by Jun 1st)

The lawyer and HR tell me that I have to get letters from my managers at my different clients explaining why they needed BS + 5 years of experience for the position and why they need certain set of skills.

If anybody has experience in dealing with such notice, please give me your inputs. How do you justify a need of 5 years experience in tangible terms?

45 day letter

My employer received my 45 day letter yesterday (5/23). They are sending it tomorrow.
PD 12-29-2004
RD 1-31-2005
State SC
saknia said:
Aug 2003 ???

Follow this Drill

9.00 AM - Call Attorney

4.00 PM -Check Post everyday

Hi Saknia:

Please let me know your calculation as I didn't understand your response. SO desperate that thinking of applying through PERM, I haven't been to India since 6 years.

Priority Date: Feb28,2002

Saknia, please let me know if you reach on any conclusion.
khogaye said:
Hi Saknia:

Please let me know your calculation as I didn't understand your response. SO desperate that thinking of applying through PERM, I haven't been to India since 6 years.

Priority Date: Feb28,2002

Saknia, please let me know if you reach on any conclusion.

Since your RD date at Regional at 2003 I think that you will get your approval soon. That 's why I asked you check mail and check with your attorney everyday so that you can hear the good news soon
nviren said:
Hi people here,

I need your help.

My company, a consulting firm, received an intent to deny notice for my labor application. (They received it in 1st week of may and a** telling me now. Needs to be replied by Jun 1st)

The lawyer and HR tell me that I have to get letters from my managers at my different clients explaining why they needed BS + 5 years of experience for the position and why they need certain set of skills.

If anybody has experience in dealing with such notice, please give me your inputs. How do you justify a need of 5 years experience in tangible terms?



Don't woory . You will get through this trouble.

Your Company has to prove that for that particular position they have to require the skill set they want and advertised and that they selected you based on that experince and the similar skill set you posssess.

Actually your Company has to prove that the kind of consulting requirement they generally get from their Vendors ( this could be end Client or intermediate vendors) are in fact requiring 5 Years experience in a specialized Field with Minimum BS Degree and if they select any one who does not have that kind of Qualifications they loose Business.

If they have Vendorship with Big Companies and have good realtionship they can get that kind of letter from them. Alternatively where ever you worked since 2003 ( your PD ) you have to prove that the Client selcted you based on your specific skill set they have seen in you. The letter client address should be to your Company and not to you.

If your Company alwasy hire similar kind of skill set for providing same kind of Services that can be highlighted with the Client base your company has and substantiate that they generally need that kind of skill set to do Business ( some thing say Oracle DBA, Application guy or always Java with .Net focus or SAP etc). Any RIR ads around this could be additional poof

I don't know much details on your case. But just thought will share what ever I could think of so that you can use as neessasry and do something

I wish you get your trouble sorted ou soon and get approved
Saknia Any updates on Delaware Cases

Hi Forum gurus,

I have not seen any approvals from Delaware State, and also what could be the reason for PBEC to send letters to our home address. What does this mean to PBEC, what are they trying to achieve with this.
Hope so that some day we all get the answers and our labour,
Till then lets enjoy today , and tommorow, as the future is not known?
Taurus06 said:
This is probably a good sign. The fact that case didn't reached its region, RD might not be a factor. It seems that PBEC is still adjudicating more 2002 PDs. Keeping the hope alive ...

Thats true this is good sign for cases which are skipped (may to SEPT 2002) but one thing concerns me is approval date is 05/04 it means last 20 days there was no approval for stuck cases...

CA PD JUly 2002 EB3
saknia said:
Since your RD date at Regional at 2003 I think that you will get your approval soon. That 's why I asked you check mail and check with your attorney everyday so that you can hear the good news soon

Thanks for the reply saknia. That means I am one of the unlucky one. The frustrating thing is attorney says to wait as they don't know anything as well. Dont' know how to verify the staus, extremely disappointing....
Taurus06 said:
This is probably a good sign. The fact that case didn't reached its region, RD might not be a factor. It seems that PBEC is still adjudicating more 2002 PDs. Keeping the hope alive ...

This may not be correct. Many a times the employee will not know whether his case went to Regional as HR will not inform them on that.In some cases the Attorney will get notice of that and the Client/employer will not know that information

May be his case went to Regional and he is not aware of that.
Need help!

Hi guys,

I have been a silent reader of this portal for a while now, thanks for being such a source of information and hope.

Here is my story: My case was send to PBC from FL with a PD Sep 03, and I just received the 45 days letter in April 06 and responded to it within a week. Last week I learned that my company is being acquired. I just read on the DOL website about the steps I should follow, and the new ETA 750 part A and B I should submit. Wanted to see if any of you has gone thru an acquisition, and whether or not this will slow down the process for me.



05/25/2006: DOL Foreign Labor Certification Chief Change Again on June 12, 2006

Former Chief of DFLC, Dr. William Carlson, is returning to his previous position and the current acting Chief, John Beverly, will be transferred to another position. This shift in the leadership is expected to bring some changes in the labor certification practice and policy.
7th year Extension

My 6 years are getting over on Jan 2nd 2007 when should I be applying for the extension?

saknia said:
05/25/2006: DOL Foreign Labor Certification Chief Change Again on June 12, 2006

Former Chief of DFLC, Dr. William Carlson, is returning to his previous position and the current acting Chief, John Beverly, will be transferred to another position. This shift in the leadership is expected to bring some changes in the labor certification practice and policy.

"some changes" means it can get more worse? or there could not be anything worse then what they are already doing.
Does haveing patent make one eligible for EB 1 ?

Recently my one of the product is being filed for patent . Does this make me eligible for EB 1 ?
I too have been going through the agony inflicted by BEC . Till now I have got 45 days letter and long silence. Just looking for alternatives or I will just go back to India.

PD at MA : 02/30/2002
Type: EB3
Sent to Philly BPC
45-day letter received: Feb11th, 2006
45-day letter answered: March 2006
Last edited by a moderator:
Depends on the attorney's ability

shaja said:
Recently my one of the product is being filed for patent . Does this make me eligible for EB 1 ?
I too have been going through the agony inflicted by BEC . Till now I have got 45 days letter and long silence. Just looking for alternatives or I will just go back to India.

PD at MA : 02/30/2002
Type: EB3
Sent to Philly BPC
45-day letter received: Feb11th, 2006
45-day letter answered: March 2006

There is no rule or statutory standard that defines who qualifies for EB1. But there are general guidelines available. If not EB1, you may qualify for EB2/NIW, which means national interest waiver. Again for this you have to prove that your getting a GC would result in something good for US economy. I think having a patent (even pending) is a solid proof of your abilities to contribute to US economy. Talk to a good attorney. Here is some more info that sheds more light on both EB1 and EB2/NIW. In both cases, you can eliminate these "labor pains".

Best of luck.
could you please send me the link for screen shot? thanks.

My case has been pending for 4 years and I think your idea to do a screen shot is very good to make sure our cases area still active ot not. Could you please tell me the email address where I can send screen shot? Thanks for your help.

GC_Ven said:

I requested a screen shot recently, just to confirm my case was not lost or closed for some stupid reason, after 45 day letter was replied. Any way good news the case is still active :) but I have noticed one problem in the screen shot.

Case Source has been changed to State from Region after 45 day letter was issued(or say after full data entry). Before the 45 day letter Case Source was REGION which was the right one.

Did any one have a similar situation, or should that create any problems of any kind :confused:.

Any thoughts ....... :rolleyes:
send an email to '' following is the format i have used. try to send an email from your official mail if you have one.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please provide us with the proof of submission to apply for an extension of H-1B visa.

Here are the details of my Permanent labor.

Company Name:
Alien Name:
Priority Date:

Thank you for your attention.

your name