Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Well Spoken Tanveer666

tanveer666 said:
Hello folks

Actually i was fed up by replying private messages . any how I did not mind anything at all

Guys please discuss the main problem.

I think we should not relax at all by reading a simple message on the DOL Website .

We will keep continue the e mails ,letter, faxes compaign beside this we should also work on law suit

I hope all of us will come out from problem in 18 months as promised by Dept of labor

We are all going thru difficule times. Lets work hard to get ourselves out of this mess.
Thats the spirit buddy... give some lessons as how to cheer up to Mr. MSABIR !!

Sorry could not help posting this.. :p

tanveer666 said:
Hello folks

Actually i was fed up by replying private messages . any how I did not mind anything at all

Guys please discuss the main problem.

I think we should not relax at all by reading a simple message on the DOL Website .

We will keep continue the e mails ,letter, faxes compaign beside this we should also work on law suit

I hope all of us will come out from problem in 18 months as promised by Dept of labor
A Legal Move

tanveer666 said:
Hello folks

Actually i was fed up by replying private messages . any how I did not mind anything at all

Guys please discuss the main problem.

I think we should not relax at all by reading a simple message on the DOL Website .

We will keep continue the e mails ,letter, faxes compaign beside this we should also work on law suit

I hope all of us will come out from problem in 18 months as promised by Dept of labor

I agree with Tanveer that we should not relax and continue with whatever little we can. We need our questions answered from PBEC.

I believe that Putting a gif on the website is the answer from PBEC to the complain that PBEC is not providing any status. PBEC can easily defend in the court of law that PBEC is indeed providing beneficiaries with status.

Though PBEC earlier promised on its web sites and to AILA that it will put together some mechanism to check status of the backlogged cases.
Here it is...No case status of individual cases....One size fits all. One GIF for all backlog ridden folks. Don't we need an explanation on DOL website that why 18 months ...why not 12 or 24 month? What is the precessing plan? What about individual status?

Can we complain now that we do not have the status though we have a right to know? :confused:
I think its more of a legal move from PBEC than to think about us. :eek:
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The 18 month timeline

There are somethings that bother me with DOL publishing the 18month timeline:

1. They have given time estimates before but that has not meant anything so far.

2. THis is going to stop the visa movement. USCIS will try to play safe and not move the priority dates forward.

3. Now PBEC will go in the data entry mode (now that they have more time). SO all the 2001 and 2002 cases will have to wait till next year to see the light of day.

You may disagree but this is what is likely. I hope I'm wrong.
Who needs who?


Ice dancer Tanith Belbin was sworn in this morning as a U.S. citizen. This clears her to skate for the United States in February’s Olympics in Turin, Italy. She and Ben Agosto are favorites to win the United States’ first ice dance medal since 1986.

The United States Congress passed a bill to expedite her citizenship. The bill was signed by President Bush on Friday.
Next day she was sworn in as citizen.
This is what happens when they need you.
I guess they do not need us....Bush supports H1-B's...But never does anything to help.... :( . They want Guest worker program but without Greencard and no amnesty.
I was so disappointed in Dec'05 to see that each and every immigration benefit was wiped out from the Bill. I donot expect any miracle on Mar 27th either.... :mad:
To whome it may concern

It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Lets light the candle.

Folks appears to be very impressive and it is endorsed by Rajiv as well. It came out of threads on this web site. They have BEC as one of the top issues. They are trying to raise $200K and have raised about $30K. Read the web site. Very dedicated and competent guys trying to lobby to make our voices heard. Please help them as much as you can.
Received 45-day letter


Today my employer lawyer today me that they have received and responded to 45 day letter from the Backlog Elimination Center. They didn't tell me when they recieved or replied back to the letter. Also, they indicated that now they are awaiting for the recruitment instructions to be issued by the Backlog Elimination Center.

Few questions:
1. What is the process now and estimated timeline?
2. How long does it take to get the recruitment instructions once you replied back to the 45 day letter?
3. Based on info that lawyer has replied back to the letter recently long it would take for the labor certification ...ballpark?

PD: Aug 2004
Gc Pain said:
Please advice me. I filed LC in April2002 in RIR from NJ state.It is cleared from NJ state in October 2004. After one step again my file is stuck in NYDOL for one year till Nov2005. When I (attorney)called NYDOL, they informed us that NYDOL stop processing cases fron Nov 2005 onwards and forwarded all cases to Philadelphia backlog center. After that there is no news from any offices. I did not get even 45 days letter from PBEC. I need a proof of my case like 45days letter or some document to extend my H1B for 7th year. Please help me what directions I should proceed. If any of you guys face like this problem, please share me your experience. Thanks in advance your info.
you can send an email to get yr status will find email id in one of the posts.
use company email id to send the request. you shd get reply after 7-10 days.
AbstractVision said:

Ice dancer Tanith Belbin was sworn in this morning as a U.S. citizen. This clears her to skate for the United States in February’s Olympics in Turin, Italy. She and Ben Agosto are favorites to win the United States’ first ice dance medal since 1986.

The United States Congress passed a bill to expedite her citizenship. The bill was signed by President Bush on Friday.
Next day she was sworn in as citizen.
This is what happens when they need you.
I guess they do not need us....Bush supports H1-B's...But never does anything to help.... :( . They want Guest worker program but without Greencard and no amnesty.
I was so disappointed in Dec'05 to see that each and every immigration benefit was wiped out from the Bill. I donot expect any miracle on Mar 27th either.... :mad:

Bush supports H1...yes he knows how much $$ H1's can get into the govt funds...its not that they dont know about issuing GC's and eventually become a citizen and how the govt needs to pay them back after 65 yrs....

So ..bottomline let the H1's come here..meanwhile get SS $$ medicare $$ and then let those H1s rot in this GC hell....

I wasnt really surprised by the Dec event...if we see the anti immi sites and their campaign ..we r just a drop in the ocean....
What is a current date of processed GC applications out of New York?

My GC application is at Philadelphia BEC:
ETA ##
received (by NY office) 10/22/2002
processing type: RIR
case source: State
date review/date submitted: 05/09/2005

can anyone tell me when should I expect to pass LOB certification?
or maybe links to official websites?

thank you,
2005 approval posted on Murthy form

Debc is approving 2005 cases :mad:

March 25, 2005 labor approved

Hey guys,
Hold your breath. My labor got approved today. It is approved in less than one year!!!!!!!!!!! Here are the details:

PD - March, 25, 2005
45 day letter - Sept. 10, 2005.
Category - EB3 RIR
State - Dallas, TX
Labor Cleared - Feb. 10, 2006.

Welcome Aboard!!

akarabal said:
My GC application is at Philadelphia BEC:
ETA ##
received (by NY office) 10/22/2002
processing type: RIR
case source: State
date review/date submitted: 05/09/2005

can anyone tell me when should I expect to pass LOB certification?
or maybe links to official websites?

thank you,


Welcome aboard to a journey leading to nowhere.

As you asked for the official website, Please knock yourself out with this URL:
Is It Possible

Ever since DOL has put this 18 months notice on their website . I have spoken to very attronies , paralegal stuff as well as my friend who works for this contractor in DBEC.

There can not be two thoughts about PBEC that PBEC is in great mess. and based upon the current no of people working in Pbec its seems pretty hard that they could finish every thing in 18 months .

as far as my information is concerned it might be wrong as well they have planed to get rid from 45 days letter by june 2006. rightnow they are only and only paying attention issuing 45 days letter

I would like to suggest everybody in this thread that please dont stop the email , faxes , letters compaign ......... and try to contribute for law suit as much as you can ............. let me tell you another hot news its only because
of your compaign which has forced DOL to put this 18 months notice on their website but it could be a" time gaining stunt "

Guys please dont post any messages here which destroy our unity . if we are united . we will be in a position to put pressure on Pbec and also please post here information about PBEC only .

Please dont pay attention on retrogression or lc substitution issue
Bullshit vs Shit like bull

This 18 months story from backlog center is a BULLSHIT. We have been hearing this bullshit for more than 2 years.

Now we want PBEC to SHIT like a BULL (Flush/approve out all the LC from its hole). I am already out of this hole.
whatheheck said:
This 18 months story from backlog center is a BULLSHIT. We have been hearing this bullshit for more than 2 years.

Now we want PBEC to SHIT like a BULL (Flush/approve out all the LC from its hole). I am already out of this hole.
:) :) :)

cant say more than this...cant control my laugh....
Whats cooking?

I smell something is cooking at DOL
Why are they shutting down the website for 26 hrs?

I think they are implementing the new status check for LCA. Am I too optimistic?

Maybe so, will know for sure by tomorrow 9:00 PM