Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

regarding the PBEC job postings, my take is that they are either posting jobs for suspicious positions, just to see if there are applicants, or they will do it for all TR cases ... that means we should see 1,000's of job postings in the next couple of months.

TR applicants should definitely monitor those websites.

at least this is good news, apparently PBEC folks are doing SOME real work.
Governor's office

StressTestInUSA said:
Can I ask you when did you approcah the NJ congressman's office...? this is all just too crazee for a human mind to take-in...!!

I faxed the enquiry to Governor Corzine's office on January 18, 2006. Hope this helps.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
Status: Still waiting...!
Do you have any idea why they would issue an NOF for you?
Was your req. for BS + 5yrs exp, or MS?
Is your employer a regular software company or a consulting?

aycy said:
This is really shocking. Philly claimed that they have sent a NOF to my employer and myself back in January 5, 2006. We are supposed to respond to it within 35 days. Guess what..! Neither my employer or my lawyer nor I have received anything from Philly.

I found this shocking news after I enquired about my case via the NJ Governor's office. Can you believe this? Technically, my file would have been denied as it already pass 35 days. I cannot believe this is happening. My lawyer has contacted Philly to let them know we did not received the NOF and requested for a new NOF with another 35 days to respond. Becareful guys...! Good thing I enquired about my case or else I would only know after receiving the denial letter.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
Status: Still waiting...! :mad:
aycy said:
I faxed the enquiry to Governor Corzine's office on January 18, 2006. Hope this helps.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
Status: Still waiting...!

I was just wondering about this route ....

A friend of mine went to his local congressman and the office took his details and approached the next week his attorney asked him for his edu and exp certificates...The congressman's office said it will take about 2-3 weeks..but my friiend is getting nervous that might the Certifying Officer get annoyed with pressures from congressman and give him a hard time....

His case went to Federal and he replied his 45letter last Feb05 and is DBEC 2003 Aug case sounds pretty old...

On the other hand I was thinking he shud had waited for a while cos anyway this damn retrogression is ahead...Hope he gets approval soon...
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I'm a 245-I

saknia said:
These could be General EB3 as well. I doubt whther any serious Recruitment effort will be done for 245i as they are kind of amnesty. As long as those guys has an employer who will hire them they will be regularized. The main theme of 245i is that these Workers are either needed by the ecomnomy or they are in such sectors where American Workers are not available or interested. Most of them are with out proper work papers and idea is to regularize them through some officila means

my case is from 2001 and they cannot place adds now after almost 5 years. that was a step that I already pass because before I could apply i had to do it myself, and the add stayed for one week.
I dont think you should worry about it now.
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Unbelivable !
They actually were retyping everything form the labor application form and editing it to be suitable for the job advertisements !!!
If they tried to do it to sell the database then it explains why we all are still here.
boston28 said:
my case is from 2001 and they cannot place adds now after almost 5 years. that was a step that I already pass because before I could apply i had to do it myself, and the add stayed for one week.
I dont think you should worry about it now.

Wrong. They do whatever they want. Last time they did the same thing with RiR cases in California despite those cases requied 6 months of preliminary advertising.
Their rationale was: "Yes you did the recruitment but we had not time to look at that, So if you did it now it would be different.. " And yes ! they AUTOMATICALLY remanded many cases to TR without even looking at them.
This Is Indeed A Very Dangerous Development


This is not a good sign and I think they can do it for both RIR as well non RIR Cases.

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Give me a help

This is my first time to post message. My PD is 11/02, got 45 day letter in 03/05 and replied it immediately. Two weeks ago, my attorney told me PBEC closed my case because they did not receive my 45 day letter response. I don't know whether or not PBEC misplaced something. My attorney sent request to require to reinstate my case. Does anyone tell me whether or not my case can be reopened successfully? Whether or not it influences my 7th H1 extension?

tanveer666 said:

This is not a good sign and I think they can do it for both RIR as well non RIR Cases.



For RIR there is No Recuritment Step like thay have for Non RIR
saknia said:
For RIR there is No Recuritment Step like thay have for Non RIR
Hi saknia,
Technically and following the common sense you are right.
In reality DOL already did it for RiR once. See my post below.
On the bright side they picked the wrong timing. The unemployment rate is lowest in years. In fact it is so low that there are concerns that it can increase the inflation. The DOL's actions will definitely will increase the danger.
mmm02 said:
This is my first time to post message. My PD is 11/02, got 45 day letter in 03/05 and replied it immediately. Two weeks ago, my attorney told me PBEC closed my case because they did not receive my 45 day letter response. I don't know whether or not PBEC misplaced something. My attorney sent request to require to reinstate my case. Does anyone tell me whether or not my case can be reopened successfully? Whether or not it influences my 7th H1 extension?

Hi mmm02.

Don't worry.
I've heard many sucessfull stories where the case was reinstated. In fact I do not recollect that somebody would fail.
Processing Rir Application As Non Rir


They can always ask the employer that theyw ill treat the application in NON RIR status rather then RIR status.

Respond from NJ

rollingstone said:
Do you have any idea why they would issue an NOF for you? Nope as I never received it at the first place.
Was your req. for BS + 5yrs exp, or MS?
It was a EB2 so it is Masters with 2 years.
Is your employer a regular software company or a consulting?
It is a multinational marketing research company.

Hope this helps.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
Status: Still waiting...!
Good and bad

StressTestInUSA said:
I was just wondering about this route ....

A friend of mine went to his local congressman and the office took his details and approached the next week his attorney asked him for his edu and exp certificates...The congressman's office said it will take about 2-3 weeks..but my friiend is getting nervous that might the Certifying Officer get annoyed with pressures from congressman and give him a hard time....

His case went to Federal and he replied his 45letter last Feb05 and is DBEC 2003 Aug case sounds pretty old...

On the other hand I was thinking he shud had waited for a while cos anyway this damn retrogression is ahead...Hope he gets approval soon...

There is good and bad about enquiring. It is either you wait and wait until they process your file or make an enquiry to make sure your file is still there. My philosophy is that if you have been waiting since 2002, you might as well check it out. No point worrying about your case and being kept in the dark. Had I not enquire about my case, I won't even know about the failure to respond to the NOF until the day I received the letter of denial. Frankly speaking, I have no worries about the NOF if everything in my application is complete. It is a matter of fixing it or sending them the documents they want. Now that they have screwed up the NOF thing, they might be more careful and just approved my case to avoid any further embarrasment. Will see....!

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
Status: Still waiting...!
Thanks, sbdol.
Would you tell me how long we can get that "reopen" notice from PBEC?

sbdol said:
Hi mmm02.

Don't worry.
I've heard many sucessfull stories where the case was reinstated. In fact I do not recollect that somebody would fail.
mmm02 said:
Thanks, sbdol.
Would you tell me how long we can get that "reopen" notice from PBEC?

read a post in this thread recently..i.e in jan/feb 2006 yr took about 7 months to reopen the case... maybe u can check out and send a PM to him..
My labor application was closed by PBEC in error. I'm trying to re-open it. It seems it's hard and PEBC is very slow. I just got Canadian Immigration approve notice. My 7th year H1 extension will wxpired in July, 2006. I really don't know how to do right now. Do I need go to Canada and till I get Citizen there or just stay one year and come back with a new 6 year H1-B? If I'm permanent resident in Canada, do I still apply H1-B if I want to work in USA? Any reply will be appreciate!