Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

StressTestInUSA said:
Do you personally know any case like that...??

jeez..if this is the case then very difficult if guys r planning to file PERM from other companies if they r not currently working with them.... paystubs from PD will become a problem...

this company has 2-300 employess working for is a very big construction company, but things shud fall in place for us when the times comes when our turn comes..!!

finacially very sound company..but only worried about the documentation from my side...

Hi Stresstest

I think you have mis understood the points I mentioned on Ability to pay

I you work for a Company now ( my be a small one) and want to join another Big Co and do PERM with them and if PERM is approved and at 140 stage they do not have to send your paystub.( since you don't work with them yet and no Paystub of them) .They have to prove their ability to pay with thier Financial staements - that's it.

But if you work in the samll co and your Labor is approved through them and then you file 140 with them and then it happens because they are small co they could not prove that they could pay you as per labor ( or because that their Balance sheet show loss and they do not have sufficient funds in Banks etc) - you can substantiate the ability to pay of that Company with another proof that the Co is infact alreday paying the wage to the Applicant Employee that is you by submitting proof with Pay stubs for alst few months or 6months)

Actually Atrroney are not good in proving the ability to pay in otherways. So they just ask you to submiit payslip as additional proof and this has become a custom in USCIS. So if any I140 is missing the officer ( unless he is smart) will ask for that again and try to judge with that. This is another stupid thing in parctice which is not good for H1b employee who get long period of bench during his GC process
thx Saknia for the reply...

my only concern was how much can I rely or have hopes on the LC cos it was for EB2 though PD is Oct2003 NY..not working since Nov 2005 with this company..

thoght of filing for another LC thru Perm ...I need to shell out another 6k close it is changed employers once in Dec(premium process) and once last week with current employer(eb3 case)... I am totally thru and done with this sh**

the current company has LC for 2002dec eb3 from dont know how long this coming out of PBEC..then retogression scenario...

Its going to a very bumpy ride for all of us...

Anyone planning to come to the US...we shud make sure they visit this site...
they will know what they r in for...!!
Civil / Environmental Engineers

Hello all,

Are there any civil/environmental engineers with a master's degree from US. Please respond.............I have few questions for you pertaining to the salary requirements to qualify for EB-2 of EB-3. I am totally confused and frustrated.

Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum.

Thought I would share some recent informtaion.

EB2 RIR New York
Priority Date : Mar 12th 2003
45 day letter issued by DOL: Jan 17th, 2006
45 day letter received & replied on: Jan 24th 2006

Hopefully this long waiting will be done soon...
Thanks for the reply some relief !!! :). No I was not working any of those places as I am consultant so kind of move around US. But we have recieved 45 days letter and replyed too.

Here are my details
State : FL
PD : Sep 2003
45 letter : P-05012-XXXX May 2005 replied on same day

saknia said:
What is your Place of work as per Labor petition. I think Company address given in ETA will determine your place of work. If that is H.O then no problem for you. If it is Branch then you have to submitt proff that you are there while replying 45 days letter. If 45 days letter is already received then no problem for you

Add your detailed signature. It will help in answering question quickly. Lotof time people cannot provide full information and this involves guessing and answering and back and forth replies and answers
I have more concerned with I-140 with regards to you explantion below, it happen that my company want to re-file my H1B from high position to low position, means low salary that they can afford to pay me. I have LC pending, if ever it will get approve or certitied, i will file I-140, and go on with GC. It will affect my filing of I-140? were it will check -
1. Company Ability to pay the offered wages,
2. Company is already paying the offered wages say for last 6 months or 1 year
3. USCIS is asking pay stubs for the year of PD.

saknia said:
At 140 there is actually onely two things that will be put to test

1) Co's ability to pay the offered wages

2) Labor match with your qualifications and exp plsu eb2 factors if any

But if the Lawyer feels that ability to pay will be in doubt they ask you to add yur Pays stubs ( if you are already working with them ) to show that Co is already paying the offered wages say for last 6 months or 1 year

If your company financials are good then it should not be a problem. Some cases USCIS is asking pay stubs for the year of PD . Donlt know why. This depends on case to case and what supporting documents are sent

If your comopany employs more than 100 a letter from Director of the company is sufficnet in the place of proof of financials
Below is my information:
PD: June 11th, 2002
45 day letter received and replied: Feb 2004
still waiting.......

This is very frustrating...a paintful wait of uncertainty. Recently,
I have seen many June 2002 cases have been approved. The angel
of luck has not come to me yet.

Sumanthj said:
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum.

Thought I would share some recent informtaion.

EB2 RIR New York
Priority Date : Mar 12th 2003
45 day letter issued by DOL: Jan 17th, 2006
45 day letter received & replied on: Jan 24th 2006

Hopefully this long waiting will be done soon...
Still Waiting

This is very bad that 45 days letter are not being issued in FIFO order

but after issuing 45days letter some cases are approved in 2 months are some are waiting for almost a year for approval


There can not be two thoughts that The PBEC is the biggest hurdle on our way to so called green card as i said before maney times rest of the stages we can atleast track application

but here no one knows when luck will strike at the door of h1b1 holder

I just want to get my labor cleared so that i can apply I-140 AND get three years H1 approval instead of one year h1b1 approval

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I have come to learn two things from somewhere. Don't ask me from where and you guys don't have to believe me as I myself have little faith in it. I am hopeful though that it may come true.

1) The BEC has set a goal to process ALL cases by 09/2007.
2) Current plan calls for processing ALL RIR cases between 03/2006 - 09/2006.

Good luck to all of us.
I Dont Think Its Possible

I do respect your information but trust me its not possible

People here are crying for april 2001 how can they clear all cases till december04

They are unable to clear the cases having 45 days letter isuued one year back

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

every body is lauging ..........


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For Labordrags

hi labordrags,

I believe you are the moderator and I urge you to delete the whole thread from being viewed on the main page. So that people don't have to scroll a lot on the main page and avoid tons of distraction.

I know that you "CLOSE" the unwanted thread but is there anyway you can just delete it after closing.

sick_of_waiting said:
I have come to learn two things from somewhere. Don't ask me from where and you guys don't have to believe me as I myself have little faith in it. I am hopeful though that it may come true.

1) The BEC has set a goal to process ALL cases by 09/2007.
2) Current plan calls for processing ALL RIR cases between 03/2006 - 09/2006.

Good luck to all of us.

THanks for the info.

I think its conspicracy from Stephen's side (from BEC) to leak such optimistic rumours so that people are confused and hopeful. Its so easy to mislead public. I have been following this forum for 1 and half years and I have seen such rumours many times and these bastrds haven't even came close to any of these promises. Now I am sure all such news originates from PBEC.
sick_of_waiting said:
I have come to learn two things from somewhere. Don't ask me from where and you guys don't have to believe me as I myself have little faith in it. I am hopeful though that it may come true.

1) The BEC has set a goal to process ALL cases by 09/2007.
2) Current plan calls for processing ALL RIR cases between 03/2006 - 09/2006.

Good luck to all of us.

I saw the first part of your info in one newsletter.
sick_of_waiting said:
I have come to learn two things from somewhere. Don't ask me from where and you guys don't have to believe me as I myself have little faith in it. I am hopeful though that it may come true.

1) The BEC has set a goal to process ALL cases by 09/2007.
2) Current plan calls for processing ALL RIR cases between 03/2006 - 09/2006.

Good luck to all of us.

One thing that I have come to know is that DOL people never adhere to their plans. Every time all their energy is spent on finding an excuse why they screwed up again.

I guess AILA and the most influential employers should have gotten more irritated with BECs and apparently DOL (if they) gave out this information to calm down interested parties.
How many CO' many Dataentry guys @ Philly..??

All suffering here in PBEC...

I am having my doubts here with PBEC...

Now once and upon a time when they finish with the issuing of 45 day letters until they have the last labor case in their boxes...u mean all the guys doing data entry and issuing 45 day letters etc will be certifying our cases....?? I dont think so..or else is it the certifying officers doing data entry and issuing 45 day letters..

Now once they get reply for 45 day letters(95% will want to continue with the certification..)..will they have enough Certifying officers to adjucticate our cases or will there be a shortage of CO's then with boxes of 45 day replies...?? or do these dataentry operators get promoted as CO's...!!

In those 100 employess working how many r CO' many r doing data many r printing/putting in envelopes and mailng them...?? We ahve to analyse the whole PBEC in Philly beyond our imagination...!!

someone please solve this mystery in your own way and post your thoughts...
Your first answer is simple, there is only one CO in PBEC, his name is Stephen Stefanco. Because he is the top one from DOL, everyone in PBEC works for him.

It doesn't matter how many data input, data analyst there, as long as the CO doesn't want to expediate his process, you have to stuck in it forever and it seems Stephen Stefanco is enjoying other people's suffering.

StressTestInUSA said:
All suffering here in PBEC...

I am having my doubts here with PBEC...

Now once and upon a time when they finish with the issuing of 45 day letters until they have the last labor case in their boxes...u mean all the guys doing data entry and issuing 45 day letters etc will be certifying our cases....?? I dont think so..or else is it the certifying officers doing data entry and issuing 45 day letters..

Now once they get reply for 45 day letters(95% will want to continue with the certification..)..will they have enough Certifying officers to adjucticate our cases or will there be a shortage of CO's then with boxes of 45 day replies...?? or do these dataentry operators get promoted as CO's...!!

In those 100 employess working how many r CO' many r doing data many r printing/putting in envelopes and mailng them...?? We ahve to analyse the whole PBEC in Philly beyond our imagination...!!

someone please solve this mystery in your own way and post your thoughts...
does anyone believe that they will finish all 45-day letters until June 2006!!!
can't u see that it is soooo imposible...
so what can I say about the rumor you have written below :eek:

sick_of_waiting said:
I have come to learn two things from somewhere. Don't ask me from where and you guys don't have to believe me as I myself have little faith in it. I am hopeful though that it may come true.

1) The BEC has set a goal to process ALL cases by 09/2007.
2) Current plan calls for processing ALL RIR cases between 03/2006 - 09/2006.

Good luck to all of us.