Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

My sentiments also. Even though my case was not filed from Virginia, I have a priority date of February 2002 I have no idea about what PBEC is doing.

Case Details
February 2002
Regional - July 2003
45 Day - December 29, 2004

Almost on the verge of completing 4 years for the Labor Certification.
kiran00 said:
I am surprised to see there is significant number difference between yours and mine though they are filed on the same day... neverthless -- just an observation...

Thanks for your immediate response...

- Kiran

They are going by states. If you see any P no after you from Virgina approved then you can expect yours immediately. That said atleast the Officer for MD is awake and started some action. Let us wait for others to follow soon
MD Labor,

Congratulations on getting the approval.

I have a question to you. As Aprl02 mentioned in his post that if any one applied in EB2 with BS + 5 Yrs of Experience or MS + 0 experience will have low priority, what is ur case status ? Since I see ur case is an EB2 , Can you share your case details ? Are you having MS degree or did u file with BS +5 years converting that to MS +0 experience.

Your response is highly appreciated.


MDLaborWatch said:
Atlast my 3 years 8 months 1 day waiting game has ended with positive note. My LC has been approved Yesterday. I know there are five or more guys here in this forum(VA,MD(Me), CA,NJ,NY) for the same PD(05-17-2002).I wish you all in the forum good luck and get your LC faster!.

Thank you everyone as this forum is the only valuable tool to get some sense of what DOL does...

God bless everyone!.
I agree!

I agree with you. The sad truth is we see one approval every week here.

I am wondering what are the choices for PBEC victims
1. File a PERM case and wait for PD to get current (with all the lawmakers and attorney working that might happen before PBEC moves)
2. Convert current case to PERM
3. Team up for an effort to meet lawmakers to get us out of this mess. We have been hoping for months that PBEC will move but they are just not moving.

StressTestInUSA said:
So much of rejoice with one approval from Philly BEC...!!

If there is a rain of approvals from PBEC...we will be sharing sweets...Hope to see those days soon...
back log center

Hi Gurus,

My friend applied labour along with me in June 2002 from New Jersy for Labour. I got a letter from the back log center like four months back, so they replied to it . But my friend still haven't got the letter.

Our employer saying, they haven't heard anything from them(labour department). But sometimes we are not in a position to trust him. Is there any source to find out what really going on with this case. Our lawer is also not cooperating with us. He just listening to the company. What should we do now.

And some people are saying it is not necessary, they don't need to send that letter. They will directly approve the labour. Do you guys have any idea.

Any information related to this is really appreciated.


3 questions and answers

Recently, I asked my manager forward (cannot contact with the company lawyer directly) 3 questions to my lawyer. My case info: PD: August 2003 TN; Reached Atlanta October 2003. The questions and answers are as follows:

1. Which category does my labor certification case fall into? Is it EB-2 or EB-3?

The LC applications are not actually classified in EB2 or EB3 categories...once the LC is approved, the I-140 will be filed in either EB2 or EB3 category. Your I-140 should be filed in the EB2 category.

2. Have you received any update on my case since we sent out the reponse on the 45 day letter in February, 2005? It's been 10 months now.

No, we have not received any additional information and will probably not receive any further information until the case has been processed. The BEC's are not yet posting the priority dates of the cases being processed so we cannot make any predictions as to when the case will be processed.

3. Have you received any labor certification approvals from the Backlog Elimination Center recently? If yes, what is the priority date of these approved cases? There is no other way to track the process these days.

We have not received any approvals from the BEC in Philadelphia yet.

An additional question to you guys: Is the answer for question 1 from my lawyer right? Is it true that the LC applications are not actually classified in EB2 or EB3 categories?
dreamer123 said:
An additional question to you guys: Is the answer for question 1 from my lawyer right? Is it true that the LC applications are not actually classified in EB2 or EB3 categories?

The answer is correct. EB-2/EB-3 is a category assigned by USCIS not DOL.

If your ETA750 (ie your LC) has as requirements a Masters or BS + 5 years, then you will be able to file under EB-2. To be clear, it does not matter what your education is, only what is in the ETA form.
Sakina , We see your thoughts that people who already got approved by DBEC would fight for retrogession, But how many approval ? not more than 30-35% of entire 2001-2004 backlogs. we have n't seen even 10% approval from philly (as we see the approval thread and info). So a huge number is still in Dark about the base labour approval and definitely the primary interest of the people is to get the lc and file I-140 (3 years extn which is logical), so as to get some relief.
So if you are really one of us in that case you should be leting the people know the truth and request folks to think about PBEC first and not to support Retrogession(or even to voice together to delay the retrogession agenda till all of us gets cleared) at this stage. And I hope as you are one of us you would agree on this.

Atleast this week we see approvals.
Many Congratulation to them who received LC after a long wait.
May God bless all of us who are still in the queue.

saknia said:
WAIT_N_4GC said:
Sorry, as we remember last couple of your thread was to only support retrogession effort, and suddenlly in 24hrs a change of mind to fight for the PBEC victims . :confused:

Hi wait_N_4GC

There is no sudden change of mind in me within 24 hours. All along I have supported the Backlog issue. If go back and read my post I have earlier suggested that we need to include our case ( sharing the released visa per year so that they do not get consumed by prm guys of 2005/2006)

There was no Big effort going on here for PBEC. Some of which started here only ended up with faxing letter etc. Another effort for Rally did not materialize ( known well for its own reason- people will fight nail and tooth here. ask them to come they will be absent on that day)

I have been thinking about this for sometime. I cannot write that kind of post overnight unless Iam practisong Immigration Law. I was amking people aware of Retrogession issue as well. In next few weeks lots of 2001/2002 guys will be out of here. Reality is they will then be worried about Retriogesion and beleive me they could have been the people who ought with me here for that

I have learnt that people here wants to take one step at a time. ( First PBEc then if we are alive worry about Retrogession !!) I wanted people here to attack both together at the same time so that we will not be lost if in case retrogession issue gets approved and it is out of our hand. DBEC has approved lot of 2003/2004 guys and they will all for sure will support Retrogession. If they succeed in getting the contribution from them I think they will succeed this time. Many attorney's are behind that as well ( god knows for what)

So I wanted to share my thoughts about PBEC issues. No it is free for discussion and Action
2002calabor said:
I agree with you. The sad truth is we see one approval every week here.

I am wondering what are the choices for PBEC victims
1. File a PERM case and wait for PD to get current (with all the lawmakers and attorney working that might happen before PBEC moves)
2. Convert current case to PERM
3. Team up for an effort to meet lawmakers to get us out of this mess. We have been hoping for months that PBEC will move but they are just not moving.
Dont know about Dallas..but Philly BEC must be in a big mess with too many files I guess and they must not have 'placed' them in any kind of an order and just dumped them as they got them from all the states...

Its hard sitting and analysing how they r operating...when they spit out some 45 letters and approvals now and then..

If we dont care for the PD everyone will jump for PERM...

Until we have a strategy here solely for Philly BEC..nothing can make a difference..
SN4GC said:
MD Labor,

Congratulations on getting the approval.

I have a question to you. As Aprl02 mentioned in his post that if any one applied in EB2 with BS + 5 Yrs of Experience or MS + 0 experience will have low priority, what is ur case status ? Since I see ur case is an EB2 , Can you share your case details ? Are you having MS degree or did u file with BS +5 years converting that to MS +0 experience.

Your response is highly appreciated.


Mine is EB2, RIR, BS+ 5 or more Years experience.. I do not buy what aprl02 says about this priority.. When PBEC is not able to go after simplistic PD FIFO order, how the hell in the world , they are going to sort the applications into the complicated algeric priorities that he has mentioned???
PLEASE post only Labor APPROVALS!

This thread is only for Philadelphia BEC Labor APPROVALS ONLY!

That is why this thread is named "LC Approvals from Philadelphia".

Why is it so difficult to understand? It is not rocket science.

People like Saknia are doing a good job maintaining this thread.

Also when we see a new posting in this thread, it makes people think there is an approval only to be disappointed.

If you have questions, there is another thread for tracking the progress of Philadelphia BEC.
WAIT_N_4GC said:
Sakina , We see your thoughts that people who already got approved by DBEC would fight for retrogession, But how many approval ? not more than 30-35% of entire 2001-2004 backlogs. we have n't seen even 10% approval from philly (as we see the approval thread and info). So a huge number is still in Dark about the base labour approval and definitely the primary interest of the people is to get the lc and file I-140 (3 years extn which is logical), so as to get some relief.
So if you are really one of us in that case you should be leting the people know the truth and request folks to think about PBEC first and not to support Retrogession(or even to voice together to delay the retrogession agenda till all of us gets cleared) at this stage. And I hope as you are one of us you would agree on this.

Atleast this week we see approvals.
Many Congratulation to them who received LC after a long wait.
May God bless all of us who are still in the queue.


I agree with you that PBEC is important.That is why Iam posting my views on how to attck the PBEC issue

But at the same time I am not for voicing against Retrogession mainly because of one thing- Now you or some here will ask me to raise my voice against retrogession.But the question is till when I should bestopping stopping that process from happening. Till all the Guys here get cleared or till it approval reaches 2004 level or 2005 level or till I get my approval. This point is a very tricky.When this threshold is reached everyone will have their own agenda.

Guys with 2005 PD and who are waiting here will want that stopped till they get ot of here which might take a long time and by then Guys who are 2001-2003 whao are cleared might start thinking about next steps. we cnnot blame either one of them as they have to take care of themselves.

Also if you push PBEC a lot of people will get out from here soon and their own agenda will be different after that. So that point how are we stop the Retrogession process.

I don't want to aruge here for the pros and cons of Retroession support. Let Memebers here decide and think based on what is discussed so far and if anything concrete comes out of PBEC awareness issue they can act as per their own wish

I am not a Retrogession Volunteer or advocate.

Not much is happening and people here are in dark ( mainly becuase PBEC has stopped their thinking) and they need to get out of the mood first before they can think rationally and see who is doing good and advocating good for them. There is no Win win Situation between retrogession and PBEC success.

Let things rest here.

Finally I want to say this Loudly here

The whole Immigration process is a mess and we all need to fight even after 140, 485, Citizenship , getting old etc for whoever is struck with this process (I think it should be Till you are here and even from where ever you are). Having gone through this process with a bad taste I feel that no one should suffer like this

I will do that as much as I can on this
New approval (maybe old)

Saw this on the murthy PBEC tracker:

Member posted January 19, 2006 09:27 AM
BEC Notification Date: sept 2005
Labor Status: approved
Priority Date: may 2002
Type (RIR/Non-RIR):RIR
State (LC filed):Newyork
Posts: 3 | Registered: October 27, 2005

I am assuming this is a new approval.
Another CA EB2 RIR Dec 2002 - Posted in

#9671 19th January 2006, 03:11 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 24

New approval (maybe old)


Saw this on the murthy PBEC tracker:

Member posted January 19, 2006 09:27 AM
BEC Notification Date: sept 2005
Labor Status: approved
Priority Date: may 2002
Type (RIR/Non-RIR):RIR
State (LC filed):Newyork
Posts: 3 | Registered: October 27, 2005

I am assuming this is a new approval.
PD: Dec 2002
RD: Oct 2004
Substitute labor worsens retrogression

Saknia, and others lobbying for retrogression removal,

Have you browsed the murthy forums? They're full of people with substituted labor. People with sub. labor jump the queue and make retrogression worse.
You should first ask USCIS not to accept sub labor, or atleast make PD when I-140 was applied. Unless you do this, retrogression will never be removed.

Hope this makes sense.
there ya go !!! You are absolutely correct.

rollingstone said:
Saknia, and others lobbying for retrogression removal,

Have you browsed the murthy forums? They're full of people with substituted labor. People with sub. labor jump the queue and make retrogression worse.
You should first ask USCIS not to accept sub labor, or atleast make PD when I-140 was applied. Unless you do this, retrogression will never be removed.

Hope this makes sense.
rollingstone said:
Saknia, and others lobbying for retrogression removal,

Have you browsed the murthy forums? They're full of people with substituted labor. People with sub. labor jump the queue and make retrogression worse.
You should first ask USCIS not to accept sub labor, or atleast make PD when I-140 was applied. Unless you do this, retrogression will never be removed.

Hope this makes sense.

There was a legislation which failed that would have stoppped Labor substitution. Employers will not agree for that and they have a clout on that matter (I mean big US Corporations). However small time Companies use that to make extra Bugs.

Attoney Murthy itself lobbied against removal of substituted labor indirectly.

We cannot stop all the things happening around us just because we are struck here. That way we have too many issues around Immigration.

Rather we ask what we want and try and get it.

Approved Labor working on Retrogession will constitute a minor part.This is because he has a choice to buy the approved labor as per Visa dates and move.One cannot nowadays easily sell that unless PD for that is current.
Why some one Buy an approved labor. mayt be he is struck here and want to get out.So he might be one among us as well
If the date when 140 is applied becomes PD, then all the perm guys will jump ahead of us in the queue, now who would want that?, not me.

I think the only right way for PBEC would be to process labor based on PD and finish off all the backlogs in a few months time. Retrogression should go only after the backlog cases are approved otherwise it will be gross injustice for all of us who have been waiting where as people with perm, substitute labor and all tom, di** and harry will go in front of us and we will continue to wait, curse, rot…

I have high regards and respect for Saknia who has been a great help and support for all of us here, to be in the same boat and invest so much of time, energy to inform and update us is really admirable, but in this particular case of supporting those who are fighting for retrogression issue I beg to differ.

Did anyone call the PBEC phone line recently. Any response or is it directed to automated message.
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