Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

you are smart

I am also thinking in same line!!

MDwaiter24 said:
I just spoke to my lawyer and what she basically said was that
they have not received any 45 day letter or approvals from PBEC
however they daily receive approvals from DBEC.

She also said that there is no way to get any information and
even the people close to DOL get: "Leave us alone we work
on this as much as we can"

We were speculating that PBEC has decided to send all the
45-day letters and approvals in large mass mailings to avoid
critisism about not keeping FIFO. At this point no one knows.
However I hope that's the case. Just a wishful thinking.

In a mean while I am working on my Master's degree to
take advantage of my employer's tuition reimbursment, take
my mind of the immigration process and have my Master's
degree along with the GC to position myself for a better job.
Most of the time this works.

Anyway, you guys all have great weekend and don't worry.
Every day we are all one day closer to our GC.

DOL Offers Explanation of the BEC Processing Procedures

I also posted this to the BEC Tracker thread, so sorry for cross-posting. I wanted to make sure you all see it. Having said that, it doesn't really explain much, and from what I've seen in the Tracker, I'd say it's not even true ;-)

The Department of Labor (DOL) has put forth an explanation to the public to its procedures for processing labor certification applications pending at the Backlog Elimination Centers (BEC’s) and ETA regional offices. Though First in First Out (FIFO) procedures are followed in processing the applications, various factors affect the time period that an application will be processed. Basically, cases with earlier priority dates may be processed later than newer applications and cases with same priority dates will be processed at different times based on a number of factors including: Reduction in Recruitment cases will be processed before a Traditional Labor Certification; applications further in the recruitment process, which usually includes those coming from the region as opposed to the state may be processed faster ; the dates of other applications pending at the center, which are placed within the FIFO queue; the quality of the applications (those with less questions or problems are easier to finalize ); and finally the time it takes the employer or agent to respond to confirmation requests to continue processing the application.
SENT FAX to Leticia Sierra

I've faxed the letter just now. Wonderful guys!!! GOOD JOB... Everyone PLEASE PLEASE send emails, faxes and do what ever you can
deb2611 said:
I also posted this to the BEC Tracker thread, so sorry for cross-posting. I wanted to make sure you all see it. Having said that, it doesn't really explain much, and from what I've seen in the Tracker, I'd say it's not even true ;-)

The Department of Labor (DOL) has put forth an explanation to the public to its procedures for processing labor certification applications pending at the Backlog Elimination Centers (BEC’s) and ETA regional offices. Though First in First Out (FIFO) procedures are followed in processing the applications, various factors affect the time period that an application will be processed. Basically, cases with earlier priority dates may be processed later than newer applications and cases with same priority dates will be processed at different times based on a number of factors including: Reduction in Recruitment cases will be processed before a Traditional Labor Certification; applications further in the recruitment process, which usually includes those coming from the region as opposed to the state may be processed faster ; the dates of other applications pending at the center, which are placed within the FIFO queue; the quality of the applications (those with less questions or problems are easier to finalize ); and finally the time it takes the employer or agent to respond to confirmation requests to continue processing the application.

I got the same canned response on a personal email from Leticia Sierra ... seems they came up with an "explanation" talking point and will repeat it ad nauseum, doing cut and paste ... total bs, as we know.

I can't believe not ONE person knows anyone who works at PBEC ... what happened to six degrees of separation !?

OHH just had an idea !! how about this, we put an ad in a Philly newspaper, offering 500 bucks for someone who works at the PBEC to come forward anonimously and explain what's going on ... I would PAY the 500 bucks for that info.

Would that be illegal ?!
More Info about my LC

I just got the copy of final determination letter. LC has been certified on Aug 22nd. I don't know what they were doing with my case for all these days. I checked my status several times i got the following response.

July 20 - Status : RIR
Aug15, Sept 15, Sept 29 - Status: Final Review
Oct 05 - Status: Certified.
Hard copy received on Oct 20th.
I just came to know about this.
Congrats man!

Funny post.

whatheheck said:
Hello fellow victims,

My Approved LC SHIT has been out from Philly's tight ass. My lawyer asshole received it a couple of weeks back and he didn't inform me. I guess that asshole is on vacation now. Anyway i got this news thru other ass... who is working with him.

Anyway i am happy to get out of this pool of shit after waiting for more than 3 years and 7 months.
Here is my case information:

PD: Feb 12, 2002
RD: Aug 2004 (Cleared state and went to regional)
45 Days letter: March 1 st week
45 days response: Immediate.
Philly case number: p-0428XXXXX
Congratulations !

whatheheck said:
Here is my case information:

PD: Feb 12, 2002
RD: Aug 2004 (Cleared state and went to regional)
45 Days letter: March 1 st week
45 days response: Immediate.
Philly case number: p-0428XXXXX
I wish I could be this lucky

I also sent request ,

Aug 9 - Status RIR
Nov 3 - no status field ...

what the heck is going on !? wait for another three months and send another email ....

whatheheck said:
I just got the copy of final determination letter. LC has been certified on Aug 22nd. I don't know what they were doing with my case for all these days. I checked my status several times i got the following response.

July 20 - Status : RIR
Aug15, Sept 15, Sept 29 - Status: Final Review
Oct 05 - Status: Certified.
Hard copy received on Oct 20th.
I just came to know about this.
Congratulation, Whateheck!
If I were you, I would call up that Sly.Stubborn Guy in PBEC and confront him about this nonsense delay.

whatheheck said:
I just got the copy of final determination letter. LC has been certified on Aug 22nd. I don't know what they were doing with my case for all these days. I checked my status several times i got the following response.

July 20 - Status : RIR
Aug15, Sept 15, Sept 29 - Status: Final Review
Oct 05 - Status: Certified.
Hard copy received on Oct 20th.
I just came to know about this.


I am thinking of refiling under PERM, can anyone suggest from their experience a good lawyer that I can go to?

I was thinking of contacting Murthy to start with, does anyone know how their fee compare with other lawyers? Any other suggestions? I am looking for someone really responsive and who can do things quickly.

Lawyer that filed my currently pending LC sucks big time, no answers, no suggestions, no response, no help and yeah they are one of the famous lawyer that big 5's go to after paying them lots of money.

But, this time around I am looking for different alternatives. Any help? Any reasonable estimate range for the whole GC process?

Thanks in advance.
LC Certified - Received hard copy

Hello guys,
My LC has been certified and my lawyer received the hard copy two weeks back. Here is my case detail. I just heard the news.

PD: 12th Feb, 2002
RD: Aug'04
45 Day letter: March 05 and replied next day
Screenshot case status as of
July-05: RIR
Aug15-Sept15, Sept29: Final Review
Oct 5: Certified
Hard copy received: Oct 20, 05
ETA Case Number: P-04289 XXXXX

In Final determination letter, its says case has been certified on August 22nd. I don't know what they were doing for more than 2 months?

Today, i just got the information from my lawyer.
fastergcwanted said:

Lawyer that filed my currently pending LC sucks big time, no answers, no suggestions, no response, no help and yeah they are one of the famous lawyer that big 5's go to after paying them lots of money.

But, this time around I am looking for different alternatives. Any help? Any reasonable estimate range for the whole GC process?

Thanks in advance.

This is not to discourage you. Almost all the assholes are like that only. This is my opinion. I hope someone could suggest you a nice lawyer.
whatheheck said:
I just got the copy of final determination letter. LC has been certified on Aug 22nd. I don't know what they were doing with my case for all these days. I checked my status several times i got the following response.

July 20 - Status : RIR
Aug15, Sept 15, Sept 29 - Status: Final Review
Oct 05 - Status: Certified.
Hard copy received on Oct 20th.
I just came to know about this.
Congrats !
whatheheck said:
I just got the copy of final determination letter. LC has been certified on Aug 22nd. I don't know what they were doing with my case for all these days. I checked my status several times i got the following response.

July 20 - Status : RIR
Aug15, Sept 15, Sept 29 - Status: Final Review
Oct 05 - Status: Certified.
Hard copy received on Oct 20th.
I just came to know about this.
Congrats !

The approval goes to the lawyer and not the indiviual, right ? Because my address while filing LC is different than current address.

All the best for next steps !