Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Expedited Labor

I agree with the suggestion of implementing an expedited premium processing for labor. Now, it may be very hard to implement this because a lot of people may respond (they were able to do it with H1's though). But then again, they may establish a premium queue. They may charge some extra $$'s to get you into the expedited queue. If they guarantee my labor in 6 months, I would be willing to pay upto $5K. If you think about it, if 10K people chooses to do so, that would mean $50M. That means you can add almost 500 more people (assuming $100K salary/person). These people would work on the expedited queue first and then move to the normal queue. That way, those who do not have the resources to pay the $5K or do not wish to do so can benefit as well. The details might be figured out but like I said, I am ready to pay $5K cash right now if it will make me get my labor in 6 months. Time is very important for me because I have a wife who wants to work and I want to start enjoying the benefits of AC-21 portability as soon as possible and I want to mitigate the risk of a possible layoff. So, the benefits more than outweigh the $5K. This point I think should be brought up in discussions and suggestions to the senators.

Also, why don't they still have a case status web site? I understand that they have not completed data entry yet but that's OK (well, it is not ok but what can I say). For those people, the status might just say not in the system yet or whatever. What are they waiting for? The problem I think is that, as has been mentioned before, they have skipped a lot of 2001 and early 2002 cases and they still are not able to process FIFO and they don't want this to be out in the open.

As of Oct 22, according to Shusterman's website, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve a measure which would allow the recapture 90,000 EB visas. Will this affect us in a positive way? Are these visas meant to be for nurses and PT's only? Does anybody know?
wait in eternity until March 06...

These guys "SAY"....they plan to finish data-entry by March maybe we have to wait in eternity until then for the 45 day letters to kick in and the approvals following.... Atleast if they stick to this damn word March 2006 is next 4-5 months...

Makes me wonder din't SWA have the dataentry done at the local DOL's.. and transfer the data thru some s/ a world of today we are spending ages together for just data-entry...!!

Looks like our spouses will retire even before they get to work...
StressTestInUSA said:
These guys "SAY"....they plan to finish data-entry by March maybe we have to wait in eternity until then for the 45 day letters to kick in and the approvals following.... Atleast if they stick to this damn word March 2006 is next 4-5 months...

Makes me wonder din't SWA have the dataentry done at the local DOL's.. and transfer the data thru some s/ a world of today we are spending ages together for just data-entry...!!

Looks like our spouses will retire even before they get to work...

You are pretty optimistic.. they "promised" to finish data entry by end of this summer.. summer is long gone.. now it is march.. before that there were other "projections" and "planned times".. this whole this is a cock-up from end to end. They are perpetually having software glitches. We know for a fact that they have grabbed 7 $ an hour temps from Burger King to do the data entry and adjudicate on PhD holder's certificates.. now I'm pretty confident they have hired a retarded monkey from Philly zoo to write their software.
cramm said:

I got excited when I read this.

As of Oct 22, according to Shusterman's website, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve a measure which would allow the recapture 90,000 EB visas. Will this affect us in a positive way? Are these visas meant to be for nurses and PT's only? Does anybody know?

WHy you keep on posting the same post ? This forum is about BEC and not visa number. Please check correct forum.
Please note my case details

Hi mvinays and JustWatching,

EB3 - NON RIR May 2003
Filed at Philadelphia
45 days letter received in Feb 2005
Never heard anything after that. :(

Sep 2003 Approval from DBEC


DBEC is approving Sep 2003 cases now!!!

No approvals at all from our great PBEC :( :(

What's going on?????
My Details

Hi mvinays and JustWatching,

PD: EB2- RIR July 2003
RD: Aug 2003
45 days letter received & Replied in Feb 2005
ETA No: P-04246-01***
Haven't heard anything after that..

Already in 7th year. Never send an email for status check to PBEC
I own two primary residences and two investment properties in DC area (all in all worth more than 3 mil) and my case also got stuck to PBEC...sobs!!!

noluck2005 said:
my colegues whose cases were sent to DBEC had PD jan, feb and mart 2003(their cases got approved); my PD is 10/2002 and my case went to PBEC :mad: . But when I look my colegues histories their past is little bit different than mine, they all are longer in us then I am, two of them finished part of their edducation here two of them are from Europe and one is from China. Two of them have american born kids, I don't; and all of them had some changes in their visa status( two of them came from other company and had to change h1b and the other one change visa from f1 to h1b). I think that all our cases are stored in some goverment computer, they don't have to input any data evrything is there. They know evrything about each of us and our dependants; I mean evrything. And I think that system is set-up that way that you have to be in this country for at least 5-6 years before they will give you GC. they know that your employer will start GC proces usually in first year of your H1b, but they also look the other things and if you have a kid born here, if you have a house, if your spause is doing something positive (taking classes, doing some equivalency exams), if you are making good investments on stock market and making big money the faster you will get your GC :rolleyes: ;) On the other hand maybe evrything I wrote is just a joke and evrything is just pure luck and we don't have luck and that is the reason why we are in PBEC :eek:
I got following mail from PBEC, do you guys have any idea what does it mean

"Please note that this email address is to be used to request information for the purpose of indicating to USCIS that a permanent certification case is pending for those aliens who have H1B visas due to expire and require extension. Because of the volume of cases being processed at the Philadelphia Backlog Center, case status information can not be provided for other cases. Also note that replies to this message will not be acknowledged"

Thank you,
The Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
H-1B Visa Extension Information Team

The idea sounds good though we should also consider the fact that Labor Certification is a request from an employer to the DOL (rather than from an alien) and any increase in fees would incur more expenditure on the part of the employer. How many employers would be willing to pay another $5K for each of its labor applicants ? As for the question of passing on the cost to the alien beneficiary, it does not sound quite legal to me (I could be wrong).
Even if the expedited concept gains approval, I think data entry should be the first point of action. Without that, they cannot separate premium processing requests from others (they would have to go back and dig inside those boxes that are accumulating dust to look for your papers).

triniti said:
I agree with the suggestion of implementing an expedited premium processing for labor. Now, it may be very hard to implement this because a lot of people may respond (they were able to do it with H1's though). But then again, they may establish a premium queue. They may charge some extra $$'s to get you into the expedited queue. If they guarantee my labor in 6 months, I would be willing to pay upto $5K. If you think about it, if 10K people chooses to do so, that would mean $50M. That means you can add almost 500 more people (assuming $100K salary/person). These people would work on the expedited queue first and then move to the normal queue. That way, those who do not have the resources to pay the $5K or do not wish to do so can benefit as well. The details might be figured out but like I said, I am ready to pay $5K cash right now if it will make me get my labor in 6 months. Time is very important for me because I have a wife who wants to work and I want to start enjoying the benefits of AC-21 portability as soon as possible and I want to mitigate the risk of a possible layoff. So, the benefits more than outweigh the $5K. This point I think should be brought up in discussions and suggestions to the senators.

Also, why don't they still have a case status web site? I understand that they have not completed data entry yet but that's OK (well, it is not ok but what can I say). For those people, the status might just say not in the system yet or whatever. What are they waiting for? The problem I think is that, as has been mentioned before, they have skipped a lot of 2001 and early 2002 cases and they still are not able to process FIFO and they don't want this to be out in the open.
Email address is not for status.

This tells you in very blunt language "Don't send us email unless your H1 is expiring and you need proof for extension".

As this email address is not to provide you status but to send you proof of labor filing for your 7th year extension. Status is just a byproduct of it.

driveto said:
I got following mail from PBEC, do you guys have any idea what does it mean

"Please note that this email address is to be used to request information for the purpose of indicating to USCIS that a permanent certification case is pending for those aliens who have H1B visas due to expire and require extension. Because of the volume of cases being processed at the Philadelphia Backlog Center, case status information can not be provided for other cases. Also note that replies to this message will not be acknowledged"

Thank you,
The Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
H-1B Visa Extension Information Team

My Data add into your list.

Hello Mvinays,
Please include my information in the following list.

mvinays said:
This message is for the following members of the forum:

hufx - 5 posts
nuculer - 36 posts
max2005 - 14 posts
LongLongAgo - 15 posts
ragini_nj - 15 posts
Amit_K_Bhatia@h - 16 posts
sameer2730 - 55 posts
everything_gud - 17 posts
Caliber - 8 posts
spircegirl - 8 posts
LCKY2004 - 8 posts
lc410485gc - 20 posts

Many of you appear to be newer members of this forum with very few posts. I request you all to kindly update your signatures or at least provide your LC case details to JustWatching so that he can add it to the BEC Tracker spreadsheet. We will greatly appreciate your co-operation. See my signature or any other member's signature for an example. If your screen-name and case details are already in the tracker spreadsheet, kindly ignore this request.

Thank you and have a great day!
Good one Pineapple....

I burst into laughter on seeing ... "Temps from BK , Retarded Monkey from Philly zoo"... Good one dude.
To be honest "Everyone @ work looked at me while I was laughing aloud on seeing this...

P.S: The first time iam ever happy & smiling on this "thread(PBEC)" :) ........


SWA - 12/2002
Moved to Philly DOL - 08/2003
Received 45 day letter - 12/2004
Replied 45 day letter - 12/2004 (yay yay - Pretty soon Iam gonna celebrate my first anniversary)

Pineapple said:
You are pretty optimistic.. they "promised" to finish data entry by end of this summer.. summer is long gone.. now it is march.. before that there were other "projections" and "planned times".. this whole this is a cock-up from end to end. They are perpetually having software glitches. We know for a fact that they have grabbed 7 $ an hour temps from Burger King to do the data entry and adjudicate on PhD holder's certificates.. now I'm pretty confident they have hired a retarded monkey from Philly zoo to write their software.
Come on Man!!!

nofunatall said:
I own two primary residences and two investment properties in DC area (all in all worth more than 3 mil) and my case also got stuck to PBEC...sobs!!!

You have close to 3mil and have screen Name nofunatall

Change it to Funallthe time :)
Please update my information from signature, particularly case #.

Where can I find latest file of PBEC tracker?

You don't need labor certified

With $700K investment in US company will make you and your family eligible to get direct citizenship. Why do you need GC? Please leave 1 visa # left for me :)

nofunatall said:
I own two primary residences and two investment properties in DC area (all in all worth more than 3 mil) and my case also got stuck to PBEC...sobs!!!