Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

California boxes are opened now

I just heard from friend of mine that he got his labor approved. His PD date is May 2002 and applied from California. He got his 45 days letter in feb 2005.
how funny this is? Everytime, someone brought up friend last minute. Let's complain poor management of PBEC, if DOL can get rid of the chief of foreign lc, why they can't kick out the director of PBEC, everyone knows his name here.
ladude10 said:
I just heard from friend of mine that he got his labor approved. His PD date is May 2002 and applied from California. He got his 45 days letter in feb 2005.
ladude10 said:
I just heard from friend of mine that he got his labor approved. His PD date is May 2002 and applied from California. He got his 45 days letter in feb 2005.

finally some news. best wishes to him in his next steps

Cali filers with PD of May 2002, any status check recently? please share,
Good luck

Cali RIR
PD June 2002
RD May 2003
45 d letter rcvd on March
checked last month, status was RIR
Be Generic...Don't be too Specific

USCISisMockery said:
This is suicidal, ineffective and selfish move. Tomorrow, everybody will start mailing with the request that
"This is my details, please clear my labor".
Do you think, that will work ?
Any letters written to BEC should be generic, don't add more complication and cofusion by suggesting them what they should do. Also lot of information in the letter is completely wrong.

WorriedEngineer - Do you think if you request for transfer from PBEC to DBEC will speed-up the process, probably not. If if that happens, they will start sending out another 45-day letters and will take 4 years instead of 2. Please don't this. I am from CA too, but doing this will weaken our fight against PBEC. This will be something like "WE DEVIDE and WE LOOSE". This should be a common effort, a joint effort and not specific to states.

This is as good as asking why don't you transfer cases from PBEC or DBEC back to regional and state levels because they are slow. Whatever was to happen, has happened, but we have fight to make it better now.

Hope everyone agrees on this.
whereismy_gc said:
WorriedEngineer - Do you think if you request for transfer from PBEC to DBEC will speed-up the process, probably not. If if that happens, they will start sending out another 45-day letters and will take 4 years instead of 2. Please don't this. I am from CA too, but doing this will weaken our fight against PBEC. This will be something like "WE DEVIDE and WE LOOSE". This should be a common effort, a joint effort and not specific to states.

This is as good as asking why don't you transfer cases from PBEC or DBEC back to regional and state levels because they are slow. Whatever was to happen, has happened, but we have fight to make it better now.

Hope everyone agrees on this.

Well said...
was his case in PBEC?

ladude10 said:
I just heard from friend of mine that he got his labor approved. His PD date is May 2002 and applied from California. He got his 45 days letter in feb 2005.

Was his case in PBEC? Could you confirm? That could be a random selection, I hope not :)
hufx said:
how funny this is? Everytime, someone brought up friend last minute. Let's complain poor management of PBEC, if DOL can get rid of the chief of foreign lc, why they can't kick out the director of PBEC, everyone knows his name here.
I think be realistic here, I understand the delay and mess from PBEC. But at the same front, GC is a privilege. The authority organizing this is not a profitable origination where CEO gets change every year or two…
I am also from CALI and my PD is July 2002. We all know the mess after transferring cases to PBC. So instead of requesting this kind of changes to the process (like transferring to different places) I think its worth waiting in same BEC. Now Cali people will see more approvals.
Its encouraging to see new members rising on yahoo group. People please spread the word about the group and start doing your part by emails and snail mails. Yahoo group has many sample letters to get you started.
a little hope

ladude10 said:
I just heard from friend of mine that he got his labor approved. His PD date is May 2002 and applied from California. He got his 45 days letter in feb 2005.
Hi ladude10,
Can you post some more information about your friends' case.
I am also from CA with PD 5/17/2002.
Waiting patientially to hear the good news.
ItsTough said:
I am in the same boat.. I dont see me in there. I see others in 1998 and also 2003 but I cant see me in 2002.. I guess the 1998 guys are certified and 2003 are PERM ....... Not sure why my date doesnt show up....
how come 2003 can be perm. permonly started this year...Am i missing any thing ???
ladude10 said:
I think be realistic here, I understand the delay and mess from PBEC. But at the same front, GC is a privilege. The authority organizing this is not a profitable origination where CEO gets change every year or two…
I am also from CALI and my PD is July 2002. We all know the mess after transferring cases to PBC. So instead of requesting this kind of changes to the process (like transferring to different places) I think its worth waiting in same BEC. Now Cali people will see more approvals.

* My family is being scattered because PBEC delays (age out)
* Instead of implementing PERM (after feeding some private company for the idea, common sense says that the right action was to reinforce structures to process cases at a faster speed.
* I feel discriminated watching PERM process giving approvals while older cases as ours are in waiting in "nice" hands.
* I give my part every single day. Is this a privilege?
* Looking both BEC it is clear the management deficiencies from DOL.
* It is disrespectful to keep say for months "we are processing April/2001", as I have been listening.
* It is disrespectful to be sent to a recorded message saying nothing but what we know since a year ago.
* It is disrespectful not to make public any forecast nor effort to improve.
* If the CEO cannot do his part properly then should give the place to another professional.
after saying all this, I am happy for your friend. Add his data to our tracker.
worriedEngineer said:
I sent the following letter to DOL Secretary Chao:
If your labor certification is from CA, Please send the letter to Chao to see if we can make some impact to them.

To: The Honorable Elaine L. Chao
Secretary of U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20210

Dear Sir/Madam:
I applied my permanent labor certification on June 11 2002 in California. On May 1 2003, my case was sent to San Francisco regional office. In Nov 2004, my case along with other 10000 California permanent labor certification cases was transferred to Philadelphia labor certification backlog process center. My case number is P-04308-331xx. My case was not adjudicated by now.
From, I know that not single California case was adjudicated by Philadelphia back log process center, while Dallas backlog process center are adjudicating May/June 2003 California cases. I feel it is unfair to me to delay my labor certification in Philadelphia backlog process center. I would like to request to transfer my labor certification case back to Dallas back log process center for the following reason.
1. In the web site of DOL, California labor certification case should be transferred to Dallas backlog process center, so it is a mistake to transfer 10000 California labor certification cases to Philadelphia back log process center. Transfer 10000 California labor certification cases back to Dallas Backlog process center will avoid confusion created by the inconsistence between DOL web site and reality.
2. Transfer 10000 California cases back to Dallas backlog process center will balance the work load between Dallas backlog process center and Philadelphia backlog process center. Dallas backlog process center is far ahead Philadelphia backlog process center in process time, Dallas backlog process center is working on May/June 2003 California cases while Philadelphia didn’t process any California permanent labor certification case.
3. Transfer 10000 California cases back to Dallas BPC will help to synchronize PD between Philadelphia BPC and Dallas BPC. It will help to reduce unfairness of process time difference between Philadelphia BPC and Dallas BPC.

I am also going to do that.I do not see anything happening in Phili.Instead of sitting and talking nonsense,lets all Ca people do that.
whereismy_gc said:
WorriedEngineer - Do you think if you request for transfer from PBEC to DBEC will speed-up the process, probably not. If if that happens, they will start sending out another 45-day letters and will take 4 years instead of 2. Please don't this. I am from CA too, but doing this will weaken our fight against PBEC. This will be something like "WE DEVIDE and WE LOOSE". This should be a common effort, a joint effort and not specific to states.

This is as good as asking why don't you transfer cases from PBEC or DBEC back to regional and state levels because they are slow. Whatever was to happen, has happened, but we have fight to make it better now.

Hope everyone agrees on this.
The main problem is that we take things for granted.Things that are not fair.The whole BEC system was made to cater to the FIFO and to be fair.I don't see how we can sit and watch and do nothing and just talk and take the bull----.
Thanks for the reply

cantstandit said:
losing your PD would make a difference, but even then, EB2 Jan/06 might get a GC faster than EB3 May/03, especially for India.

The problem is that apparently to file PERM for EB2, your job really needs to require MS. For example, if you're in IT, that could be a problem. I've heard about people getting PERM denied because adjudicators think IT jobs don't really require MS, so you need to ask your attorney about that.

Why don't you file PERM EB2 and keep old EB3 running in parallel ?! if you get the PERM approved, then you could toss the EB3 away, because with the labor approved you could file for 140 and at the bare minimum would able to extend your H visa for 3 years instead of 1. I think having an EB2 labor approved is definitely an advantage in this GC mess.
Thanks for the reply

msabir said:
I am in similar situation except my PD is earlier (07/02-RIR-EB3). At that time, I did not have MS. But now I do and there are jobs in our company that require MS, so I can file for one of those jobs with EB2.

I talked to my lawyer - with whom, I am not very impressed with - about this. He thinks that we should keep the existing application. I wonder if there is a way, where you can move from EB3 to EB2 by filing a new application under PERM but keep your old PD. That would be the best option. I doubt my lawyer knows all these complexities. In fact, some of you guys know more about these issues than some lawyers I have spoken with.

Infact my lawyer said that its too risky to apply EB2 perm. I'm not impressed with his answers too.

saknia said:
laborpain01 said:
This is the format. You will gte reply in 10-15 minutues. Check and let us know your Status.You can send from your office email even. Better to send from Company e mail.

email: 'H1B7YR@PHI.DFLC.US'

Sub: Case Number: P-XXXXX-XXXXX

Madam/ Sir,

Would you provide me the documents that I would need to file the 7th year H1B extension .Following is my case details.



Occupation: Software Engineer or as per Petition

Date of Acceptance for Processing XX 2002

Employer: XXXXXXX

Please let me know if you need additional information.

Thanking you
Your Name


I believe there are no dumb questions in a forum like this. Can anyone please guide me as to what "ETA Case Number: P-XXXXX-XXXXX" is . Is this the Labour application number?

any help appreciated

KD Singh
Bedford, MA
PD : 9/1/2004
RD : Do not know
New BEC Case no. : Not received
45-day letter no
LC approved from PBEC

Hi, all,

My attorney received the approval notice of my LC from PBEC yesterday.

PD: 10/26/01
RD: 05/03/04
BEC#: P-04280-xxxxx
45day letter: 08/23/05 (case closed in April, reopened on 08/23/05)
Approved Date: 09/29/05
kdsingh said:

I believe there are no dumb questions in a forum like this. Can anyone please guide me as to what "ETA Case Number: P-XXXXX-XXXXX" is . Is this the Labour application number?

any help appreciated

Yes P-XXXXX-XXXXX is your case number as assigned by the BEC. If you do not have this number then you should give them your labor application number as given to you by the state in which you applied. Hope this helps.