Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

When should I file H1B 7-year extension? half a year left?

Anyone know when should I file H1B 7-year extension? half a year or one year?

My H1B will due next May. When can I do the extension?

Which organization should I contact? May I do it by myself?

atl_dol_aug said:
Hi Cantstandit ,

I have exactly same situation as yours. My PD is June 2002 , but in my 7th year extension screen shot it shows the PD as May 13th 2005.

I didn't know what to do . Sent a mail to my lawyer. She said she mailed to Phili backlog center , but heard nothing back.

hi Atl, I emailed my laywer asking them to call PBEC to see what's going on ... I'll post any updates ... I'm sure it's a typo during data entry, but it's one of those stupid things that could delay our cases forever ...

in your case, was the Type correct ? mine is RIR, but it has TR, so it's also wrong. Very high quality work indeed.
Hi Juntha, good to hear from you. From NeedMyLC post above, I gather that there are a couple TR approvals (should be more) that made it to Regional. You may be right on SWA cases though. I'm not sure as well.

Here are those approvals:

PBEC TR Case Approvals

dcmetro22042 [PD:5/1/2003; State: MD; Region:11/23/2004; Approved:Aug-2005]
nkvatsan [PD, PD:12/18/2001, Region:2/27/2004, Approved:Aug-05]

juntha said:
Yes i can :

List of approved TR LC case :


That was hard ;) Thanks god Labor day is coming soon.
Seriously i havent heard of any TR case approved. My guess is that this is because they all got stuck at SWA level.

If i am mistaken... then i am sorry
Thanks, Choclito for the addition. Somehow, I got the impression that your case was a TR one. Sorry..

Choclito said:
PBEC RIR "Certified" or "Final Review" Cases

whatheheck [PD: Feb 2002; FINAL REVIEW; State: MD; Regional:?]
jjcchoi [ PD: Nov 2001; CERTIFIED; State: MD; Regional: Yes]
SB (murthy site) [PD: Nov 2001; CERTIFIED; State: ?; Regional: ?]
Wash.DC(friend's) [PD: Oct 2001;CERTIFIED; State: DC; Regional: No]
GOD_BLESS_YOU [PD: Oct 2001; CERTIFIED; State: NY; Regional: ?]
rsiv [PD: Sept. 2001; FINAL REVIEW; State: MD; Regional: Yes]
greencard007 [PD: Aug 2001; CERTIFIED; State: MD; Regional: Yes]
foret1 [PD: June 2001; FINAL REVIEW; State: MD; Regional: Yes]
mamamiax [PD: May 2001; CERTIFIED; State: MD; Regional: Yes]
choclito [PD: April 2001; FINAL REVIEW; State DC: Regional: Yes]
Gurus Help Please!

Like you guys I am one of the unfortunate ones whose case got transferred to PBEC. I hope one of the guys who gave news that PBEC and DBEC should be insync as far as PD is concerned is true, this gives me some hope.

I learned from my previous employeer still has my approved labor (PD Apr 2001) and we are in negotiations if they can continue processing it. My questions is, if they started processing my I-140, at what point in time should I be working for them. I 140 stage or I 485 filing?

PD: 09/25/03
RD: 10/04/04
BEC#: P-04303-30451
RECD 45DL: 02/17/05
RPLD 45DL: 02/23/05
aprlc2002, What's the source of this info?

MDwaiter24 said:
That makes sense, because this way PBEC can focus on data entry, while
DBEC can process applications entered at PBEC database because they are connected. So DBEC folks will probably experience a temporary slowdown
at PBEC's expense. This will be only temporary until the data entry at PBEC
is completed. I think it is fair, because PBEC has received many more
cases from SWA that never made it to Regions (NY/NJ/MD/VA) than DBEC.
Glad someone at DOL has thought of it. There may be a light at the end
of the tunnel and it is NOT an ongoing train. :) Thank you aprlc2002
for your greatly appreciated info.
SlipperyGC said:
I learned from my previous employeer still has my approved labor (PD Apr 2001) and we are in negotiations if they can continue processing it. My questions is, if they started processing my I-140, at what point in time should I be working for them. I 140 stage or I 485 filing?

Ideally you should be working with the same company / sponsor till the Greencard is approved and even beyond. If you quit immediately after the Greencard is approved, then it may be viewed as a relationship of convenience and the Greencard may be revoked. Best to stay with the same employer for a period of atleast 6 months after the GC is approved. In case you are not already working for them, then you should join them immediately after the GC is approved.

However, AC21 act provides for "Portability". This means that if your I140 has been approved for atleast 6 months and the I-485 is still due to be adjudicated, then you can change jobs.

Consult your lawyer for the exact details !!!!
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RIR Case. No one in PA gets LC?

Prior to PERM,
PA SWA was processing 01/2005
PA Regional was processing 07/2003

[Thanks to the establishment of BEC center in Philadelphia, PA Regional Date got stuck at 07/2003 since 07/2004. I was 8 months away from getting my LC.]

NO one in the state of pennsylvania has priority date earlier than 07/2003. From the tracker, PBEC is processing cases with PD of 2001/2002.

Is that means that NO one filing LC in the state of Pennsylvania will get their LC anytime soon? Anyone can shed some light on this?

SWA PA 01/2004
Regional PA 03/2004
Received 45 Days Letter: 03/2005
Quick Question

I got screen shot shown my case source is State but I reached to regional office before being shipped to Philly? How come they said I am from state??
Any idea?
15yr_on_gc said:
Prior to PERM,
PA SWA was processing 01/2005
PA Regional was processing 07/2003

[Thanks to the establishment of BEC center in Philadelphia, PA Regional Date got stuck at 07/2003 since 07/2004. I was 8 months away from getting my LC.]

NO one in the state of pennsylvania has priority date earlier than 07/2003. From the tracker, PBEC is processing cases with PD of 2001/2002.

Is that means that NO one filing LC in the state of Pennsylvania will get their LC anytime soon? Anyone can shed some light on this?

SWA PA 01/2004
Regional PA 03/2004
Received 45 Days Letter: 03/2005
I was one month away from getting my LC from Boston when my case went to PBEC. My recruitment etc.. all was done. it went back to SWA. Cleared from there. From there it was supposed to Federal,Boston where processing time usually is 1 or 2 months. But now its in PBEC where it might take another 18 months.
45-day letters and no FIFO ?

Hello aprlc2002, JustWatching et al,

Can you please ask PBEC folks if they are issuing the 45-day letters in FIFO order (of PD) after the data entry is completed ? Or is it random ?

By the way, the latest T# is T-05261-07###.. (entered last week).

Thanks a bunch !

I had the same issue. My case has been shipped from Atlanta regional DOL, but screen shot shows case source as state and it has so many other mistakes too. I asked my attorney to contact BEC to correct this issues. Please let me know your update on this issue.

vc594088 said:
I got screen shot shown my case source is State but I reached to regional office before being shipped to Philly? How come they said I am from state??
Any idea?
TAMIL_GC said:

I had the same issue. My case has been shipped from Atlanta regional DOL, but screen shot shows case source as state and it has so many other mistakes too. I asked my attorney to contact BEC to correct this issues. Please let me know your update on this issue.

I am from Atlanta Regional office too, I filed in GA. I have other mistakes like prevailing wage, nationality and emplyer name. My lawyer said we have all the paper work right it just they input wrong. So when they review my case they should be based on my paper application. Who knows? But I definitely think it is no use to contact them since they already being sloooooow.
It is just my own opinion. In your case, if you submit something worng on papaer you better correct it.
april2002 What is the source of info

I have the same question. Interestingly nobody asked it. April2002 what is the source of your info that both BECs are asked to be in sync.


sarasri said:
Hello aprlc2002, JustWatching et al,

Can you please ask PBEC folks if they are issuing the 45-day letters in FIFO order (of PD) after the data entry is completed ? Or is it random ?

By the way, the latest T# is T-05261-07###.. (entered last week).

Thanks a bunch !


I don't think T-05261-07### is correct. That would mean the case was entered September 18, 2005.
I’m confused and I need your suggestions…


Yesterday, I request a screenshot and to my surprise I noticed something puzzling in the bottom of the screenshot. If you look into the screenshot that I have enclosed for your kind perusal, you should see a new section with the
‘Data Review’ title. Underneath it says ‘Existence Check: Failed’ but my case status is listed as ‘Final Review’. What should I do?

Thanks in advance.

AwardMyGC :confused:

Case Information

ETA Case Number: P-04254-XXXXX
Priority Date: 99/99/2002
Processing Type: TR
Case Source: Region
Employer Name: <Employer Name> :confused:
Business Activity: <Employer’s Business Activity>
Occupation Code:030.062.010
Rate of Pay: $ 0.00 / Yearly (There is MasterCard for everything)
Prevailing Wage: < rate of pay.
Alien Name: <My Name>
Visa Type: H-1B
Nationality or Citizenship: INDIA

Case Received Date: 99/99/2004
Processing Center: Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
Case Status: Final Review

Data Review

Date Submitted: 99/99/2005
Existence Check: Failed
Correction Letter Generated: 99/99/2005
TampaBelle Thanks! any other comments guys?

TampaBelle said:
Ideally you should be working with the same company / sponsor till the Greencard is approved and even beyond. If you quit immediately after the Greencard is approved, then it may be viewed as a relationship of convenience and the Greencard may be revoked. Best to stay with the same employer for a period of atleast 6 months after the GC is approved. In case you are not already working for them, then you should join them immediately after the GC is approved.

However, AC21 act provides for "Portability". This means that if your I140 has been approved for atleast 6 months and the I-485 is still due to be adjudicated, then you can change jobs.

Consult your lawyer for the exact details !!!!
NJ SWA 45 Days letter Received


I and another colleague of mine have applied for GC in 2 days gap. His was applied on Oct 15 and mine on Oct 17. He has received his 45 days letter yesterday. His no: P-05-195XXXXX. The letter was dated August 11th and the attorney received on 18th. Attorney had sent to him and he got it yesterday only. This is from NJ SWA and he never made it to Region.

I have not heard any thing. I do not want to request for my 7th year extension though my 7th is finishing in March 2006. Let me wait for a fortnight and then request for 7th year proof.

NJ PD Oct 17, 2002 EB2 RIR
45 Days letter never received.
Never made it to region.