Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Thanks for your update .

PD : 09/2002
H1B 8th year extension.
No 45 day letter yet
Phili backlog center

aprlc2002 said:
Hi All,

This is quite a good news especially for PBEC.. It seems that the management at both the BECs were instructed to be in sync PDs So we may see some quick approvals in RIR category.. Do not know whether this move slows down DBEC for PBEC to catch up with them.



All the aforementioned info is an assessment and cannot be prosecuted under any jurisdiction of law.
I have been watching this site and saw the reference to a way to check status using H1B7YR@PHI.DFLC.US. I recieved a reply from DOL but it says "Perm Backlog Case Event" in the heading. I was curious what it meant

PD July 2002 CA
RD Nov 2004
45 day letter recieved & reply March 05
My temporary case number is P-04308-33XXX
about promotion during labour pending

Hi guys
plz someone help.My company ready to give promotion from Jr Engineer to already file labour Jr engineer.If now i changed to Sr engineer what happen to my GC.Do i face problem in future?

Plz throw some light

sunny26 said:
Hi guys
plz someone help.My company ready to give promotion from Jr Engineer to already file labour Jr engineer.If now i changed to Sr engineer what happen to my GC.Do i face problem in future?

Plz throw some light


For the information that I know, you will be more than fine. Getting a promotion indicating that you are doing well and you are more qualified for getting the LC and moving on. It is a strong proof for your qualification used for the LC application. So do not worry about it. If you are demoted, it is a bad new for you, since it indicates that you do not have the qualification used for your LC application.
Can someone who already has a 7th year H1-b extension send in an inquiry to Philly PBC, just to see what their status is?

smallriver said:
For the information that I know, you will be more than fine. Getting a promotion indicating that you are doing well and you are more qualified for getting the LC and moving on. It is a strong proof for your qualification used for the LC application. So do not worry about it. If you are demoted, it is a bad new for you, since it indicates that you do not have the qualification used for your LC application.

I don't think this advise is right. I am not saying that it surely is not (as I am not lawyer) but as far as I know, changes in job description is a potential problem. Think about this way: May be there were no Jr developers in your area but may be there were plenty Sr developers? Salary increases is another potential problem. Because lets say the prevailing wage is 50K and that's what you were offered. But a year later, if you now pay 70K to your developer, that's a problem. Becuase there may be people who chose not to join the company because it was paying 50K but would have joined if it was paying 70K.

Just my 2 cents.
That makes sense

That makes sense, because this way PBEC can focus on data entry, while
DBEC can process applications entered at PBEC database because they are connected. So DBEC folks will probably experience a temporary slowdown
at PBEC's expense. This will be only temporary until the data entry at PBEC
is completed. I think it is fair, because PBEC has received many more
cases from SWA that never made it to Regions (NY/NJ/MD/VA) than DBEC.
Glad someone at DOL has thought of it. There may be a light at the end
of the tunnel and it is NOT an ongoing train. :) Thank you aprlc2002
for your greatly appreciated info.

aprlc2002 said:
Hi All,

This is quite a good news especially for PBEC.. It seems that the management at both the BECs were instructed to be in sync PDs So we may see some quick approvals in RIR category.. Do not know whether this move slows down DBEC for PBEC to catch up with them.



All the aforementioned info is an assessment and cannot be prosecuted under any jurisdiction of law.
I was in that spot too

My company offered me a promotion and I denied that.
I have a question: In the 45-day letter reply, does the company need to tell the employee's job title?

triniti said:
I don't think this advise is right. I am not saying that it surely is not (as I am not lawyer) but as far as I know, changes in job description is a potential problem. Think about this way: May be there were no Jr developers in your area but may be there were plenty Sr developers? Salary increases is another potential problem. Because lets say the prevailing wage is 50K and that's what you were offered. But a year later, if you now pay 70K to your developer, that's a problem. Becuase there may be people who chose not to join the company because it was paying 50K but would have joined if it was paying 70K.

Just my 2 cents.

We have seen a few approvals now. Haven't seen anyone being denied the labour. So are we to assume that only result is approval?
wrong PD on screenshot ??

hi all ... for those who got screenshots with temporary case ids, was your PD correct ?!

my PD should be nov/2002, but the screenshot has the date they entered the case (may/2005), which is obviously wrong ... I'm wondering whether I should panic now or later when the freakin' 45-day letter arrives ...

was your PD correct ?

tks !
Go for it

sunny26 said:
Hi guys
plz someone help.My company ready to give promotion from Jr Engineer to already file labour Jr engineer.If now i changed to Sr engineer what happen to my GC.Do i face problem in future?

Plz throw some light


Go for a promotion. Accept it. My title was Software Engineer when i applied for LC nearly 4 yrs ago. My title has changed several times before settling into "Sr. System Analyst".

As long as your new job has activities that are related to your original job title then there is no problem.

For Eg: Promotion from Jr. Software Engineer to Sr. Software Engineer should not have any problem. Because Jr.s/w engineer's job activity is a subset of Sr.s/w engineer.

If a Jr. s/w engineer gets promoted to Sr. Database Administrator, then there is a problem.

In your case i don't see any problem with your promotion. Just go ahead.

Note: Anyway its always better to consult with your lawyer.
triniti said:
I don't think this advise is right. I am not saying that it surely is not (as I am not lawyer) but as far as I know, changes in job description is a potential problem. Think about this way: May be there were no Jr developers in your area but may be there were plenty Sr developers? Salary increases is another potential problem. Because lets say the prevailing wage is 50K and that's what you were offered. But a year later, if you now pay 70K to your developer, that's a problem. Becuase there may be people who chose not to join the company because it was paying 50K but would have joined if it was paying 70K.

Just my 2 cents.

You may be right, since the total LC process does not make much sense at all. Some people here may have been waiting for the LC for 4-5 years. 4-5 years is a long time in a person's career and his/her quailification can change significently (particularly for us in age 25-40), but the experience with the same company can not contribute to the experience for LC !!??

I have been with the company for 5 years, and my LC has been pending for 4 years (If I had apply earlier, I should have got the GC long time ago). During the 5 years, I have written several major critical software for the company, in fact most of the software in use (Majority of the software pieces are from my brain and my hands typing the keyboard) and they are in use in my company's production right now and will be in use in the future. I am the guy who knows the software the most since they are my children. Just because some one wants my salary because it is decent now than the time when I first join the company, my company has to fire me? It will be a big loss for my employer if so.

I took the promotions and I am also asking more to my supervisors, and I do not care the stupid regulations, if any, since I belive it does not make sense if I choose to reject my prmotions simply because my salary was low 5 years ago.

There are several guys in my company were promoted to management level after the LC application, they did not have problems getting the GC, so I feel that I should be OK too. But I am not sure. I am not a lawyer either. The LC process is simply the process that they can say anything, and we are denied everything. It is largely depends on the guy who looks at your application.
My PD is correct.... you should probably ask your lawyer to contact PBEC immediately and have them look into it. It might a data entry issue.

cantstandit said:
hi all ... for those who got screenshots with temporary case ids, was your PD correct ?!

my PD should be nov/2002, but the screenshot has the date they entered the case (may/2005), which is obviously wrong ... I'm wondering whether I should panic now or later when the freakin' 45-day letter arrives ...

was your PD correct ?

tks !
Labor Aproved ??? - Final Review

Hello my friends,
Last week my lawyer sent an email telling me that he call the BEC and they told him that my LC had being Certified but today i recieved a screen shote that say Final Review :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Please give your case details !!!

Choclito said:
Hello my friends,
Last week my lawyer sent an email telling me that he call the BEC and they told him that my LC had being Certified but today i recieved a screen shote that say Final Review :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Congrats.....good luck for next phases.... ;)
Thanks aprilc2002 for the update. If this is the case then PBEC will have to move really fast since DBEC at this moment is processing 2003 RIR cases where else PBEC is processing cases from the fourth quarter of 2001.
Well in that case the management have to come up with a plan to materialize their decision.
Ofcourse good news for the PBEC people.
Hope all of you the best.
LC Denial Rate

I'm sure we can't assume that. BTW, what is the historical denial rate on LCs? For someone beyond 5 years on H1, a denial would entail buying a one way ticket.

Siddharth1 said:
We have seen a few approvals now. Haven't seen anyone being denied the labour. So are we to assume that only result is approval?
Thanks! I think that's PBEC's mistake. I checked everything before the forms went out so it should be right at the orignial forms.

NJ Oct02-PD said:
This is a very common mistake they make when the country names are similar. Taiwan is called "Republic of China" (ROC) and Mainland China is called "People's Republic of China" (PROC).....two different independent countries with only one letter difference.

Ask your attorney to call phone call may just solve your problem as long as the country name was correct on your 750 form. Unless your attorney input it wrong when he/she file your petition; nevertheless, I guess that you can still get your original form back, correct it, and have your employer and yourself initial it and then mail back to them.