Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

njinn said:
After 4 years my attorney received NOF Stating that they cannot certify based on info available,they require more info on advertisement etc...

This is quite disgusting after the long wait,it was under the name of Stephen W Stefanko,who is no more there and dated 18th September 06.

I believe your lawyer can appeal. You are already working on the position for years. More, I would suggest to file a parellal application in PERM to be on safe side.

njinn said:
Online states In Process,info@email said it was under review.I am not sure what is going on.Any advise.

Looks like there is not much we can do at this stage except file a reply for nof and hope for the best.

Going by the forum, looks like all 2002 cases are getting nof's. and I know filing PERM is not an option sometimes as the employers best intrest is in delaying the processing as much as possible.
NJ OCT 16 2002 EB3 Labor Online status CERTIFIED

After almost 4 years i see my labor is approved. Details are below. This forum is very helpful and its been part of my routine to visit every day along with checking emails. Thanks to every one who contributes in this forum.

Good luck to every one, hopefully BEC sticks to FIFO.

NJ - EB3 - RIR
Date of Filing : 16 OCT 2002
45 Day Letter Received - Oct 2005
45 Day Letter Replied - Oct 2005
ETA Case #: P-05118-7XXXX
Online Case Status: CERTIFIED on 9/25/2006 (Certified letter not received yet)
CrabCake said:
Guys, I've been waiting since 2001. The latest I've heard was that case was assigned to an analyst in Feb '06, then it turned out that that analyst never touched it and it was re-assigned to another analyst in September. Now, all the fields in the h1b reply e-mail are filled out. My case was RIR and was approved at the State level and was transferred to Philly for adjudication. The identical case to mine for another employee in my company has been approved long time ago. WHY IS IT STUCK and will they ever get to it...nobody knows... So...does anyone have any contact information for anyone at PBEC? A name that I can use? Anyone (besides Barbara Shelly) that I can get to? I don't know what to do any more... Thank you, guys.

Hi CrabCake,
How did you find out, that another analyst was assigned to your case.
For me also analyst was assigned in Jan 2006 and no one ever touched. Did you do anything to get the analyst changed.
A quick question for all my gurus....

Hi guys there is news about my company being bought over by another company. Any idea what happens to my Labor Application, which is still uncertified.

Please advice....


jns2004 said:
After almost 4 years i see my labor is approved. Details are below. This forum is very helpful and its been part of my routine to visit every day along with checking emails. Thanks to every one who contributes in this forum.

Good luck to every one, hopefully BEC sticks to FIFO.

NJ - EB3 - RIR
Date of Filing : 16 OCT 2002
45 Day Letter Received - Oct 2005
45 Day Letter Replied - Oct 2005
ETA Case #: P-05118-7XXXX
Online Case Status: CERTIFIED on 9/25/2006 (Certified letter not received yet)

Congratulations jns2004!
Just when I was discussing about NOFs to all nj 2002 cases with NJINN, so you got yours approved without any nof or querey ?
Yes, No NOF or Query issued.

ThirstyFish said:
Congratulations jns2004!
Just when I was discussing about NOFs to all nj 2002 cases with NJINN, so you got yours approved without any nof or querey ?
blues22 said:
Hi CrabCake,
How did you find out, that another analyst was assigned to your case.
For me also analyst was assigned in Jan 2006 and no one ever touched. Did you do anything to get the analyst changed.

No, I didn't do anything to have it transferred. I called in July and the guy said that my case was assigned to an analyst in Feb. According to the info on this forum, it is supposed to take 3-9 months after it's been transferred to an analyst to be processed. So, I called again in September to see if the case has moved to "final review" stage...and the guy said that no, it was actually transferred to another analyst in September...So it was just sitting there from Feb to Sept - untouched...and then they transferred it...So the 3-9 months countdown starts all over again...Will it ever end? Or will they keep transferring it to each other and sitting on it indefinitely?
What can I do now?

Hi. Gurus.

I received 45 day letter back at Mar, 2005. Replied immediately. Later, I found they put priority date as Sept 28, 2003 in 45 day letter which should be July 28, 2003. I asked my lawyer to notify them and I sent PBEC a letter by myself.

Two weeks ago, my coworker got his certification. We filed exactly the same day. We also cleared the state exactly the same day. But now, I was left behind. The online status is still in process. What can I do now? Just wait? Please, any suggestion would be truely appreciated.

Thank you and god please give mercy to everybody who suffered here!
xszhu said:
Hi. Gurus.

I received 45 day letter back at Mar, 2005. Replied immediately. Later, I found they put priority date as Sept 28, 2003 in 45 day letter which should be July 28, 2003. I asked my lawyer to notify them and I sent PBEC a letter by myself.

Two weeks ago, my coworker got his certification. We filed exactly the same day. We also cleared the state exactly the same day. But now, I was left behind. The online status is still in process. What can I do now? Just wait? Please, any suggestion would be truely appreciated.

Thank you and god please give mercy to everybody who suffered here!

Hi, don't worry. I doubt that your case is behind simply because of a wrong priority date. My co-worker and I filed the same date, same position, same pay, same everything, absolutely identical files. She got her approval months ago...and still no word about mine. I called PBEC and was told that it doesn't matter even if you submit 2 cases in the same day, hour, and minute - it doesn't mean they will get processed at the same time...I think your co-worker just got more lucky, that's all. You can have your lawyer correct the mistake, but I don't think that is the reason your case hasn't been approved.
Quick question

Hi ek_akela,

I am assuming your DOL was ATL (Atlanta) because you had filed your labor from GA state. Correct me if I am wrong.

Could you please confirm your PD and the DOL.


ek_akela said:
One of those silent readers, I am on my 9th yr extension, lost all hopes, but to my surprise today I checked online status and it shows certified, not sure how reliable it could be. Since my situation has turned from bad to pathetic..Over the period of time, I even lost the track of my case details. I guess my PD is of first week of Nov 2003 from state GA (My state was already cleared when it moved to backlog center)
Last but not the least, I really feel pain from the bottom of my heart for those who are still waiting for their cases since 2001/2002. What can I say, it's just hard luck and sheer injustice in the name of FIFO. I don't have enough eloquence on technical side of these matters, but all I can say..stay there, things will turn up, we all are with you.
Visiting PBEC?

Question: has anyone on this board considered or actually visited PBEC and tried to get the real status of their case that way? I think that a lot of 2001/2002 cases are simply sitting on somone's desk and are not processed just because no one has touched them yet. I'm sure a lot of those cases are not very complex, but just simply never got looked at yet...So, from my experience: 202 guy - he can't help you any more than just pulling up your case on the screen and telling you that it's in process/assigned to analyst/review/etc....PBEC - you will never get anywhere besides the reception desk. So, if there is no way for you to really find out WHY your case is stuck, where in queue it is, who is responsible for it, or which specifics of your case are slowing down the process...Has anyone considered/been to Philly and tried to actually talk to someone there and get your case pulled up? Is it a crazy idea?
quick question...please advice...

Hi guys there is news about my company being bought over by another company. Any idea what happens to my Labor Application, which is still uncertified.

Please advice....

RC0878 said:
Hi guys there is news about my company being bought over by another company. Any idea what happens to my Labor Application, which is still uncertified.

Please advice....


I remember a similar case for my first company where I worked and it was in 2003. Hope the rules haven't changed. The company was sold to a private group of investors and the new management continued those labor certifications, very recently came to know that one of the guys who remained all along during the transition got his labor approved. His was from NJ state and PD was around 2002 August/Septmeber time frame. Even I remember having discussions with Attoenry on this issue and there are ways to accommodate this in legal frame work. My best bet if I were in your shoes just pay for couple of hours and get professional advice on this issue if you were to blow this bridge for your peace of mind and I bet you you r damn close to ceritification!! Good luck buddy.
RC0878 said:
Hi guys there is news about my company being bought over by another company. Any idea what happens to my Labor Application, which is still uncertified.

Please advice....


I was in a similar situation, and my pending application was seamlessly transitioned over to the new company. HR did need to do a bunch of tasks- and I am not aware of the exact details.
Yes , its from Atlanta and PD is Nov 2, 2003..Since its been a while I spoke to my company...I will share the more once I get enough details

aamchimumbai said:
Hi ek_akela,

I am assuming your DOL was ATL (Atlanta) because you had filed your labor from GA state. Correct me if I am wrong.

Could you please confirm your PD and the DOL.
