Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

BEC update -

09/22/2006: BEC Backlog Processing Update

* AILA-DOL Liaison Meeting Minute of 09/12/2006 gives update on the BEC backlog processing as follows:
o Status of Processing of Cases:
+ Total Cases=362,000
+ Pending Cases=approximately 176,000 (45-day letters for all of these pending cases with a few exceptions have been issued)
+ Completed Cases=approximately 182,000 cases. These cases are completed in the following fashions:
# 50%=Closed or Withdrawn or Closed for No Response to 45-Day Letters
# 50%=Either Approved or Denied
+ At the front-end, the cases are processed on FIFO based on the priority date, but adjudication is done on FIFO based on the order of responses to the requests.
+ Processing Times may be posted on the website in the near future.
o Traditional Case Processing:
+ Recruitment instructions and job order with the states are underway for some cases
+ Amendments (non-material changes) can be made in writing at any time before the job order is placed with the states by the BEC. Once the job order is begun, no amendments are permitted, even if the amendments involve non-matterial issues. BEC places job orders at the same time of issuing the recruitment instructions to the employers. Accordingly, once such recruitment instructions are received, apparently no amendments will be permitted. Unanswered Question: It is unclear whether the amendments will not be permitted once job order has been placed when the amendments involve just substitution of alien beneficiaries. Considering the fact that change of the alien beneficiaries does not affect the terms and conditions for the labor market test in the recruitment process in the traditional cases and such substitution had been permitted before the reengineering of the labor certification system, it appears that the foregoing restriction may not apply to the amendment for substitution of alien beneficiaries. The foregoing policies may be limited to the amendments to change the terms and conditions and requirements for the job.
+ DOL is planning to allow conversion of traditional cases to RIR by amending the existing RIR conversion regulation. The specific procedures and requirements will be published in a federal register soon. However, potential benefit of such conversion may be more or less limited in that the DOL is required to finish up all the BEC cases including traditional cases within next one year.
It is good new of not?
I thought they have finished more than 50%.

pawnrule said:
09/22/2006: BEC Backlog Processing Update

* AILA-DOL Liaison Meeting Minute of 09/12/2006 gives update on the BEC backlog processing as follows:
o Status of Processing of Cases:
+ Total Cases=362,000
+ Pending Cases=approximately 176,000 (45-day letters for all of these pending cases with a few exceptions have been issued)
+ Completed Cases=approximately 182,000 cases. These cases are completed in the following fashions:
# 50%=Closed or Withdrawn or Closed for No Response to 45-Day Letters
# 50%=Either Approved or Denied
+ At the front-end, the cases are processed on FIFO based on the priority date, but adjudication is done on FIFO based on the order of responses to the requests.
+ Processing Times may be posted on the website in the near future.
o Traditional Case Processing:
+ Recruitment instructions and job order with the states are underway for some cases
+ Amendments (non-material changes) can be made in writing at any time before the job order is placed with the states by the BEC. Once the job order is begun, no amendments are permitted, even if the amendments involve non-matterial issues. BEC places job orders at the same time of issuing the recruitment instructions to the employers. Accordingly, once such recruitment instructions are received, apparently no amendments will be permitted. Unanswered Question: It is unclear whether the amendments will not be permitted once job order has been placed when the amendments involve just substitution of alien beneficiaries. Considering the fact that change of the alien beneficiaries does not affect the terms and conditions for the labor market test in the recruitment process in the traditional cases and such substitution had been permitted before the reengineering of the labor certification system, it appears that the foregoing restriction may not apply to the amendment for substitution of alien beneficiaries. The foregoing policies may be limited to the amendments to change the terms and conditions and requirements for the job.
+ DOL is planning to allow conversion of traditional cases to RIR by amending the existing RIR conversion regulation. The specific procedures and requirements will be published in a federal register soon. However, potential benefit of such conversion may be more or less limited in that the DOL is required to finish up all the BEC cases including traditional cases within next one year.
jaysai said:

On the ligther side :)

There are few in this forum like me who will be applying for their 10th year H1B extension. Perhaps, the one waiting the longest can apply for Guiness world of records if entering one's record in Guiness World of Records qualifies them for applying for EB1 or National Interest Waiver. Whay do you guys think?

I too will be applying for 10th (or is it 11th? i've lost count) yr of H-1B. Getting the labor certification & I-140 approval does not provide relief from the ordeal of H-1B renewal. At the current processing speed I'm guessing that some of us may even get to the 15th yr h-1B mark by the time the GC comes through! Although I sincerely pray that is not the case.

Your suggestion, even if made in jest, of converting such cases to EB1 is great!
Difference in prewailing wages in PBEC status check's

I send email to h1b7yr 2 times, First in Apr 2006 and the prevailing wage specified was $78083. The latest one I got (2 weeks ago) prevailaging wage is $45198.

Rate of Pay (salary offered by the company) both times was specified $80000.

Any idea why the figures are different from before ? Also is this going to cause any issues? My PD is Apr 2003 and the online status says "IN PROCESS"

Any feedback is higly appreciated.
labor certified

My online status check shows that my labor has been certified. See details on my siganiture.
Any idea how long will it take to receive the physical approval letter?
Wish you all get it soon too. It was a long terrible waiting nightmare!
pawnrule said:
09/22/2006: BEC Backlog Processing Update
+ At the front-end, the cases are processed on FIFO based on the priority date, but adjudication is done on FIFO based on the order of responses to the requests....

Still trying to comprehend this.

Some cases from March 2005(the last months before PERM) are processed
Some cases from 2001 and 2002 are still not touched at all.

Usually DOL gives a month or so to answer requests. So how a request can delay the processing for years ?

And DOL is trying to state they they work in FIFO.
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no 45 day letter yet - priority date april 2001

my case was first file in Califoria 2001
lawyer recieved letter from philadelphia backlog center in 2003 that they have receive the case
and after that no comuncation
my brother case recieve in BEC in 2003 same date as mine
his case is approved last week
i am thinking they might have mix my name with my brother
my lawyer is talking to BEC via email and they reply they are looking in this case
however- should i or My employer send letter to the BEC directly or no
my lawyer already sent letter to BEC and not recomended me to send any letter directly becuase he is following up on this
any help or suggestion will be appreaciated
Talking with the lawyer...

Hello Everyone,
Tomorrow at 2:00 pm on Monday 25, 06, I'll be talking to a immigration lawyer. And I'll be asking him about the delays and waits that takes place in PBEC. If you want me to ask this immigration lawyer anything in specific please leave me a message I'll be happy to ask him on your behalf. Just for the record he's not my immigration attorney. I'll tell you the details later on. You only get one chance to talk to some attorney one on one. :D
URL for Online Status Check


Can you please post the URL where I could check my status. Also let me know what is required in the site to get the status


VAGCSK said:
My online status changed to: CERTIFIED TODAY!!!

Thank you all!
my status update

My employer checked the web site for me and my LC shows as "in-process". See my signature for details. It should be noted that my case is a substitution, i.e. we filed the substitution at DOL level rather than during I-140 filing.
PBEC stated issuing EB2 - 2004 approvals

Since last 2 -3 days, I saw many approved cases from Oct 2003. When I checked tracker, I dont see that trend. (May be may of us are not registered to tracker). My lawyer recieved 2 approvals of EB2 catagory of Jan 2004/Feb 2004 from his pool of clients.
Is anyone from this forum received EB2 approvals of 2004? Please post such result so that we can get better idea of PBEC trend.
shridharp said:
Since last 2 -3 days, I saw many approved cases from Oct 2003. When I checked tracker, I dont see that trend. (May be may of us are not registered to tracker). My lawyer recieved 2 approvals of EB2 catagory of Jan 2004/Feb 2004 from his pool of clients.
Is anyone from this forum received EB2 approvals of 2004? Please post such result so that we can get better idea of PBEC trend.

Last tracker update was on Sep 18th. New version will probably have all those approvals added and show us the trend.
Forgot to mention, both approvals received by my lawyer are from NJ - EB2 (Jan and Feb 2004).

coolmaro said:
Last tracker update was on Sep 18th. New version will probably have all those approvals added and show us the trend.
No letter yet since Aug 9


Getting approval is one thing but getting the approval letter is another thing. Without the letter of approval it is as bad as not being approved as you cannot proceed with the next steps. My file has been approved since Aug 9 and we still have not received the approval letter. :mad:

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
Certified on August 9, 2006
No sign of the notification letter