Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Thanks OCT282003, you solved one of my major concern at this time, ofcourse apart from the other concern (my LC not being certified....)

Thanks dude....


Oct282003 said:
I remember a similar case for my first company where I worked and it was in 2003. Hope the rules haven't changed. The company was sold to a private group of investors and the new management continued those labor certifications, very recently came to know that one of the guys who remained all along during the transition got his labor approved. His was from NJ state and PD was around 2002 August/Septmeber time frame. Even I remember having discussions with Attoenry on this issue and there are ways to accommodate this in legal frame work. My best bet if I were in your shoes just pay for couple of hours and get professional advice on this issue if you were to blow this bridge for your peace of mind and I bet you you r damn close to ceritification!! Good luck buddy.
RC0878 said:
Thanks OCT282003, you solved one of my major concern at this time, ofcourse apart from the other concern (my LC not being certified....)

Thanks dude....


Hi RC,

When company A is sponsoring people for their green card and is bought out by company B, all labor application remain valid if company B wishes to pursue the process. Any competent attorney can help you with all the legalese in order to pursue your quest for a green card :)
CrabCake said:
Question: has anyone on this board considered or actually visited PBEC and tried to get the real status of their case that way? I think that a lot of 2001/2002 cases are simply sitting on somone's desk and are not processed just because no one has touched them yet. I'm sure a lot of those cases are not very complex, but just simply never got looked at yet...So, from my experience: 202 guy - he can't help you any more than just pulling up your case on the screen and telling you that it's in process/assigned to analyst/review/etc....PBEC - you will never get anywhere besides the reception desk. So, if there is no way for you to really find out WHY your case is stuck, where in queue it is, who is responsible for it, or which specifics of your case are slowing down the process...Has anyone considered/been to Philly and tried to actually talk to someone there and get your case pulled up? Is it a crazy idea?

I think, the idea is nice. Those who are nearer to Philly can try this.
Because right now there is no way, we can communicate to PBEC. Probably, they don’t even know, how many 2001/2002 cases are pending untouched, unless they run reports everyday. So I think, this is a good way to communicate this to PBEC.
Hi All,

Just found out from lawyer today that they have received the Official LC.

Lawyer received Letter : September 14
Case shows certified online : September 11
PD : 07/28/03

About I-140

Hi all

Can any one tell me how long will it take for I-140 in both the process:
a) Normal
b) Premium.

I am from Atlanta Georgia, hence shud apply it at Nebraska and I am in EB3 Category.

Also, can any one tell me the which thread shud I follow for the I-140 process?

Please, help me.

CASE # P-05013-24XXX
PD : 07/11/2003
LOBOR Approved: 28th Aug, 2006
From : GA
Anyone filed I-140 without the certified LC?

aycy said:

Getting approval is one thing but getting the approval letter is another thing. Without the letter of approval it is as bad as not being approved as you cannot proceed with the next steps. My file has been approved since Aug 9 and we still have not received the approval letter. :mad:
aycy said:
aycy said:
aycy said:
Both my ER and myself received NOF indicating the certified ETA-750 is enclosed. However, we still have not received the original certification yet. (It's been almost two months now) I want to proceed I-140 W/O attached ETA-750. Has anyone filed I-140 without the LC? (We will attached the approved notice of final determination) Please let me know that I am not alone.


PD March 03
45 day received Feb '05
Replied 45 day letter Feb'05
NOF issued on August 11'06
Certified on August 11, 2006
The original Certified ETA-750 is missing
Sahil2002 said:

Letter is dated 09/11/06 and this date corresponds when I saw the case as "Certified" online. Also, Certifying Officer is Barbara Shelly. Letter further states that "Enclosed is ETA-750A/B" but we did not receive the forms with the letter.

Unfortunately, my attorney and I have moved from our old addresses and our mail forwarding has also expired by now - any clues as to how to request a duplicate labor from DOL in case we do not receive the original papers ?? Without these papers I will not be able to file I-140. I've gone thru immense pain/emotions to get my labor case re-opened and certified; and I hope that I do not have to lobby more to get my approved papers now ! :(

Hi Sahil2002,

I have exactly the same situation as you have. My ER and myself received the final determiantion letter (dated August 11, 2006) saying "Enclosed is ETA-750A/B" but we did not receive the forms with the letter. The certified officer is also Barbara Shelly.

Both my attorney and I have moved from our old addresses and it's been almost two month sice I last know the appoval.

My attorney suggested that we can wait the original for a litttle longer. If not we can still file I-140 and requesting a copy from DOL.
(see http://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta....aqs_3-20-06.pdf)

What is your attnorney's suggestion? I want to know the 2nd opinion from other attorney.

apply without LC certification??

How can one apply I-140 without LC certification?? Is there any way to do it??
FEB 2002/VA/RIR/EB3/45DAYS FEB 2005
wenwen33 said:
aycy said:

Getting approval is one thing but getting the approval letter is another thing. Without the letter of approval it is as bad as not being approved as you cannot proceed with the next steps. My file has been approved since Aug 9 and we still have not received the approval letter. :mad:
aycy said:
aycy said:
aycy said:
Both my ER and myself received NOF indicating the certified ETA-750 is enclosed. However, we still have not received the original certification yet. (It's been almost two months now) I want to proceed I-140 W/O attached ETA-750. Has anyone filed I-140 without the LC? (We will attached the approved notice of final determination) Please let me know that I am not alone.


PD March 03
45 day received Feb '05
Replied 45 day letter Feb'05
NOF issued on August 11'06
Certified on August 11, 2006
The original Certified ETA-750 is missing
surisGC said:
Hi all

Can any one tell me how long will it take for I-140 in both the process:
a) Normal
---15 days to 15 months
b) Premium.
--- within 15 days

I am from Atlanta Georgia, hence shud apply it at Nebraska and I am in EB3 Category.

Also, can any one tell me the which thread shud I follow for the I-140 process?

Please, help me.

CASE # P-05013-24XXX
PD : 07/11/2003
LOBOR Approved: 28th Aug, 2006
From : GA
202 Number

Has Any one tried 202-693-3010 in the last couple of days? My HR and myself have been trying and have got only the recorded message so far. I have tried atleast 7-8 times
No 45 day letter - recd PBEC response to my email

We have still not received the 45 day letter for my pending PBEC case. My attorney did send a request to the becnocontact address, but he claims, that he has seen no acknowledgement or response.

Since it is ever so difficult to get the attorney to do something, I sent out another email to the becnocontact address last week. Here is the response that I see this morning:

The Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center (BEC) has received a request to our “no BEC contact” e-mail address regarding the applicant and alien referenced in your email below.

This e-mail is to inform you that the request is not eligible to be processed based on the procedures posted by the Office of Foreign Labor Certification (OFLC) on their website for the reason(s) marked below:

_X__ The BEC received correspondence from the employer or their attorney regarding the application following the BEC’s 45-day Center Receipt Notification Letter (CRNL). This indicates that BEC contact had been received about this application. Please use the PDS system for status checks about the case. Case #: P-05143-xxxxx<>

Does this mean that the becnocontact email is being treated as a 45 day confirmation, and that the BEC is not planning to send out letters to the leftover population?

Gurus, your thoughts on this.
Please help

I have received the Labor Certificate certified, please let me know what is next?

What for is the I-140?
Can I request travel document for me and my husband?
Can I request the employment authorization for me and for my husband?
My driver license expired on January 1, 2007, what I should I do?

Please help me.
PD: July 13, 2003 Atlanta
45 day letter received and replied on April 6, 2006
Labor Certificate: Certified (via online September 22, 2006)
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GCChat said:
Has Any one tried 202-693-3010 in the last couple of days? My HR and myself have been trying and have got only the recorded message so far. I have tried atleast 7-8 times

I tried the number yesterday morning and got the machine too left a voice mail and a guy called me back to the number that I left and answered very patiently. He said that he is not allowed to give any specifics about the case staus but he can help with the over all status, whether its open or closed.
Online Status - Certified

I just checked the online status it indicates my case is certified. I spoke to 202# guy yesterday he said it is still in process. So Database must have been updated today. Once my attorney's office gets the document, I will keep you guys updated.
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VA EB2 Approval

I am a silent reader for long time. Finally i received mail from my attorney today that my labor was certifed on 09/01/06. They even received the approval notice from PBEC. Thank you all for the support and valuable information. Good luck to you all ...

FYI: Online status still showing "In Process"

Here is my case details:

Case: P-05006-XXXXX
Certified on:09/01/2006
someone please answer me?

I have received the Labor Certificate certified, please let me know what is next?

What for is the I-140?
Can I request travel document for me and my husband?
Can I request the employment authorization for me and for my husband?
My driver license expired on January 1, 2007, what I should I do?

Please help me.
PD: July 13, 2003 Atlanta
45 day letter received and replied on April 6, 2005
Labor Certificate: Certified (via online September 22, 2006)
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khogaye said:
How can one apply I-140 without LC certification?? Is there any way to do it??
FEB 2002/VA/RIR/EB3/45DAYS FEB 2005

My attorney said we can submit I-140 and at the same time request a copy of LC from DOL. Which means tell USCIS to verify with DOL and it may take longer than the normal I-140 petition.

Do you have a missing LC too? What is your attorney's opinion? Anyone have the same situation please give me your update?

lfavrc said:
I have received the Labor Certificate certified, please let me know what is next?

What for is the I-140?
Can I request travel document for me and my husband?
Can I request the employment authorization for me and for my husband?
My driver license expired on January 1, 2007, what I should I do?

I-140 is a visa petition. Your employer request it once the LC is approved. This approved I-140 then allows you to request an adjustment of status (I-485) if your PD is not retrogressed.

You can't request EAD and Advance parole until you have filed I-485.

For your driver license, call the vehicule administration in your state and ask them what kind of paper they request to extend the validity of your license.
thanks for the answer.. that means I have to wait another year or so to see my family in my country.
PD: July 13, 2003 Atlanta
45 day letter received and replied on April 6, 2006
Labor Certificate: Certified (via online September 22, 2006)
Attorney confirmed they received the letter