Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Works for other ETA number

I tried three diffrent numbers and those are working. Both of us are from MA and our ETA number is close to each other. I am not sure if that matters. I tried my ETA with D if incase our case is moved to DBEC. No luck. Is there anyone out there who has same problem?

ma_nonrir_eb3 said:
Or perhaps some overworked, underpaid H1B developer forgot to switch the datasource connection pool from Staging to Production. Who knows!
PLEASE be considerate..

I agree you guys are smart and can automate it to check the status every hour.

Please do not put more load. If things go wrong then they may close this site

What is the point in knowing the status every hour ??

If they close this site because of overload then we may have to depend on the 202 number and you guys know how hard it is to get status from them.

This site is helpful to know if tthey closed our cases .. there are people waiting from 2001 and also some without getting 45 days letter.

So PLEASE be considerate..
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Count me too

We need to write to Barbara Shelly.. She may not be aware of this ..

If they promised FIFO what about our cases ??

2002calabor said:
I think we need Barbara Shelly's email and snail mail address. We need to write to her as a starter and if there is no response, we write to CIS Ombudsman.

Anyone know Barbara Shelly's email address?
Don't use a programmatic access

NJJune52002 said:
I agree you guys are smart and can automate it to check the status every hour.

Please do not put more load. If things go wrong then they may close this site

What is the point in knowing the status every hour ??

If they close this site because of overload then we may have to depend on the 202 number and you guys know how hard it is to get status from them.

This site is helpful to know if tthey closed our cases .. there are people waiting from 2001 and also some without getting 45 days letter.

So PLEASE be considerate..

We all have been waiting for years, checking every hour is only gonna hurt us further. This program can be updated to launch a perfect denial-of-service attack, and DOL programmers or webadministrator will find a perfect excuse to shut this resource down. Of course, they can go and fix this loophole, but we know too well how things work there.

Guys, please refrain from accessing this page through a program.
nohope_for_lc said:
I tried three diffrent numbers and those are working. Both of us are from MA and our ETA number is close to each other. I am not sure if that matters. I tried my ETA with D if incase our case is moved to DBEC. No luck. Is there anyone out there who has same problem?
I am facing the same problem, I checked my status a week ago it was IN PROCESS not all of sudden this morning it says no record found.
Same problem here

nohope_for_lc said:
I tried three diffrent numbers and those are working. Both of us are from MA and our ETA number is close to each other. I am not sure if that matters. I tried my ETA with D if incase our case is moved to DBEC. No luck. Is there anyone out there who has same problem?

Status shows same error message for mine and my colleague, too.
Case Status automation

NJJune52002 said:
I agree you guys are smart and can automate it to check the status every hour.

Please do not put more load. If things go wrong then they may close this site

What is the point in knowing the status every hour ??

If they close this site because of overload then we may have to depend on the 202 number and you guys know how hard it is to get status from them.

This site is helpful to know if tthey closed our cases .. there are people waiting from 2001 and also some without getting 45 days letter.

So PLEASE be considerate..

Hi Guys,

I agree with you guys, So this is what I did. I have changed program to check once every day which is what I do now manually anyway and then send me the status in email.
So this is not really putting any more load on the site that I manually would. So don't worry.

People who are using this code I would recommend them to do the same to avoid putting more load on the site. Also please don't change the program to loop through 1000's of cases to do the research how DOL is approving cases, that wouldn't do any good for us (Honestly I dont think we can figure out what process they are following to approve cases anyway, bcos they are not following any).
PBECIsKillingMe said:
Just a wild guess! Did we break it by running the "Java" code which is being floated on this site for last couple of days?

I don't how may people are using this java code, but I have started running this since yesterday and it runs only once a day in the evening at 5:00 PM.
So far it ran 4 times at the most.

I dont think it is our java code, the site is kind of up and down even before we start running java code.
I guess they have some kind of schedule to update the database few times every day that needs to bring the site down.
USed new system for status check

Hi everyone,
just to let you know that today I checked my status in the new system and it said Certified. I don't know when it was certified but I'm still waiting for the Official document.
What was your status before?

Was it "In Process"?
Please do share that info.
ogiraldo said:
Hi everyone,
just to let you know that today I checked my status in the new system and it said Certified. I don't know when it was certified but I'm still waiting for the Official document.
ogiraldo said:
Hi everyone,
just to let you know that today I checked my status in the new system and it said Certified. I don't know when it was certified but I'm still waiting for the Official document.

You are building my hope! October 2003 case approved. Yahoo
NJJune52002 said:
I agree you guys are smart and can automate it to check the status every hour.

Please do not put more load. If things go wrong then they may close this site

What is the point in knowing the status every hour ??

If they close this site because of overload then we may have to depend on the 202 number and you guys know how hard it is to get status from them.

This site is helpful to know if tthey closed our cases .. there are people waiting from 2001 and also some without getting 45 days letter.

So PLEASE be considerate..

Please restrain from using the code to access the status. It may amount to disabeling the service and may lead to some other consequences. What is the point to know the status every hour or every day. Please be patient and we all get approved. If we rush, we may break our backs.

Please do not use any code to access the Government pages.
Automation Code withdrawn


Sorry for that. I thought of contributing to the forum no other intentions. I have deleted my messages with code.

Also users who has refered to my code in their replies please delete those messages too.

I request everyone in the forum not to use the code to check status. I'm withdrawing it from the forum. Thanks everyone.
RaoDulla said:
Please restrain from using the code to access the status. It may amount to disabeling the service and may lead to some other consequences. What is the point to know the status every hour or every day. Please be patient and we all get approved. If we rush, we may break our backs.

Please do not use any code to access the Government pages.


I can see the problem with checking the status every hour or looping through 1000's of cases, I don't know why checking the status every day would affect anything, Like I said earlier it is just doing once a day (only weekdays(Mon-Fri)), it is nothing different from what I do manually. It is not just bcos I want my case to get approved, I also wanted to watch it closely so that PBEC guys wont close/deny my case with out me being notified by mistake (Just dont want to take any chance after waiting this long).

If I'm not mistaken, the code is not doing anything special just posting http request and taking response and parsing it for the status. This is same like hitting it from the webpage. There is nothing illegal that we are doing in the code.
saik said:

Sorry for that. I thought of contributing to the forum no other intentions. I have deleted my messages with code.

Also users who has refered to my code in their replies please delete those messages too.

I request everyone in the forum not to use the code to check status. I'm withdrawing it from the forum. Thanks everyone.

Ok, I'm deleting my messages that are refering to saik's code also to the best interest of the forum.
NJJune52002 said:
I agree you guys are smart and can automate it to check the status every hour.

Please do not put more load. If things go wrong then they may close this site

What is the point in knowing the status every hour ??

If they close this site because of overload then we may have to depend on the 202 number and you guys know how hard it is to get status from them.

This site is helpful to know if tthey closed our cases .. there are people waiting from 2001 and also some without getting 45 days letter.

So PLEASE be considerate..

Hi NJJune52002,

Please delete the your message that contains the code (reply to my post)

Please delete your message that has reference to the java code.


yours_sincerely said:
Hi Saik,
I appreciate your gesture of putting this stuff up but its a risky thing to do. If all of us automate the status checking like this that polls the server every hour , it may soon crash the server. Such "Denial of Service" attacks are not even legal so its a dangerous thing to do specially if a government organization is at the receiving end of this.
Also, if DOL guys can't figure this out and decide to stop the website until they figure out a way to fix this that would be another spoke in the wheel.

Guys, checking status once a day should be just fine. We are all anxious but lets not lose the chance to view whatever little info we see by misusing it.