Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Case Source in Screen Shot

vc594088 said:
Same thing happened to me. All the GA cases gone to regional has been marked as state.

Are you saying that your case made it to Regional, but still showing as State in your screen shot?.

I dont know If mine made it to Regional. is Case Source:State means it made it to Regional ?.
My first name misspelling


I sent an email to H1B7YR/PBEC and got a prompt response. Looks like they have not touched my papers. Last time there was only one field missing (Prevailing wage) and this time it is two. (Prevailing wage and Case Received date)

Also, my first name is misspelt. Could this be a concern at all?

Re:my first name is misspelt

jaysai said:

I sent an email to H1B7YR/PBEC and got a prompt response. Looks like they have not touched my papers. Last time there was only one field missing (Prevailing wage) and this time it is two. (Prevailing wage and Case Received date)

Also, my first name is misspelt. Could this be a concern at all?


YES, it should b of concern. Ask your employer/lawyer to contact PBEC asap to get it corrected.
saik said:
Change your case no in code and compile it in JDK14 or over. Program will check the status every hour by default. If you wanna change the freq, change the hours variable to as many hours you want. Good luck...
A little contribution from silent member.

Install and Run Steps :
1. Please change following value to your case no and then compile...
String caseNo = "P-XXXXX-XXXXX";
2. Save the file as
3. javac
4 java CheckStatus

C:\Program Files\JCreator LE\MyProjects\Feb05\ non-static variable hours cannot be referenced from a static context
new CheckStatus(hours);
maine_gc said:
Hi Gurus,

I had a situation and need your help.

I had a pending labor at PBEC with Priority date Nov 2004, EB2. I am completing my 6 years by Jan 2007 and applied for 7th year extension.
I am working as a consultant for 4 years at my clients place and now he is talking about hiring me. He will start the GC process all over again. Is there any way i can retain my 2004 PD if i took the offer.

I am thinking this as an option,
If 140 of my 2004 PD is approved and also 140 of my future employer is approved, is it possible to use 2004 140 when filing 485

Please let me know

You can't use any of GC steps (labor or I-140) of previous employer whether approved or not, however, if the I-140 with previous employer is approved, I believe you can retain the priority dates when you file a new I-140 with new employer. You may want to check this with the attorney.
wlj_wzz said:
saik, this is really cool! Thanks a lot. You save me a lot of time checking that web page.

Yeah, right.
Let's check the status every second so they'll have an excuse to shut the feature down.
Ok This sounds interesting. I am not in IT so dont understand this much. Does this email the status preiodically. Would you mind explaining how i can implement this code. Also, Is there a way i can use this code to automate sending the status to my email.

saik said:

saik said:
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

Thanks Saik, this really helps.

I am not good at codeing, but why is there "" in the StringUrl ??
String url = "" + caseNo + "&method=Search&enterkey=Search&browser="
aycy said:

I have received a response from William Carlson today (Sep 18) after faxing to Emily DeRocco (dated August 7, 2006). In the letter, he indicated that my case was certified on August 9, 2006 and the notificaion of certification, which includes the certification application has been sent out to my employer or employer's representative of record. Unfortunately, he did not indicate when it was sent and to whom it was actually sent to. So far no letter yet. The battle of labor certification still continues. :mad:

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
Certified on August 9, 2006
No sign of the notification letter

Can you please provide the email address/fax# of Emily DeRocco ?
GChelp123 said:
You can't use any of GC steps (labor or I-140) of previous employer whether approved or not, however, if the I-140 with previous employer is approved, I believe you can retain the priority dates when you file a new I-140 with new employer. You may want to check this with the attorney.

Hi GCHelp, thanks for your response.

If I-140 of my previous employer (PD Nov2004 EB2) and also I-140 of my current employer (PD Sep2006 EB2) are approved, i thought it is possible to use I-140 with older pd (Nov 2004) when applying for 485 with the current employer. Please let me know if i am wrong.

Please excuse me if i am posting my question in a wrong forum.

decode ETA Case Number

Can anybody tell me what the ETA Case Numbers mean after P OR D? I saw cases with similar numbers with PD several months earlier than mine. So my guess is even though when the online status shows that cases around yours are getting certified, it doesn't mean you will get yours soon. To be optimistic, that also means you may not be a skipped one. Correct me if I am wrong.

PD: Nov. 2003
Atlanta RD: Feb, 2004
45 day letter: March, 2005
Online status: IN PROCESS
Labor delay

nylabor0303 said:
The way it works is most likely your case has been flagged for NOF and is sitting with the certifying officer who will take a final decision to adjucate the case or NOF it.
I am in the same boat and my law firm found that out for me.

Hi NYlabor0303

When did you replied your 45 days letter? Also can you share the first five digits of your case no. I applied from NY just a couple of months later. No news so far, just "In process"
Ragini/Caliber/everyone from 2001/2002


I am thinking we should send the following letter to Barbara Shelly, the new PBEC director. I think they just see the email and reply back with "Final Review". There is no telling how long it will remain like that.

Guys, its time we did something. If we don't do anything now our cases wil get picked up Sep 2007 before they close the center.
Let's come up with common strategy. My ideas are:
1. Write to Barbara Shelly
2. Write to CIS Ombudsman.
3. I doubt if senators/congressmen will help.

Any ideas?

Caliber said:
I have sent the following email and received reply

From: Info [mailto:Info@PHI.DFLC.US]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2006 4:37 PM
Subject: RE: October 17, 2002. Not yet certified

Your case is in Final Review.

Thank you,

DFLC Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2006 9:07 AM
To: Info
Subject: PD: October 17, 2002. Not yet certified

Dear Madam,

I have been working for XXXXX as Sr. Software Engineer for the past 6 years on H1 visa.

YYYYYY has filed for my Labor Certification from New Jersey on 10/15/2002 along with several colleagues of mine. My ETA Case Number is P-05118-XXXXX and my PD is 10/16/2002. While majority of my colleagues got their Labor approvals, I have not yet received my labor approval and this is causing me tremendous pressure.

I understood from my other friends that you started approving even cases that are filed in August 2003 and mine is still pending which is 10/17/2002.

I plead you to please help me with my labor approval as you are already approving August 2003 cases.

2002calabor said:
I am thinking we should send the following letter to Barbara Shelly, the new PBEC director. I think they just see the email and reply back with "Final Review". There is no telling how long it will remain like that.

Guys, its time we did something. If we don't do anything now our cases wil get picked up Sep 2007 before they close the center.
Let's come up with common strategy. My ideas are:
1. Write to Barbara Shelly
2. Write to CIS Ombudsman.
3. I doubt if senators/congressmen will help.
Any ideas?

I wrote several mails to Senators and there is no reply. They are too busy with the elections. Do you have Barbar Shelly's email? I googled and found the other Barbara. Yes we need to do SOMETHING.
Hope this helps

djb said:
Can you please provide the email address/fax# of Emily DeRocco ?
202-693-2725 fax to Emily DeRocco. Hope this helps.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
Certified on August 9, 2006
No sign of the notification letter
yours_sincerely said:
Hi Saik,
I appreciate your gesture of putting this stuff up but its a risky thing to do. If all of us automate the status checking like this that polls the server every hour , it may soon crash the server. Such "Denial of Service" attacks are not even legal so its a dangerous thing to do specially if a government organization is at the receiving end of this.
Also, if DOL guys can't figure this out and decide to stop the website until they figure out a way to fix this that would be another spoke in the wheel.

Guys, checking status once a day should be just fine. We are all anxious but lets not lose the chance to view whatever little info we see by misusing it.

program works really good but it has lot of disadv as well, programmers can put one FOR loop for 1000 of cases OR endless loop with minor change in the code, and get the status. if you see this forum, people have already checked numbers near and far to their case numbers. if everyone starts doing it,it will slow down/crash the server,ultimately DOL may have to stop the service for sometime. it is better to check status online, to be on safe side.
Barbara Shelly

2002calabor said:
I am thinking we should send the following letter to Barbara Shelly, the new PBEC director. I think they just see the email and reply back with "Final Review". There is no telling how long it will remain like that.

Guys, its time we did something. If we don't do anything now our cases wil get picked up Sep 2007 before they close the center.
Let's come up with common strategy. My ideas are:
1. Write to Barbara Shelly
2. Write to CIS Ombudsman.
3. I doubt if senators/congressmen will help.
Any ideas?
I Googled now for Barbara Shelly with a suffix of PA and found this: Barbara M Shelly (215) 536-1432 215 Juniper St,Quakertown, PA 18951. Is it this lady? I called that number and a lady picked up. Afraid of asking her if it was Barbara and hung the phone.