My empolyer/lawyer did not get anything yet. I noticed my screenshot changed last Friday(07/07/2006). The previous time(06/11/2006), my screesnshot still shows RIR.
When did you get the notice and before that, was your scessnshot OK? By the way, do you know how much extra time we have to spend to do re-advertisement? Did your lawyer do anything or just waited for further instructions from BEC?
My empolyer/lawyer did not get anything yet. I noticed my screenshot changed last Friday(07/07/2006). The previous time(06/11/2006), my screesnshot still shows RIR.
When did you get the notice and before that, was your scessnshot OK? By the way, do you know how much extra time we have to spend to do re-advertisement? Did your lawyer do anything or just waited for further instructions from BEC?
am_frustrated said:fangf,
Did you employer not receive any info as well? When did you first notice it being pushed to TR? This may give us insight as to how long before we can expect further instructions from them. Sorry to hear that, hey but atleast you are not alone.
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