Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

My case was applied in Aug. 2004 in Harrisburg SWA. I have not received the 45 day letter yet. Did any one receive 45 day letter from PBEC, with similiar priority date???
ScorpioB said:
The question of in-state college tuition has been bothering me a lot, since I have a high school junior at home. So it is your understanding that H4 are eligible for In-state college tuition, not foreign student tuition? And what about scholarships? What are the opportunitites there?
I am in Florida, and there is a bill being discussed for children of illegal immigrants having access to in-state tuition. My child has H4, so she is not illegal; she does not have GC, so she is not Legal. I am lost!!!! By the way, when we came here, she was in elementary school!! The freaking labor has been applied for since 2002 and was sent to Atlanta since July 2003, and I do not have the 45-day letter yet.
:mad: When we came here my son was in elementary school. My labor has been applied in 2003. My son is a senior now and he is going to college next year. I am in the same boat as you are, probably more worse. I have to face tution/scolarship issues in few months. You know what I am thinking, by the time I will be eligible for green card my son will be over 21. If we cannot do anything for our kids what is the point live in American dream?
Is it going to work?

I have sent an email to all addresses provided below. Some adresses are not valid. Any way do you think it will be an affective initiative or if we will be in trouble sending this emails?

LedBy said:

Nationwide RALLY of mail, fax, email, phone ON April 20, 24 & 25

Please feel free to customize your letter. Bold the main points.
Keep the full content in all letters (including TO & CC addresses), It could come to 4 pages or so.

Send Postal Mails on April 20
Send Fax and Emails on April 24
Make Phone calls on 24 th and 25 th - Ask about the fax and letters you send.

I’m sure it will work some result if Whitehouse receive say 1000 letters…I guess 200,000+ people and their family is waiting for LCA.

In short, 1 + 12 letters will be going out to,

1. President

2. President’s chief of staff
3. Vice President
4. Vice President’s chief of staff
5. Labor secretary
6. Labor secretary Chief of Staff
7. Labor Deputy Secretary
8. Labor Associate Deputy Secretary
9. Stephen Stefanko - Certification Manager
10. John Barlett - Certification Manager
11. Ms. Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State
12. Ms. Karen P. Hughes, Under Secretary, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

Let your friends also know…Let’s make it a success

Sub: Huge Administrative Delay in Foreign Labor Certification Application approval process at Department Of Labor

Dear Mr. President,

Hope your family and you are doing well.

I would like to bring to your attention the huge administrative delay in LCA approval process at DOL’s two Backlog Elimination Centers (BEC), most notably the Philadelphia BEC. I started my application with DOL 4 years back. Two years have passed since the commencement of two BECs, but till now I have not received the approvals. There is not even an option for status check or an indication when my application will be considered.

My family and I are suffering constantly in numerous ways due to these delays. To list a few, my spouse doesn’t get the work permit, I can’t change the job, due to such insecurity we can’t buy a house or take a meaningful vacation etc. We are considering leaving USA to my home country, winding up the American dream. May be it was a big mistake in my life to come to USA after working hard on my engineering college degree and leaving behind a nice job in my home country. Now I have ended up fighting DOL’s Administrative Delays and its stone-age process which seems like a long dark tunnel, with no light in sight.

I will be highly obliged if you could look into this matter as soon as possible and take necessary measures to speed up the approval process.

Thank You Mr. President.

In appreciation of your leadership and resolve,


City, State, Zip code

To: (Mail/Fax/E-mail)


The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Fax: 202-456-2461

CC: (Mail/Fax/E-mail)

Vice President
President’s Chief of Staff
Vice President’s Chief of Staff

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Fax: 202-456-2461,,

Department of Labor

Ms. Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Labor (202) 693-6000
Mr. Paul T. Conway, Chief of Staff (202) 693-6007
Mr. Steven J. Law, Deputy Secretary (202) 693-6000
Ms. Laura Genero, Associate Deputy Secretary (202) 693-6000

U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

Stephen Stefanko - Certification Manager
ETA- Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
Division of Foreign Labor Certification
1 Belmont Avenue, Suite 220
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
FAX: (484) 270-1600

John Barlett - Certification Manager
ETA - Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Division of Foreign Labor
700 North Pearl St., Suite 400N
Dallas, Texas 75201
FAX: (214) 237-9135

Department of State

Ms. Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State
Ms. Karen P. Hughes
Under Secretary, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

NY AUG 2002 approval

#150 24th April 2006, 10:19 AM
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 3

NY Approval

I got a letter saying my lc approved

pd Aug/02
45 letter Dec/05
LC Apr/24/06

looks like everyone will get LC every soon. good luck everyone.

Mine was filed with Harrisburg SWA on 6/7/2004 and my lawyer got the 45 day letter on 2/15/2006.

alabor said:
My case was applied in Aug. 2004 in Harrisburg SWA. I have not received the 45 day letter yet. Did any one receive 45 day letter from PBEC, with similiar priority date???
Recently, my wife has received an AA degree in Photography and Digital Imaging. She was studying in a local community college for several years and (being on H1B/H4) we were paying the same low per-unit fees as any American does (not the fees they change foreigners). Here in California, all we had to do is to:
1. Prove that we're in a legal status (passport with a Visa would do), plus a Driver's License
2. Prove that we're residents here for some time (I'm not sure about exact requirements, but a year-old electric/gas bill in your or your spouse's name should work)
3. Show that we're paying taxes (don't know if it's required, but consider taking a tax return with you)
4. Remember that we're permanent residents here (as long as we live and work here legally, who cares how lawful we're : )

Speaking about scholarships, to be honest - I don't know. My assumption is that it depends on your grades, income and persistence (that is ability to get all the papers and annoy all the people : )

nohope_for_lc said:
:mad: When we came here my son was in elementary school. My labor has been applied in 2003. My son is a senior now and he is going to college next year. I am in the same boat as you are, probably more worse. I have to face tution/scolarship issues in few months. You know what I am thinking, by the time I will be eligible for green card my son will be over 21. If we cannot do anything for our kids what is the point live in American dream?
In The Same Boat

nohope_for_lc said:
:mad: When we came here my son was in elementary school. My labor has been applied in 2003. My son is a senior now and he is going to college next year. I am in the same boat as you are, probably more worse. I have to face tution/scolarship issues in few months. You know what I am thinking, by the time I will be eligible for green card my son will be over 21. If we cannot do anything for our kids what is the point live in American dream?

I am in Los Angeles County. In the present, my daughter has to be here with a student visa, transfering from junior college to the university and my son is in junior college. Both kids are with high GPAs (my daughter has the highest qualification in physics in her college), but we never could get help for them because we are not legal residents.
We have to pay the price.....
narayana_pan said:
Hi MannyD

My Case number P04-247-*******
it means it entered into system in 04?????
I dnt got any approval... ...... :mad:

Yes, and you did get your 45 day letter in Jan/Feb 2005- right? Looking at the current pattern, I think many of us with PD in Aug 2002 can start expecting approvals.
All the best!

There is a difference between "Legal resident" and "Permanent resident." A person may not be a permanent resident (i.e. no green card yet), but s/he can still be legal if they never fall out of status. Most people on this board fit this category I belive, who have maintained legal status in F1 and/or H1, but have not become permanent residents yet.

Note the IRS treats the term differently for tax purposes, which can be even more confusing.

Good luck to you, and all of us here, for a speedy process :)

ScorpioB said:
My child has H4, so she is not illegal; she does not have GC, so she is not Legal. I am lost!!!! By the way, when we came here, she was in elementary school!!
See my post above. Again, if they've maintained legal visa status they are legal residents (just not permanent residents yet).

Glad your kids are doing well in school. What can be more rewarding for a parent to see their children succeed under such circumstances? You did a good job, my friend.

ArgenBas said:
but we never could get help for them because we are not legal residents.
We have to pay the price.....
If you are RIR, if your case was approved by your state and then went to DOL and then subsequently to PBEC, what extra do they check at PBEC, is there a chance of your LC being rejected at this stage?

I am asking because I know my application is in Final review since at least Jan 06 and no news since. What does this all means? Any insight?
Thanks in advance,
There is no point in staying in this country if what this country cares for is illegal immigrants, toilet cleaners and farm laborers. There are many good colleges and universities in India and around the world where our kids can excel.

ArgenBas said:
I am in Los Angeles County. In the present, my daughter has to be here with a student visa, transfering from junior college to the university and my son is in junior college. Both kids are with high GPAs (my daughter has the highest qualification in physics in her college), but we never could get help for them because we are not legal residents.
We have to pay the price.....
akela said:
If you are RIR, if your case was approved by your state and then went to DOL and then subsequently to PBEC, what extra do they check at PBEC, is there a chance of your LC being rejected at this stage?

I am asking because I know my application is in Final review since at least Jan 06 and no news since. What does this all means? Any insight?
Thanks in advance,

Same with me at PBEC. Not sure what's going on ? - PD aug 2001.
igor_ch said:
Recently, my wife has received an AA degree in Photography and Digital Imaging. She was studying in a local community college for several years and (being on H1B/H4) we were paying the same low per-unit fees as any American does (not the fees they change foreigners). Here in California, all we had to do is to:
1. Prove that we're in a legal status (passport with a Visa would do), plus a Driver's License
2. Prove that we're residents here for some time (I'm not sure about exact requirements, but a year-old electric/gas bill in your or your spouse's name should work)
3. Show that we're paying taxes (don't know if it's required, but consider taking a tax return with you)
4. Remember that we're permanent residents here (as long as we live and work here legally, who cares how lawful we're : )

Speaking about scholarships, to be honest - I don't know. My assumption is that it depends on your grades, income and persistence (that is ability to get all the papers and annoy all the people : )

The bigger concern is with our children - they cannot continue to be on H4 once they cross 21. They are not eligibile to be a part of the GC process, if not already in EAD. And even when they are in H4 and are straight A students, they are not eligible for any scholarship or aid or on-campus employment, since they are not in a Permanent Resident status.
If they are moved over to a F1 visa, then they are deemed to be international students, and the tuition fee hits the roof.
crosslanes said:
Hi Saknia:
Could you estimate the approval date for my case details in signature

Somehow PBEC is doing all cases with 45 day letter sent in 2006 and PD after June 2002. This is weird. If they really follow FIFO your letter should be on its way buddy

Iam waiting for mine as well.Let us hope to get it this week and be out of this
saknia said:
Somehow PBEC is doing all cases with 45 day letter sent in 2006 and PD after June 2002. This is weird. If they really follow FIFO your letter should be on its way buddy

Iam waiting for mine as well.Let us hope to get it this week and be out of this
Thanks for your reply.
Looks like there are still many folks with similar situation..hope we get that approval letter soon