Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

aparikh10 said:
I got my labor certification. June 25 2002 priority date, filled in SF, went to philly backlog.

Congrats buddy...

how can you be so short in your post....!! people here r dying to see more details in this drought of approvals....
bhatt said:
They WERE best. NOT ANY MORE. Now they are the WORST certifiers ever. By holding the certifying process, they are trying to push the backlog in the hands of USCIS and also more visa retrogression with unused visas. If this F*king BEC went to BOSTON or some other place it would have been far better. Dallas region was not that good. But in Processing the backlog they are very good.
May be the lawyer meant BEST in holding up the cases. All these processes are to provide taps at various points to slow down inflow of immigrants. GC is a a lottery and you are lucky if you get it.
Green Card In Less Then Two Years

Originally Posted by ykorsh
Just got email with I140 & I485 approvals

Labor PERM EB2 (Atlanta): applied : 07/04/05 AD: 09/26/05
Non retro country

RD: 11/12/05
ND: 11/14/05

765/131 : AD : 12/07/05
FP: done 01/04/06
I140 : AD : 02/27/06
I485 : AD : 02/27/06

Unbelievably fast
#43 28th February 2006, 05:56 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 22

Labor approved


I got good news from my lawyer regarding my labor approval.

PD: 7th Jan 2003
AD: 28 Feb. 2006.
Labor approved under RIR.
State: Delware
Region: PBEC

Though on 1st Feb 06 we filed PERM application under conversion but before application was closed under RIR, the labor was approved.

What a wait.

Unbelievably fast[/QUOTE]
LedBy said:
What she says may be close to reality. Thanks for your effort..

As I always believe media has such a power. When one Indian scientist was denied visa, (in fact he didn't even fill out the form he was supposed to!!) they send him the visa home. Not because he was a big shot i guess..but bcose it was wired all over the world and started appearing in main news sites.

media, media, media...keep on writing to media folks..

I is easier than lawsuit(lawsuit may slow down pbec even more)..just imagine if you are at pbec with tons of paper around ..yr thought will be ..I am trying to help (even though present pbec is rot) but people are suing me..why work..
bklog_sufferer said:

Just wanted to share, my attorney informed me today that they have received the 45 day letter and will be replying today. I know, it is a loooong way to go but looks like PBEC is right on target for completing the data entry by June 2006 and hopefully clear the backlog by Sept 2007 as they announced.

PD: Jan 2005
State : NJ

Good luck to us all !!

I have no clue as to which ones are being taken up for sending 45 day letter. My PD is Jun 2004, EB2 - RIR, State : GA , has anyone from GA around the same PD received 45 day letter?..
It is just Chaos!

Cric said:
I have no clue as to which ones are being taken up for sending 45 day letter. My PD is Jun 2004, EB2 - RIR, State : GA , has anyone from GA around the same PD received 45 day letter?..

You will be surprised that even at state level, there is no order in issuing 45 day letter. My case is filed from NJ in EB2-RIR category. My PD is June 2, 2003 and I haven't received the 45-day love letter yet....
aparikh10 said:
I got my labor certification. June 25 2002 priority date, filled in SF, went to philly backlog.

Can't you even put some more details, like whether it went regional or not, 45 day received or not. We are dying here for more information and here you go with one-liner I got my labor.

Not sure where labordrags lawsuit stands (I am on sidelines on this, am sure there are many who can't contribute for obvious reason) but I think we should have a way to send funds officially anonymously, I am sure we would meet our 10000 goal within a week. Though we need some way of tracing back if we want to refund the contribution. And I think PayPal fits the bill.
LedBy said:
Originally Posted by LedBy
What she says may be close to reality. Thanks for your effort..

As I always believe media has such a power. When one Indian scientist was denied visa, (in fact he didn't even fill out the form he was supposed to!!) they send him the visa home. Not because he was a big shot i guess..but bcose it was wired all over the world and started appearing in main news sites.

media, media, media...keep on writing to media folks..

I think media is the key. In this world of bloggers and goole news, I think a single article that exposes PBEC inefficiency will do the trick which lawsuit can't do.
bostonqa said:

I guess they are counting down.
The perm website still says 18 Months to go.. Not sure why it is becoming so difficult for them to synchronize the image at both places. Makes me feel that they are not too serious about this.
I am Pessimistic

bostonqa said:

I guess they are counting down.

I am still pessimistic. If they have to finish in 17 months, all 2001 cases must have been cleared by now and every day we should be seeing tons of 2002 approvals. Last week we had 4 approvals and this week just one approval. Is some body playing with already victimised VICTIMS?
I agree with you that media is the key. Its all about awareness.

In my opinion, the best way is to place an ad on Washington Post. I have seen ads there from human rights group and other advocacy groups. Why not one from Victims of PBEC? It should be very concise, factually correct and focused on the BEC. It should tell that many of use have been waiting for 3-4 years while people who filed after us (via PERM or DBEC) have already been approved.

Most senators, congressmen and media folks love Wash Post and NY Times. In my judgment, this is the best "bang for the buck", instead of posting on this forum (that no one except PBEC victims read) or emailing/faxing senators/congressmen (who get overwhelmed with emails and mostly they give you an automated/prefabricated response).

May be should place the ad on behalf of PBEC victims or we should create a new group - Victims of PBEC injustice. This can lead to a major story on major networks. Remember, how some conservatives groups were able to get all the media attention by placing ads in local news paper during last election campaign. There ads were played again and again by major networks as it became a story by itself. I am sure some networks will pick up our story.

USCISisMockery said:
I think media is the key. In this world of bloggers and goole news, I think a single article that exposes PBEC inefficiency will do the trick which lawsuit can't do.
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msabir said:
I agree with you that media is the key. Its all about awareness.

In my opinion, the best way is to place an ad on Washington Post. I have seen ads there from human rights group and other advocacy groups. Why not one from Victims of PBEC? It should be very concise, factually correct and focused on the BEC. It should tell that many of use have been waiting for 3-4 years while people who filed after us (via PERM or DBEC) have already been approved.

Very good point msabir.

I guess we continue writing to reporters with single focus...focus on PBEC. To add a little spice to that, US government is not ready to return Social security money for most of us who is going back because of the back log in labor certification.

There is no much point in extending and exploring discussions among ourselves. Or in posting endless status check ideas here. One may derive some comfort in vending the emotions or get some company in these pages. But I feel it doesn’t bring out much.

I guess we should forward this article to people. I asked Ms. Mitra this question of people going back (bcose of delay in Labor certification) to India thinking we could connect both.

Meanwhile, I called up Ministry of external affairs in India. Spoke with one bureaucrat! I told him about the bureaucratic delays with labor cert (labor camp is a term they are familiar with in India, it exists in arab countries - I guess it is like a slave ship, but we are no better in many ways) seems like he is familiar with that term "bureaucratic delay"! However he told me to contact Indian Prime minister (, as if I know him personally!) so that it will be taken up in high levels.

I agree with many of you who said USICs retrogation is a good thing for us. Our concern in only about long pending labor certification and about how to get out of the clutches of the DOL Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Centre.


Fairfax, Va.: Ms. Mitra Kalita,
Does the harassment by DOL's Pennsylvania Backlog Elimination centre, where highly skilled workers are waiting for labor certification from year 2001 and the USICS's visa retrogation issues contributing to IT workers return to India?
Do you think US Government will ever give back the Social Security contributions?

Thanks, a skilled worker (who is considering leaving USA, for good)

S. Mitra Kalita: Here's the question about green card delays again. I did talk to some experts who suspected those who are waiting for green cards might be inclined to go back BUT most of the immigrants I speak to say they really want to wait out the process so they can come back to the United States if things don't work out in India. I am trying to dig up the story I did on delays that I reported in Philadelphia. Hang on.
Caliber said:
I am still pessimistic. If they have to finish in 17 months, all 2001 cases must have been cleared by now and every day we should be seeing tons of 2002 approvals. Last week we had 4 approvals and this week just one approval. Is some body playing with already victimised VICTIMS?

You are pessimistic?? Then who am i????

OH Wait.........

We are brothers.. we both are pessimistic. :D

DOL hasn't shown any life for us to be optimistic :eek:
raj_vagc_oct02 said:
Hi guys. i called PBEC today...To my surprise the lady is good and she talked to me for almost 15 mins. Thought of sharing something from the phone call..

She claims that they have completed 90% of data entry. And she expects the data entry to be completed by April 06. She also told that the approval pace is really slow and admits that there goal is to complete data entry by april so NOT much approvals really going out. She expects that the approval pace will pick up from May06.

I personally dont beleive this but one thing i would like to tell here.. i called and asked only one question i.e. when is the data entry will be over..she talked almost 15 mins telling the issues etc etc..same old crap as everyone knows..

Good luck guys... and lets fight on...

Assuming the lady is right.

There are supposedly 170K cases in PBEC. 10% remaining would be 17K

If they were to finish data entry by April 06 it gives them 40 Working days.
That would be 425 cases per day.

Now lets look back they have entered 90% of cases that would be 153000 cases since PBEC started getting cases in Jan 2005. So in other words they entered 153000 cases in 270 (54 weeks * 5 working days per week) working days. That would be 566 cases per day.

Something is off.

Either they started entering cases before Jan 2005, which I doubt. Or they are overestimating.
Aug 2001..still waiting

I am still waiting for the labor news to lawyers or to me from Phily BEC.

Not sure what to do except to wait till they decide the fate !! There are lots more like me from 2001. I don’t believe this Sep 2007 except they publish some dates of processing based on PD or RD or something they think is right...

It is just their gimmick...not to go to senators and to have less pressure answering calls about processing times.

PD Aug 2001 MD
RD Dec 2003
Transferred to Bec 09/2004
Recd and replied 45 day letter Feb.2005
No news yet

Atleast this URL GIF image change is giving some relief and some hope. Will it be true? May be they have allocated 3 resources to change the image.(1 develop, 1 testing and 1 deploy). Sorry I forgot to mention 1 more resource to count with fingers how many months left before Oct 2007.

'Hope and Faith' with the DOL gif....we shud be thankful they dint forget about it..they must have added this new thingy in each month updation cycle...!!

the silence in this forum is really killing all of us here......reminds me of the userid as 'PBECIsKillingMe"
USCISisMockery said:
I think media is the key. In this world of bloggers and goole news, I think a single article that exposes PBEC inefficiency will do the trick which lawsuit can't do.

I have been telling since beginning that only 'shame' will 'shake' these 'shameless' people! If media start discussing about our issues, they will have to do something!