Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Please Comments On This

tanveer666 said:
Hello Guys

This is very unfortunate that in this forum we failed to organised any strategy how to deal with this probelm .

When last time people discussed law suit issue with Rajiv . the labordrags raised a very valid point that even we loose the law suit still we will be able to bring them to the court even if we dont acheive 100 % result if we get even 30-40 % its really worth it to go for a law suit it least it might bring some good from this mess

I told 4 months back retrogression is not an issue if u guys see March visa bulliton the retrogression is gone but we waisted a lot of time in this forum on discussing retrogression issue as a result we diverted our attenion from pbec which is the problem as its alomst mid of feburary still people are here with pd of 2001

People here are discussing LC substitution issue here and saying that it will help in speeding up the process at pbec

This is a useless argument . as per records half of the cases are dead in pbec and even when 45 days letters are not being replied back but did we get any result out of this .... people in this forum have replied back their 45 days letter back in december 2004 but still no news come on guys no mattaer this labor substituion become law or not .It will not have any effect at pbec at all

In any society when people face any probelms what they do ???
they protest .......... right but here whenever i requested people no this is not possible that is not possible ..............

Some people say here that I write depressed mail its annoying for them I am really surprised they are not depressed from pbec when their lc is pending for 4 years . I said 6 months back in this forum that nothing is going to be happen in pbec they siaid no come on something has to be happen .....
can any body tell me what has happen in pbec for last six months

My attroney sent two emails for case status every time he got back genric reply the situation is so worest that no body is able to get the case status from pbec at all no body knows how long one has to wait to get their LCdone and worest thing is no fifo is being followed in pbec at all people with pd june2002 got the approval but people heaving pd prior to june 2002 and even replied back one year back are just waiting

Another problem is there is a misunderstand that people who did not get 45 days letetr their cases are being processed while that is not true . THEY WILL NOT PROCESS YOUR CASES UNTILL THEY GET THE 45 DAYS LETTER BACK. IF THEY HAVE NOT ISSUED THE 45 DAYS LETTER SO IT MEANS NO BODY IS WORKING ON YOUR CASE.

If this is the situation what you guys except from me ............ should i tell a lie that everybody is getting approval ......... everything is green ........

Now what is the solution .............................

Solution is that we should do whatever we can

1-Joing hands with labordrags for law suit

2-Send letetrs to all the relevants authorities

3-Write letters to media CNN NY TIMES . W . POASTETC ETC

4-Stage a demenstartion in fornt of PBEC

5-Donate money for the lawsuit

Doing something is better then doing nothing . as mom also only give milk to baby once baby cry for it .

Please do not discuss retrogression and LC substitution here and do not discourage other people who are sending letters donating money for lawsuit .


Guys pls comment on this

StressTestInUSA said:

did u send an email to that for your case status...? I guess you r from Jersey...

No, why ? should I ? There are some restrictions from my employers. If it really helps, I can talk with them. I saw there are still some with 2002 PD in NJ without the letter. Thanks for the concern.
USCISisMockery said:
No, why ? should I ? There are some restrictions from my employers. If it really helps, I can talk with them. I saw there are still some with 2002 PD in NJ without the letter. Thanks for the concern.

no..was just curious....not that PBEC is issuing 45day letters too in any FIFO...btw...u can send en email too..employer is not required to send an email..anyway...u shud be getting it in 2 months max.....the real pain is after that..!!

hope they finish this letter business and start with the real business...this is getting to our nerves...!!
fastergcwanted said:
I agree in terms of doing something about PBEC blackhole. But, read this news. AILA has sent sample 700 cases to present to DOL about problmes with current processing including Pre-PERM (BPC) cases.

Please notice how clear it is here that AILA has not even mentioned to DOL about pathetic processing time of PBEC vs DBEC. Or continous lack of FIFO being followed by any of the BEC.

If we have support from Rajeev and other lawyers, why can't have him influence AILA in sending our real issues. Why is it not happening? We are talking about lawsuits...fine let's do it. But, why no one at AILA is concerned. Why are real problems not being reported to DOL?

It's sad for us. labordrags or others who have access to Rajeev's office, can we ask this EASY QUESTION?

This will have a real impact as DOL listens to what AILA says and presents.

Guys think about it.

Thats the mystery. Why AILA, big law firms are silent on this issue. Its just beyond me. Murthy always talk about how concern she is about PERM, but she never mentions BEC. Hypocrat. Can someone access to lawyers ask simple question, why they are so quiet about BEC blackhole ?
tanveer666 said:

I completely share your concerns and views. I dont get it, why every once a while the forums get diverted to irrelevant topics. First retrogression, now labor substitution. Any awareness efforts are subdued by off-track discussion which has no relation to Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center.
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USCISisMockery said:
Thats the mystery. Why AILA, big law firms are silent on this issue. Its just beyond me. Murthy always talk about how concern she is about PERM, but she never mentions BEC. Hypocrat. Can someone access to lawyers ask simple question, why they are so quiet about BEC blackhole ?

Not trying to be a pessimist....

but they all know that this BEC is a big big mess and fingering with/about them is absolutely one will 'gain' anything putting efforts on this shit....
When We Will Reach The Destination

Hello folks

No one knows where we are ....... how long we have to wait......When we will reach the destination ........... people who are expecting anything infact are not Living in a real word .... they are not sincere with themself ........I am surprised they feel bad by reading this mail but they dont feel bad when they are waiting for last 4 years ......... if this situation continues we will have to get 12th years extension for h1b1 ... some people are begging for their 45 days letters ...people who got their 45 days letter they are in another mess. people who want to get case staus they get a standard reply ...... once u reqest for excat case status they again send you the standard reply ......... same wording who asks for case status
If you want to go for prem by keeping the old pd that is very risky......
If you prem is denied you loose your pd ............. still some people are saying that pbec is processing cases for june2002 while there are thousands of cases pending prior to june2002 & we are under the impression that they have reached june 2002

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Number of cases adjudicated by BEC

Folks it won’t be difficult to get the total number of cases processed by BEC per week basis.

Guys who have contacts to get information from BEC’s should be able to do this. And it would be a perfect barometer to compage DBEC to PBEC.

People who have higher contacts (congressmen etc) should really focus on getting these figures.
I’m sure both BEC’s have these numbers handy.
Forget priority dates. I bet DBEC have probably processed 50K to 60K more cases compared to PBEC.
tanveer666 said:
Hello folks

No one knows where we are ....... how long we have to wait......When we will reach the destination ........... people who are expecting anything infact are not Living in a real word .... they are not sincere with themself ........I am surprised they feel bad by reading this mail but they dont feel bad when they are waiting for last 4 years ......... if this situation continues we will have to get 12th years extension for h1b1 ... some people are begging for their 45 days letters ...people who got their 45 days letter they are in another mess. people who want to get case staus they get a standard reply ...... once u reqest for excat case status they again send you the standard reply ......... same wording who asks for case status
If you want to go for prem by keeping the old pd that is very risky......
If you prem is denied you loose your pd ............. still some people are saying that pbec is processing cases for june2002 while there are thousands of cases pending prior to june2002 & we are under the impression that they have reached june 2002


do not know what else to comment on. same crap again & again... congratulations for living in the REAL WORLD . do us a favor and just speak for ur self.
Little consolation

See this message from DBEC. There are folks like us waiting there as well

By the way the DBEC looks like has slowed down in the last week. Not many approvals there even as it used to be before

#10480 7th February 2006, 02:52 PM
Registered User Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 249

Originally Posted by patience13
Congrats dude, Good to know that you got it after such a long time. I hope mine will come soon. I will complete 4 years in labor by March end. Still hoping for the best. Any old folks out there who got it ?

I feel for you. Waiting since 03/2002.. TERRIBLE..

You are really patient true to your user id...

The positive (if I can offer you some encouragement) in all this is that you will be so early in the queue for 485 when your LC is approved. Wish you good luck..
Why AILA and big law firms are silent on the BECs issue?.. well it is not a mystery, the answer is pretty simple.

If perm processing is taking 90 days and they fight to get the processing time down it is because they can process more and more applications as and when they get processed faster, that means more money for them.

If BECs take more time to process labor then there will be more and more visa extensions after every year passed, it translates to more money for them.

If AILA takes up our case then we should be grateful to them, but I don't see them doing it out of sympathy even. Only God can help us but looks like even he is not in our favor.
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gc_ky123 said:
Why AILA and big law firms are silent on the BECs issue?.. well it is not a mystery, the answer is pretty simple.

If perm processing is taking 90 days and they fight to get the processing time down it is because they can process more and more applications as and when they get processed faster, that means more money for them.

If BECs take more time to process labor then there will be more and more visa extensions after every year passed, it translates to more money for them.

Well all are hypocrats and this passing mention of delay in backlog processing is all hog wash and just to show that they care when in reality they don't.

Only God can help us, I don’t trust these hypocrats anymore.

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What is Living in Reality

ln1976 said:
do not know what else to comment on. same crap again & again... congratulations for living in the REAL WORLD . do us a favor and just speak for ur self.

I think that our Friend Tanveer is posting these oin his over enthusiasm to help the campaign for Laws suit. He some how convinced that Law suit is the remedy for all of us

Coming to talk about Reality: let me tell you something borrowing your own words

You said earlier that you heard from attorny friend of yours that By June 2006 DBEC would have finsihed all cases and the Center will be closed. If we believe that this is true we have to believe this as well - Since DBEC has set a Metric in recod time to finish all the cases by June 2006 all Eyes will turn towards PBEC to ask what you guys are doing etc etc.

But Reality is that both the above will not happen and we all know that

All of us know about how bad this PBEC has been and trying to digest the bad situation we are in. While laws suit is a good intiative many don't know how it will affect them depending on peculiarity of the case.
If he is in 2002 and he is RIR he will think that he can wait.

Some one in 2004 might think he want PBEC to jump 2001,2002,2003 in next few months and get his Labor approved somehow and will try to go for the lawsuit. How long the Law suit will take to be filed is a Big question. Next few months ?? How long it will be before it is taken up and tried in the Court and How long it will take to get a Ruling on that

Even if we win What if PBEC goes on appeal and it will delay the ruling. ( Appeals might take another 6 months)

Iam hearing that ateleast it will push them to act fast. Remember we all blame them thinking that they donlt work and they have all Resources for acting fast. Some could be missing and any Laws suit cannot bring that in months. This is where Campaign could come handly ( Congress men could try and get Resources needed for sppedy action if it come to that. Court cannot help much on that when it comes to Goevrment)

Some working with Big Companies cannot do anything like this with out telling their HR and if HR comes to know that he has signed on in a Law suit where Company is involved ( rememeber Labor application is a Company property and not that of Employee as per Current law) it might have other implications for him . If he get sacked he will need another Law suit and his bottom line is scartched . Remember that. He might rather wait ( which is a Reality) rather than screw up the Job itself.

Tanveer while I advise you continue with the Campaign please try to remember the Realities people might be in
bostonqa said:
Folks it won’t be difficult to get the total number of cases processed by BEC per week basis.

Guys who have contacts to get information from BEC’s should be able to do this. And it would be a perfect barometer to compage DBEC to PBEC.

People who have higher contacts (congressmen etc) should really focus on getting these figures.
I’m sure both BEC’s have these numbers handy.
Forget priority dates. I bet DBEC have probably processed 50K to 60K more cases compared to PBEC.
Look at the speadsheet in the BEC tracker thread.

There are more than 1300 cases. It's around 0.4% of all BECs cases.
Since 1300 cases it a large number the statistics is pretty accurate. DBEC processed 3 times more applications than PBEC. But DOL still has courage to assert that the performance of both centers is "approximately the same".
Facts vs hear say

sbdol said:
Look at the spreadsheet in the BEC tracker thread.

There are more than 1300 cases. It's around 0.4% of all BECs cases.
Since 1300 cases it a large number the statistics is pretty accurate. DBEC processed 3 times more applications than PBEC. But DOL still has courage to assert that the performance of both centers is "approximately the same".

No offense to guys who have toiled hard to create and maintain BEC tracker sheet, but we cannot provide that as proof to higher authorities. We have a legit case of comparing DBEC with PBEC. Its shear nonsense to let PBEC get away with there incompetence in doing their jobs.

Point we have which are indisputable are
1. Both BEC started at same time.
2. Both BEC has same resources.
3. Both BEC got exactly same number of cases.
4. DBEC has x number of cases processed so far. And PBEC has y number of cases processed so far.

Where x = 3(y)

It’s just that simple. Now we have to gather x and y from reliable, quotable and responsible persons.
Guys its not that hard to get this numbers. Is it?
bostonqa said:
No offense to guys who have toiled hard to create and maintain BEC tracker sheet, but we cannot provide that as proof to higher authorities. We have a legit case of comparing DBEC with PBEC. Its shear nonsense to let PBEC get away with there incompetence in doing their jobs.

Point we have which are indisputable are
1. Both BEC started at same time.
2. Both BEC has same resources.
3. Both BEC got exactly same number of cases.
4. DBEC has x number of cases processed so far. And PBEC has y number of cases processed so far.

Where x = 3(y)

It’s just that simple. Now we have to gather x and y from reliable, quotable and responsible persons.
Guys its not that hard to get this numbers. Is it?

Hi Guys

Just to add my opinion on this

I think Tracker maiatains both PBEC and DBEC cases as reported in both Forums .When you talk of genuiness of the information (fact) we have to say that these are captured from a genuine thread where people come in and give thier information

Number of cases approved in DBEC must be in the thread in compariosn to PBEC ( correct if my assumptions are wrong here)

However if you want to present this to someone for taking action they might need actual names and further information of the cases with Comonay names. We need to think of a way to collect that as well. This could be missing in the Thread Tracker I suppose
Lobby wherever you can..

As we all wait here, I guess one of the best things we all can do is, let our home country also know about these issues. It will be good if you could drop a note to the journalists, ministers, politicians or whoever matters. Frankly this country is benefiting from us, while keeping us under unreasonable bonds… It's not fair for the system to be hostile to us.

For Indians, it will be the best time to lobby in India, as President is planning a visit there. You can forward these sites to the people who matters.
Only about Prem...

You shouldn't be saying all this just before Valentine's Day. Jab pyaar kiya to darna kyaa?

For what its worth I received the 45 DL (popularly known as the Prem Patra) from PBEC about 10 days back.

PD: 03.2004 (PA)
RD: 11.2004
45 DL: 02.2006


tanveer666 said:
Hello folks
If you want to go for prem by keeping the old pd that is very risky......
If you prem is denied you loose your pd...
The Tracker, The Lawsuit and Life...

Hello all,

I logged in today to see what was going on in the forum and saw some discussion about the tracker and its accuracy to predict. Here are some thoughts...

Are their enough entries in the tracker to make it statistically accurate?
Yes and no. Yes, there are enough cases to make Regional cases statistically accurate. In fact, I once compared the database to the tracker and it was remarkably representative.
No. There are still not enough SWA cases to make them statistically accurate. I believe we would need about 1,000 more SWA cases to make it statistically accurate.

Is the tracker representative?
Two issues. 1) Non-professional LCs are very likely not represented in the tracker. 2) Abandoned LCs are obviously not represented in the tracker. This could be the older cases, especially Non-RIR.

So what good is the tracker?
Well, while not entirely statistically accurate it does give a good representation of what is happening. And, it also proves the "negative", e.g. no FIFO, DPBC is not processing SWA cases (in any meaningful manner), etc. Most important - it tells many they are not alone.

Can you use the tracker to support a lawsuit?
IMHO, not really. I think you would need permission from everyone on tracker. As saknia said I think you would need people to volunteer their information for that specific purpose.

My opinion on the lawsuit
1 - Lack of FIFO will be supported by the BPCs based on the fact that states had different processes before being centralized and it would be unfair to the beneficiaries to treat us differently (aren't we glad they have our best interest in mind - that is a sarcastic comment by the way). PBPC is clearly splitting processing by state.
2 - Lack of FIFO will be supported by operational complexities not expected before processing began.
3 - Number crunching is an art, not a science. I would be surprised if the BPCs could not come up with a formula that said they would complete backlog processing by the end of 2007 (just as they estimated back in March 2005). They will excuse themselves, saying past performance is not an indication of future performance because - a) they will no longer be using resources to issue 45 day letters and b) examiners will get better over time. Both arguments true by the way.
4 - So is there a remote chance of actually winning the lawsuit? Well, my thought is - does it really matter? File the lawsuit in a couple months, 3-6 months to get a verdict (optimistic timeframe). So you get an outcome sometime in late 2006. Two outcomes: a) You win. To make it better you need more money, so go to congress get the money, hire more people, train them, process faster. It's now mid 2007. b) You lose. But at least now the issues at the BPC are brought to light. Some improvements in 2007.
5 - To all those who think lack of FIFO is unfair - I agree (hey my PD is Nov/2001) but I can also give you reasons why it shouldn't be FIFO.
6 - To all those who say that at the current pace they will not finish before 2007 - prove it. I don't mean to be a jerk about this but honestly, someone get me figures that prove that BPCs will actually not finish by the end of 2007. We don't have them. I wish I did but we don't.
7 - Filing a lawsuit can't hurt.

BTW, I look forward to constructive and civilized criticism of my comments above. I have seen in the past few days as we always get on this thread every few months some "smart" people that think that arguing is about using foul language and insulting others, to them I say this: why are you even here? You clearly are adding no value to the forum and you clearly know more than any of us so why waste your time with us ignorant people.

Good luck to everyone and I hope you get your LC soon.