Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Mr Bush?

Pleasae pardon me for my sarcastic comments. Mr bush has no time to meet iraq veterans, and he will listen to us?? I do not blame you but it is a land of oz, and I am in the same boat a you as well.

Do you think no one knows what is going on in DOL? It is just not n their short term interest to give you and me green card. Illegals are more important, as they are many more in numbers, uneducated, and cant think. Easier to brainwash them and get their vote. I am not discouraging anybody, but expressing my frustation and honest openion. No flames, and please do write as many of you can,- I would too. Doing something is always better than doing nothing.

In my openion, lawsuite is the only option to create a stirr. I must thank Mr Khanna and all of you for discussing the issues with BECs and possibilities of filing a lawsuite. What is going on is a complete harrasment of the law abiding people and we should raise our voice. It has always been true that if you cry you will get more food, and I believe that it works here also(and we are not crying, it is 200% legitimate protest).

My heart goes to all of you, who are suffering in the dark hole of DOL for 3-4 years. I am also stuck for a long time in the same mess. What I see in DOLs attitude is, - dont fix the mess, create a new procedure and turn attention to the new and more efficient system(PERM). Immagine, you go to a DMV, waiting for 1 hour in queue and suddenly they announce that the officers who came back after lunch can only process the new entrants efficiently. I am not aginst PERM, but if the same organisation has one objective to adjudicate labor certs, it has to be in FIFO, and not 2 queues.

In my openion, PERM cases should not be adjucated until and unless all BEC cases are processed. These cases will ultimately clogg the I-140, and who knows if it affects 485. The whole green care thing is insane, and the only sanity here seems to be the retrogression(although I do not like to be 2 yr behind the priority date). I believe that the lawsuite we file must have this cluse of "holding PERM till BECS cleared" should be there.

I do not like the idea that 'other has to suffer if I have suffered', but my suffering should not grow as someone's case is expedited. I am not selfish, but I am no maharishi either.

Right now no one cares about backlogs but a lot more cares about the visa numbers. I have every reason to believe that the retrogression will be lifted soon(Visa numbers will increase if some powerful companies like microsoft demands), and there will be a day when a EB2-RIR from 2003 will rit in PBEC and PERM-EB2 from 2006 can have EAD and advance payrol. Nothing wrong, but highly unfair.

Tanveer. Apart from your typing capital letters in posts, I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding retrogression. BEC is the issue, and not the retrogression. If a few big companies push, a new bill will be pushed tomorrow and retrogression will be lifted very soon(though I doubt that it will happen in next 4 months). To my openion, retrogression is the only sane thing in this insane world. At least it provides some sort of fareness.

I would strongly urge everyone of this group to contribute to the lawsuite effort to get our voice heard.

Best of luck Tanveer.
Yes Law Suit


Please talk to moderator he is already compaigning for law suit ......

Guys if you read my previous messages i said three months ago that nothing will happen in PBEC Skina one of the important member said i am saying something which will have bad effect on their morale but time has proofed that i was right .

Why cant we accept the reality.......... how long we will living on hopes ........... how long we will say to each other just wait.............................. time is passing are we are in labor when we will reach at I-140/485 STAGE ................medial done/finger printing done.....strck in background check .......

Guys since last four to five years wre living on false promises.... what if tommorrow if guest workers programme comes and create the same problem which 245i has created in the past .

People here say that attronies dont know anything .......... come on guys as i said before i know atleast 25 very well known attorines they are of the view if this situation continue we will reach noware it might take pbec at least 80 more years to clear all the cases

I think its a time for law suit its a time to send letters to any body who could help us ......... why cant u guys accept the reality that one approval is coming in a month . there are some very active members here like SKINA AND STREET TEST IN U S A. they also teach sometime of patient ..... patient for how long year two ........people are waiting here for 5 years

folks try to live in a real world rather then in a world of hope patient and just watching this thread .

This is also a very good proposal that prem should be kept on hold untill all the pbec and dbec cases are processed

Guys plaese comments plaese do something otherwise we will be facing a lot of difficulties in future
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googlw123 said:
Pleasae pardon me for my sarcastic comments. Mr bush has no time to meet iraq veterans, and he will listen to us?? I do not blame you but it is a land of oz, and I am in the same boat a you as well.

Do you think no one knows what is going on in DOL? It is just not n their short term interest to give you and me green card. Illegals are more important, as they are many more in numbers, uneducated, and cant think. Easier to brainwash them and get their vote. I am not discouraging anybody, but expressing my frustation and honest openion. No flames, and please do write as many of you can,- I would too. Doing something is always better than doing nothing.

In my openion, lawsuite is the only option to create a stirr. I must thank Mr Khanna and all of you for discussing the issues with BECs and possibilities of filing a lawsuite. What is going on is a complete harrasment of the law abiding people and we should raise our voice. It has always been true that if you cry you will get more food, and I believe that it works here also(and we are not crying, it is 200% legitimate protest).

My heart goes to all of you, who are suffering in the dark hole of DOL for 3-4 years. I am also stuck for a long time in the same mess. What I see in DOLs attitude is, - dont fix the mess, create a new procedure and turn attention to the new and more efficient system(PERM). Immagine, you go to a DMV, waiting for 1 hour in queue and suddenly they announce that the officers who came back after lunch can only process the new entrants efficiently. I am not aginst PERM, but if the same organisation has one objective to adjudicate labor certs, it has to be in FIFO, and not 2 queues.

In my openion, PERM cases should not be adjucated until and unless all BEC cases are processed. These cases will ultimately clogg the I-140, and who knows if it affects 485. The whole green care thing is insane, and the only sanity here seems to be the retrogression(although I do not like to be 2 yr behind the priority date). I believe that the lawsuite we file must have this cluse of "holding PERM till BECS cleared" should be there.

I do not like the idea that 'other has to suffer if I have suffered', but my suffering should not grow as someone's case is expedited. I am not selfish, but I am no maharishi either.

Right now no one cares about backlogs but a lot more cares about the visa numbers. I have every reason to believe that the retrogression will be lifted soon(Visa numbers will increase if some powerful companies like microsoft demands), and there will be a day when a EB2-RIR from 2003 will rit in PBEC and PERM-EB2 from 2006 can have EAD and advance payrol. Nothing wrong, but highly unfair.

He comitted to streamline the greed card process so that it would take no more than 6 months. I guess USCIS reports him that they are very close to that goal, which apparently might be true. Now if somebody stands up and says "Hey! this guy is in the process 5 years" that definitely will not fit in this idealistic picture. This could be embarassing if it happens during a pressconference for example. So how to prevent such embarassment ? The solution is as easy as it seems; pick up the phone and tell a few phrases to Elaine Chao.
I do not think she wants to lose her job over Stefan Stefanko ?

And what do we have to loose after all ?
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tanveer666 said:
One of my friend who is working for this contactor in DBEC told me they will closed this center by june2006

BY june 2006 the retrogression issue will be gone confirmed my some decent and well known atronies of NY

Tanveer, PLEASE, if you have a friend at DBEC, can you ask him/her to find out what's happening in Philly ?! if he/she works for the contractor, it shouldn't be a problem to find out, at least, high-level, what's going on ...
VA Non RIR Approval June 2002

Registered User Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 22

Labor Approved


I just got an e-mail from my lawyer that my Labor is approved. Following is the info

EB3 State:VA
PD: June 03,2002
Non-RIR, Went to regional
P.S. case was mistyped as RIR in data entry, did not follow up correct it

cantstandit said:
Tanveer, PLEASE, if you have a friend at DBEC, can you ask him/her to find out what's happening in Philly ?! if he/she works for the contractor, it shouldn't be a problem to find out, at least, high-level, what's going on ...

Hello Mr Realistic

DBEC is processing only RIR Cases that made to Regional so far. Even for that they have to complete 2005 still

How can they close the Center by June 2006.
question for the H1B 7 year extension: Do I still need the screen copy, if I already get the receipt from my State labor office (before transferring to PBEC)?
tomprc said:
question for the H1B 7 year extension: Do I still need the screen copy, if I already get the receipt from my State labor office (before transferring to PBEC)?

not required ....In my case I cud get an extension with the NYDOL letter showing my name,company name and date of labor filed(more than 365 dys) ...thought my file went to PBEC..i dint get a screenshot for the extn..
guys, at least the mail room is working:

my case involved changing employer name, address, etc ... the lawyers sent the documents proving the new employer is a successor of the old one, along with the 45 day reply.

After just 10 days, I checked the screenshot and the info has changed, so at least we know there are people working in the mail room and updating the cases.
Which number to call SBDOL

sbdol said:
He comitted to streamline the greed card process so that it would take no more than 6 months. I guess USCIS reports him that they are very close to that goal, which apparently might be true. Now if somebody stands up and says "Hey! this guy is in the process 5 years" that definitely will not fit in this idealistic picture. This could be embarassing if it happens during a pressconference for example. So how to prevent such embarassment ? The solution is as easy as it seems; pick up the phone and tell a few phrases to Elaine Chao.
I do not think she wants to lose her job over Stefan Stefanko ?

And what do we have to loose after all ?

Thank for your comments. Please let me know which number to call, and I will. Apart from that, I would also urge all members to contribute to the lawsuite effort in any way you can. I wrote to senetors, but apart from satndard replies, I have not received anything.

I also admire you for putting forward the PERM problem on the conference call thread. I would like to r eiterate again that retrogression lift is just arround the corner. Please concentrate on PBEC(I would like to change its name to BHC - backlog holding center, or NBCC- new backlog creation center). It is a backburner for the gov. The only way to get through it let our voice heard is filing lawsuite.
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Number to call

Please call 202-693-2700 for labor cert issues at the DOL. Please lodge a complaint regarding backlog elimination center and Phili
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Additional Contact Info

Guys, I would advice we should draft a letter and send it to following people..

Emily Stover DeRocco
Assistant Secratary,
US Dept of Labor
Employment & Training Administration
200 Constitution Ave NW
Wasington DC 20210

John Beverly
Director Of FLC (Foriegn labor Certification)

Phone Number for DFLC : 202-693-3010. Calling this i beleive you can talk to John Beverly.

PBEC chief ( no idea if it still stefanko) who ever it is reports to John and John reports to Emily. If we send a letter to Emily it goes to all the people in the group and that's how it works there.

Did we do any correspondence in the past with these guys? If NOT we should do it.
Thank you for posting this information. All below people are the ones who supervise Stefan Stefanko.

I would also send complain letter to OIG DOL about the PBEC's situation. The website is:

Email is:

We need to bring up everyone's attension to PBEC's issue, especially Stefan Stefanko's issue.

raj_vagc_oct02 said:
Guys, I would advice we should draft a letter and send it to following people..

Emily Stover DeRocco
Assistant Secratary,
US Dept of Labor
Employment & Training Administration
200 Constitution Ave NW
Wasington DC 20210

John Beverly
Director Of FLC (Foriegn labor Certification)

Phone Number for DFLC : 202-693-3010. Calling this i beleive you can talk to John Beverly.

PBEC chief ( no idea if it still stefanko) who ever it is reports to John and John reports to Emily. If we send a letter to Emily it goes to all the people in the group and that's how it works there.

Did we do any correspondence in the past with these guys? If NOT we should do it.
Thanks everybody

I agree with googlw123 on his point about the retrogression issue. I know at least one more person who also supports the fact about retrogression is not the problem. Please keep the momentum going and call or email to the concerned authorities if you can.
Any Hope....

Is anything going according to Backlog Reduction. Please review the link.

No strides towards the Goal to finish the backlog in 2006. DOL is not sure if Data Entry will be accomplished by then. Though DOL is hopeful that they will complete the Data Entry for all(??) cases, somehow their zeal( or lack of) does not translate in to action.

Its like anything else in political world, a Big Goddamm lie. Its not a system failure to process cases or eliminate the backlog where so many people are affected. Its a failure of will and Interest ( Based on faith, ideology and partylines) to address this problem.

I met with 2 prominant lawyers and both told me that my GC process may not be approved until 2012. The main reasons being Retrogression, 245(i) and FBI background check. After talking to them, I drew the conclusion that they were realistic and I was hopeful. Dreams shattered all the way... :(
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A Bit More info About My Case

I just got off the call with my lawyer's paralegal (they tend to know more), and she confirmed that my case is RIR and it DOES have Jan 2001 date on the 45 day letter. I also confirmed that it has "P-05XXX-XXXX" number assigned but they told me that they cant give me the whole number as it would be something that belongs to my company.

i asked why such an old case is STILL in the works, she said appearently there was a glitch with the case and the case never made it to Regional from SWA (got lost in the tracks I guess) and when inquiries were made it finally showed up in the PBEC..... There is, however, evidence that a review was made by the SWA officials (a job code is assigned, stamp etc put on it etc etc)....

So my case is probably considered one that is not coming from the REGIONAL which DOL said they give the priority to approve first.... I was asking myself my case would probably go to the top of FIFO so it should get approved within 2-3 months after 45 day letter but the priority is being delayed probably because I dont have a "Regional" tag on it... so I am hopeful if the Regionals all clear i should get some priority... We will see... Patience is a virtue.... I do however recommend to file PERM if you have PD 2004 and higher...

Any input from what you see in this picture is appreciated.....

StressTestInUSA said:

Oct2001 PD is so so good....I am sure your company did some 'golmaaal' with your LC...also u mean Qct2001 was approved...!! u shud have said to go ahead with 140 atleast...during 485 stage u wud have seen then...Anyway..what is over is over...

now checkout if this Jan2001 is RIR or TR kind of LC applied....If it is might come in when we r retiring....If it is RIR u r saved by the skin...

Thats why I say...we can discuss these sorts of problems in this forum,....anyway PBECis not doing anyrthing great to rejoice here...atleast we will know and help each other in our own way....these attorneys r the dumbest guys...we will get screwed big time if we leave thing to their hands...
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45 Day letter.

Just wanted to let you guys know
my Lawyer received my 45 Day letter on FEB-03-2006.
I updated my signature with this info.
Please update my info in the tracker.xls.

We Are In The Right Directions

I am very happy by reading the last 6 messages . we are in the right direction now guys pls pls pls for GODSAKE send letters to the bosses of PBEC
and all possible authorities

Contact Rajiv for the lawsuite

at this point of time dont discuss retrogression issue here at all

we have to raise this issue at all possible forum . as people have said in this forum that even mom does not give milk to a baby unless the baby cry

Skina if you need poof i can fax you the proof DBEC IS APPROVING CASES FOR MARCH 2005.

Guys trust me untill we wont awake up time will pass and we will be at the same place after 2006

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