Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking


I think we should send independent letters!

cantstandit said:
Tanveer, the point it NOT to send 1000 letters a day, actually, that would be counter-productive. The moment they realize it's mass-mailing, they'll ignore it.

However, if they receive 100 legit letters from different people, they'll HAVE TO RESPOND individually. A laywer friend of mine told me government agencies cannot ignore written letters.

Also, let's NOT HAVE A DRAFT letter. If we're good enough to have been approved for H1B, we should be able to write 3 or 4 paragraphs asking direct questions to the head of the foreign labor program.

Guys, I'm putting together an action plan for MONDAY, the 13TH.

Stay tuned, I'll post more details later tonight.
Aug03 said:
I sent a case status inquiry on Jan 23 to PBEC, clearly stating that please do not send me generic message saying that no status is available at this time. I also requested them to tell me when case status will be accessible if not now, after a year since 45 day letter was replied. I received following reply today (Surprise - Surprise!!)

I did not however, understand the case status itself. What is meant by Awaiting further review by an BEC analyst? Is my application at a point after complete data entry and before review by CO? Gurus, please respond.

sorry, Aug03, but the reply you got is a canned one. They do not answer status requests, unfortunately.
What are the IT folk doing?

Ok seriously, creating a SOA that can handle REST/SOAP requests and responds in real time with a mashup with either google/yahoo maps to provide location information. Provide a flikr connection to present the photograph of the person in question, maybe a flikr to the person filing the request. (more mashups extensible)

An RSS feed displaying real-time updates to the file in question.

Is this really too hard. i bet some of the ppl in this forum can do this in a weekend!

Seriously!!! :)
tanveer666 said:
One of my friend who is working for this contactor in DBEC told me they will closed this center by june2006

BY june 2006 the retrogression issue will be gone confirmed my some decent and well known atronies of NY


I after reading other fora at different websites, I concluded couple of things (Correct me if I am wrong):

1. DBEC is processing May 2004.( Does not mean all with previous dates have been certified...But that provides a general idea as to where they are.)
2. Cases not sent to regional are being processed at the same time.
3. PBEC is processing Non RIR cases as well. Not sure about DBEC.

It seems that what Tanveer said earlier in this forum was from a confirmed source that DBEC will be closed by June 2006. They will be done by they are already working on May 2004.

Tanveer: Thanks for the heads up.
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Could u ask ur reliable sources why nothing will happen with PBEC & not with DBEC ??? I am not really expecting a good answer for this question. Just my hunch that every thing we hear is hearsay. Take it or Leave it....although in our cases we really cannot leave it.

tanveer666 said:

well done and please keep it up . i can send 1000 letters daily . can any body attach here the letter and the fax # of all the relevant authorities

I am telling you guys from a very reliable sources that nothing is going to be happen in PBEC in future untill we do something

As i said before i am in touch some very well known attronies in their view if this bullshit continue Pbec will never come out from this mess

If you guys read all the messages we have had been hearing tis bullshit that by this date this will happen by that date that will happen in fact nothing has happen
When i talk to my freinds in my company they are ready to do everything to come out from this never ending hell

Please any body here who could darft a nice lette and guide us where to send this letter i mean either email or fax or mailing address
ln1976 said:

Could u ask ur reliable sources why nothing will happen with PBEC & not with DBEC ??? I am not really expecting a good answer for this question. Just my hunch that every thing we hear is hearsay. Take it or Leave it....although in our cases we really cannot leave it.

Because there will be no DBEC by then....;)...right, Tanveer?
Probably, then PBEC will start working better with all those contractors coming to work for PBEC. Atleast to wake 'em up :p
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Guys Whatever I Say That Is Truth----you Decide


I have not said anything from my side . whatever i say i try to confim it from different sources and then post it . In the past also people said about me that i talk something which has bad effect on the morale of all of us who are reading this thread

Guys please read my previous mails . people who thinks that something will happen in PABEC I am really sorry to say they are deceiving themself . they are neither sincere to themself nor to their families. i do understand that a lot of people are reading this and they might take decision based upon my message

Folks all of you are educated guys tell me is this not a reality that

People are waiting here with PD Of even october 2001

we are getting one approval per month

when we say they are processing june 2002 it does not mean they have cleared all the cases upto may 2002

A lot of people here are crying for just 45 days letter

The situation is so worest that people are getting their case staus and screen shot even after 15 days of mail and the reply from PBEC is a standard reply

Is this not true that most of us here are waiting here for more then 4 yaers

all these are cook & bull stories or the reality

Guys please comment on this if i am wrong
You live you learn

I did not mean to offend you and I do understand that in some situations it may not be advisable or too risky to go PERM. I still think we should atleast investigate it. I think, I made a mistake by not going PERM around summer 2005 - even though my lawyer advised me to file PERM as "insurance policy". The problem is at that time, we had a couple of approvals or good news reported on this forum and I got too much excited with high hopes. Also, I recently found there is a thread on this forum just about PERM refiling/conversion and tons of people are doing it. Had I read that thread earlier, I would have gone PERM. We all learn from mistakes - that is what life is about. I feel like listening to Alanis Morrissett:

"You live you learn, you love you learn
You cry you learn, you lose you learn
You bleed you learn, you scream you learn ....
You grieve you learn, you choke you learn
You laugh you learn, you choose you learn
You pray you learn, you ask you learn
You live you learn "

And we should all learn....

va-12-04 said:
Msabir. Best of luck. Please do nbot get me wrong, but not everyone may not be in your position to apply for PERM. Some day you might laugh at a person seeing him wearing a underware, and the reason for your laugh would be 'well I am smart and I do not wear underware anymore'.

Many of us are in 6th and 7th year of our extension, and PERM although gettting approvals is a tricky thing. Again, you cannot apply for a RIR and a PERM(I may be wrong here). You need to convert your RIR to PERM, and there you hit the BEC again(provided you try to keep your PD).

Again, do not get me wrong. We are sailing on the same river.
PERM approved

Hi guys,
I just want to share some good(not sure) news with you all and some of you might be in similar situation like me so I can get some guidence-
My employer filed PERM(IL state) under EB2 cap on 1/10/2006 and surprisingly it was accepted within 2weeks (1/27/2006).
At the same time my NY labor (PD- 3/1/2003) is still pending at BEC ,I replied 45 days letter in Dec.
Because of PERM approval my PD changed to 2006 which is Bad in terms filing I485.
But my lawyer told me that, he can start filing I140, but later when NY labor approved, he can switch to the NY PD which he did before successfully.

My question to you guys is I heard from couple of others that once I140 is approved, I can switch to the NY PD even though NY labor was not cleared.
is it true? what other options are available in this case.

I really appreciate your comments.

eadhas said:
Hi guys,
I just want to share some good(not sure) news with you all and some of you might be in similar situation like me so I can get some guidence-
My employer filed PERM(IL state) under EB2 cap on 1/10/2006 and surprisingly it was accepted within 2weeks (1/27/2006).
At the same time my NY labor (PD- 3/1/2003) is still pending at BEC ,I replied 45 days letter in Dec.
Because of PERM approval my PD changed to 2006 which is Bad in terms filing I485.
But my lawyer told me that, he can start filing I140, but later when NY labor approved, he can switch to the NY PD which he did before successfully.

My question to you guys is I heard from couple of others that once I140 is approved, I can switch to the NY PD even though NY labor was not cleared.
is it true? what other options are available in this case.

I really appreciate your comments.


Your lawyer is right. Read the following article for clarification.
I have emailed the letter to Elain Chao, Emily Dorocco and OIG of DOL. I used the sample posted here.

I will fax the same letter first thing tomorrow.

Guys, instead of arguing here, why don't just do something.

lavendersummer said:
I don't know about you guys, but I have been thinking about Andy in Shawshank Redemption the movie lately, a lot. For those of you who had seen that movie, you must also remember the desperate approach Andy took on the prison's library. He kept writing letters to the so called authorities until the bureautic machine couldn't resist and gave him what he wanted just to shut him up. I believe that still could be working in nowadays. And I'm going to make my contributions starting now. Who knows, we may get out the prison just like Andy did.
Action Plan

alright guys, I'm sick and tired of waiting, let's do SOMETHING:


- please read the attached doc, let's each write a personal letter to the head of the Labor Certification Program.

- on MONDAY (or earlier, if you want), you send it out, and post a msg here.

FOR EACH LETTER, I'll donate 2 dollars for charity.

please join the effort, I wanna see HOW MANY LETTERS we can generate :)

ARE YOU IN ... or OUT ?
yes they gave the old LC to someone else

I agree my lawyers suck and I got screwed because of my ignorance on this subject but it took me a while to realize how big of a mistake I made by not forcing them to file the old LC....

The LC for Jan 2001 is NOT approved yet. the LC belonged to an employee who doesnt need it anymore (married an American I guess... or left the company)....

They filed name substitution with the 45 day letter, which had no errors for correction. As i read the LC procedure manuals you can substitute the alien before or after the approval of the LC.. they decided to do it before the approval I guess for me.... The lawyer told me that they can either change the name or they can approve it as is and expect us to substitute during the USCIS process. I HOPE THIS DOES NOT PUT IT IN THE TROUBLED LINE.... With my luck it probably is in the troubled line and a lovely Jan 2001 case will be approved after March 2005 cases are cleared in 2008.... Oh well.....

Any more input is appreciated.....

cantstandit said:
hi, I'm not sure the details are clear:

- the jan/2001 PD was approved or not ?! if it was approved,then it should be a case of labor substitution, not "changing the name". If it was not approved, then I think when the lawyers tried to change the name, that triggered some sort of audit, so DOL definitely put your case on the 'trouble' queue. The lawyers should have waited for the labor to clear under the old name and then use it in labor subs.

- or it may be that this jan/2001 was TR, and then again it might take forever.

I don't get why, if you had an "approved" labor Oct/2001, they didn't go on with 140 and 485 ... even if you got denied, it wouldn't have mattered, because you'd just do another labor ... they didn't even try it ! your lawyers suck, sorry to say.

I would try to find out whether the Oct/2001 is still valid ... maybe they wanted to use it for SOMEBODY else, and they gave you this lame excuse that your salary was too high .. I don't buy that !
This is exactly what I am trying to do as well. Since your PERM is under EB2, which is current (as far as I know, correct me if I am wrong), you can file for I-140 and I-485 concurrently. No wait a minute, if you are from India or China, EB2 may still be retrogressed. I know for sure that EB2 current for the rest of the world. March Visa Bulletin should be coming up soon which will give us a better idea.

eadhas said:
Hi guys,
I just want to share some good(not sure) news with you all and some of you might be in similar situation like me so I can get some guidence-
My employer filed PERM(IL state) under EB2 cap on 1/10/2006 and surprisingly it was accepted within 2weeks (1/27/2006).
At the same time my NY labor (PD- 3/1/2003) is still pending at BEC ,I replied 45 days letter in Dec.
Because of PERM approval my PD changed to 2006 which is Bad in terms filing I485.
But my lawyer told me that, he can start filing I140, but later when NY labor approved, he can switch to the NY PD which he did before successfully.

My question to you guys is I heard from couple of others that once I140 is approved, I can switch to the NY PD even though NY labor was not cleared.
is it true? what other options are available in this case.

I really appreciate your comments.

It is the same canned reply


I too got the exact same reply from PBEC, They seem to send the generic reply automatically on receiving out status emails then after sometime ( 3 weeks in my case) they send another canned email. No real valueable info here. I don't think they even read our emails.

Aug03 said:
I sent a case status inquiry on Jan 23 to PBEC, clearly stating that please do not send me generic message saying that no status is available at this time. I also requested them to tell me when case status will be accessible if not now, after a year since 45 day letter was replied. I received following reply today (Surprise - Surprise!!)

Dear Requestor:

The subject .............
:mad: :mad:
mvinays said:
Your lawyer is right. Read the following article for clarification.

Quote from Murthy article

"A priority date in the employment-based 1st, 2nd or 3rd preference can be maintained and used for any subsequent petitions in any of those categories, as long as the I-140 petition has been approved in the original case."

What does the term "Original Case" refer to? Wouldn't the original case be the first case or in Eadha's case the NY filing?

How can the perm filing be referred to as "Original" as it is a subsequent second filing?

I know it is kind of counterintuitive as if you were to wait for the I-140 approval from the original case, PERM would make no sense at all.

So it has got to be the I-140 that is filed and approved as a result of the PERM approval, This can be a good route, however the catch for most people is (at least from 2002) that they don't know how far they are from an approval. Hope is eternal....I guess as just preparing for PERM will take a couple of months and the approval may be a month or two, so lets say 4 months, the I-140 is taking about 8-10 months, so by the time you can switch your PD it will be close to 10-12 months from today.

On the other side, may be in 6 months people from 2002 at PBEC will start getting much faster approvals and the retrogression lets say at least has crossed that threshold so now they can file both I-140 and 485......too optimistic? May be, but worth a thought for people thinking about converting.

I think if your employer is supporting you then PERM is still worth a try, but not all of us are that lucky.
clzeus10 said:
Quote from Murthy article

"A priority date in the employment-based 1st, 2nd or 3rd preference can be maintained and used for any subsequent petitions in any of those categories, as long as the I-140 petition has been approved in the original case."

What does the term "Original Case" refer to? Wouldn't the original case be the first case or in Eadha's case the NY filing?

How can the perm filing be referred to as "Original" as it is a subsequent second filing?

I know it is kind of counterintuitive as if you were to wait for the I-140 approval from the original case, PERM would make no sense at all.

So it has got to be the I-140 that is filed and approved as a result of the PERM approval, This can be a good route, however the catch for most people is (at least from 2002) that they don't know how far they are from an approval. Hope is eternal....I guess as just preparing for PERM will take a couple of months and the approval may be a month or two, so lets say 4 months, the I-140 is taking about 8-10 months, so by the time you can switch your PD it will be close to 10-12 months from today.

On the other side, may be in 6 months people from 2002 at PBEC will start getting much faster approvals and the retrogression lets say at least has crossed that threshold so now they can file both I-140 and 485......too optimistic? May be, but worth a thought for people thinking about converting.

I think if your employer is supporting you then PERM is still worth a try, but not all of us are that lucky.

Yea. But my employer not @ all supporting for PERM. I will have to wait for PBEC approval.

I am mailing the letter to Mr. John Beverly on Monday morning.
clzeus10 said:
Quote from Murthy article

"A priority date in the employment-based 1st, 2nd or 3rd preference can be maintained and used for any subsequent petitions in any of those categories, as long as the I-140 petition has been approved in the original case."

What does the term "Original Case" refer to? Wouldn't the original case be the first case or in Eadha's case the NY filing?

How can the perm filing be referred to as "Original" as it is a subsequent second filing?

I know it is kind of counterintuitive as if you were to wait for the I-140 approval from the original case, PERM would make no sense at all.

So it has got to be the I-140 that is filed and approved as a result of the PERM approval, This can be a good route, however the catch for most people is (at least from 2002) that they don't know how far they are from an approval. Hope is eternal....I guess as just preparing for PERM will take a couple of months and the approval may be a month or two, so lets say 4 months, the I-140 is taking about 8-10 months, so by the time you can switch your PD it will be close to 10-12 months from today.

On the other side, may be in 6 months people from 2002 at PBEC will start getting much faster approvals and the retrogression lets say at least has crossed that threshold so now they can file both I-140 and 485......too optimistic? May be, but worth a thought for people thinking about converting.

I think if your employer is supporting you then PERM is still worth a try, but not all of us are that lucky.

This is Good point clzeus10 has posted

PERM Conversion for 2002 RIR & 2003 (Jan- June) RIR is not adviseable. But anyone from July 2003 onwards and all 2001-2006 Non RIR and SWA cases should consider trasnfering the PD to PERM even if cost money. If you want to sponsor the cost for the employer it is still worth it

Options available for us

1) 2002 RIR - Wait for next 2-3 months

2) 2003 (Jan- June) RIR - Wait or Join hands in Laws suit

3) SWA Cases and Non RIR - Swaitch to PERM with same PD OR Join Lawsuit

People here wait thinking if the Lawsuit is filed anyway things will move and they will benefit. It might come true or May be the Judge will give specific Releif for those who filed the Suit.

So Donlt wait do any of the above options.

Join Laws suit immediately

I missed the forum for the past 3 full days...but no news of approvals since then...

good to see the efforts for the 'letter drive' campain...sounds the most reasonable and effective method...faxes etc r done(they r bored and we too r bored of that action..)

so..I am joining from Monday with the letter attack... but my 45 day reply maybe is still a very fresh case....Might they thrash me for taht...!!