Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Which catagory do I fall?

I have done my MBA from US and this is my 3rd year working as an accountant. Can anyone please tell me if I am eligible for EB-2 catagory?
Thanks. :confused:
Thanks RC

rc10580 said:
Hi Manny,

My ETA Case # is P-05032-46xxx.


Thanks RC.... my case # is close to yours 'P-05032 - 478xx'...does anyone have any idea that how long it might be before I can see something from BEC. I received the 45 days on March 8. It looks like our case was entered on the same day.. am i right ?

That's unacceptable. How can they move a Region case to State level?? I don't get this, maybe someone else can answer this...

socialmix said:
Hi guys
iam new to this forum.Gone through some of the posts which are very informative thanks to case is in phily when i sent a mail for 9th yr H1B extension proof in sep'05 i got a screenshot where my processing type was RIR and the Case Status Region .Now when i sent another mail yesterday everything is same except the processing type is changed to TR and the case source is changed to state.
Can anyone please tell me if its a part of process or should i be contacting my lawyer to get it corrected as my state has been cleared already before it went to Backlog center.
Thanks to all

State : Pensylvania
Priority Date : 05/13/2002
Processing Type: Changed to TR from RIR
Case Received Date : 10/01/2004
Case Source : now STATE earlier it was REGION
ETA Case Number : P-04275-10XXX
Processing Center : Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
45 Day Letter : Received and replied back
PBEC is on a roll now


My LC is approved from PBEC. MY PD is April 2004. STATE PA. RIR. Never reached regional.

I heard from my other friend that lot of his friends are getting approval left and right. I couldn't get much information from him. I am leaving to India tomorrow for my vacation and so will have limited time to respond to your queries.

I think all your approval will be just around the corner. But please don't stop what you are doing about writing to senator and the rest of the stuff. Guys, even though I have never meet any of you, I know the pain you are going through. I will certainly pray for all for a faster relief by going to the temple, chruch or mosque in India. Good luck guys. Please don't lose hope. Looks like something good has started to happen at PBEC
Sorry GUYS

Sorry Guys,

Talked to my lawyer, they made a mistake in sending me a email saying that mine was approved. It was for someone else from 2001 (I think). At least I had few minutes of JOY. SORRY!
shipoffools said:

I heard from my other friend that lot of his friends are getting approval left and right. I couldn't get much information from him. I am leaving to India tomorrow for my vacation and so will have limited time to respond to your queries.

hey Ship ! that could be great news indeed !! please try to get some info from your friend ... like, it's ALL of his friends, or just 1 or 2 !? is he sure they're all in Philly ? maybe the approved cases are from Dallas ...

have a nice vacation !
shipoffools said:
Sorry Guys,

Talked to my lawyer, they made a mistake in sending me a email saying that mine was approved. It was for someone else from 2001 (I think). At least I had few minutes of JOY. SORRY!

Don't worry. You will hear the News about your approval in India

How many of your Friends got approval. Any idea whether they are from PA as well
Contacted CBS news - 60 minutes today


This is follow up to my last post where I had mentioned about contacting the TV channels , so they can show the mess in PBEC & further on retrogession which is affecting the whole legal immigrant working class.

I have contacted CBSnews - 60 mints today & have send them all the details.
Lets hope for the best. I also knew someone trying to contact NBC - dateline, any updates on that one ?
I will also contact 20-20 on abc & try sending them the details.I'm sure someone will come to our rescue soon .

Great Job! Thank you very much for your effort.
GCcomesoon said:

This is follow up to my last post where I had mentioned about contacting the TV channels , so they can show the mess in PBEC & further on retrogession which is affecting the whole legal immigrant working class.

I have contacted CBSnews - 60 mints today & have send them all the details.
Lets hope for the best. I also knew someone trying to contact NBC - dateline, any updates on that one ?
I will also contact 20-20 on abc & try sending them the details.I'm sure someone will come to our rescue soon .

GCcomesoon said:

This is follow up to my last post where I had mentioned about contacting the TV channels , so they can show the mess in PBEC & further on retrogession which is affecting the whole legal immigrant working class.

I have contacted CBSnews - 60 mints today & have send them all the details.
Lets hope for the best. I also knew someone trying to contact NBC - dateline, any updates on that one ?
I will also contact 20-20 on abc & try sending them the details.I'm sure someone will come to our rescue soon .


Way to go.
Originally Posted by GCcomesoon

This is follow up to my last post where I had mentioned about contacting the TV channels , so they can show the mess in PBEC & further on retrogession which is affecting the whole legal immigrant working class.

I have contacted CBSnews - 60 mints today & have send them all the details.
Lets hope for the best. I also knew someone trying to contact NBC - dateline, any updates on that one ?
I will also contact 20-20 on abc & try sending them the details.I'm sure someone will come to our rescue soon .



It is not enough by just saying "Way to Go" or "Thank you for doing this" when other people are trying to contact senators and TV stations.

I think it is time for every one to contact your favorite TV stations/shows such as 20-20 or 60 mins. Remember all it takes is 10 mins of your time to send a email or call, as TV shows will not spend time and make a show if the request comes from 1 person. A topic/Request is more powerful when it comes from a set of people who are affected.

I am sending a letter to those shows, I suggest you send the request too.

Below are the links spend some time by typing a short email.

PHONE: (212) 975-3247
VIDEOTAPES: 1-800-848-3256

May the force be with you.

Support GC
Last edited by a moderator:
For once, I was proven wrong by the BEC...

When I received my 45d letter Oct 7th, I forecasted a potential approval for Apr 2006. Well, yesterday, my lawyer called me with the good news.. My LC was approved on Oct 26th and was received Nov 14th at her office. My guess is that if you're a 2001 case and you receive your 45d letter, your case will be processed almost immediately (as a reminder, my PD is Oct 2001 and my case never made it to Regional).

My lawyer told me that she'd file my I140 and wait a little for the I485 since the cut-off date is still Mar-01. I'd appreciate any comments on what's involved in the next stage and I wish you all good luck with your cases.

See you soon in I140/485 boards.
I have sent you private message. If there is anything i could to do get copy of local documents as a proof to support your filing ...let me know.
marieantoinette said:
Some Green Card

I cannot get exemption, they are asking copy of GC Hollywood Florida where are you located? Thanks
Document format to be send to CBS , TV Channels

support.gc said:
Originally Posted by GCcomesoon

This is follow up to my last post where I had mentioned about contacting the TV channels , so they can show the mess in PBEC & further on retrogession which is affecting the whole legal immigrant working class.

I have contacted CBSnews - 60 mints today & have send them all the details.
Lets hope for the best. I also knew someone trying to contact NBC - dateline, any updates on that one ?
I will also contact 20-20 on abc & try sending them the details.I'm sure someone will come to our rescue soon .



It is not enough by just saying "Way to Go" or "Thank you for doing this" when other people are trying to contact senators and TV stations.

I think it is time for every one to contact your favorite TV stations/shows such as 20-20 or 60 mins. Remember all it takes is 10 mins of your time to send a email or call, as TV shows will not spend time and make a show if the request comes from 1 person. A topic/Request is more powerful when it comes from a set of people who are affected.

I am sending a letter to those shows, I suggest you send the request too.

Below are the links spend some time by typing a short email.

PHONE: (212) 975-3247
VIDEOTAPES: 1-800-848-3256

May the force be with you.

Support GC

Here is the sample document, which I send to 60 minutes. I would urge & request all of us to email & send them copy by mail.Also we can call their offfice. All of us together, we will surely get noticed


CBS, 60 Minutes

Date- 11/14/2005

(Kind Attention – Respected – Andey Rooney, Ed Bradley, Lara Logan)

Dear Sir or Madam

I wish to introduce myself as XXXX. I am an Asian-Indian and came to this country in October 1999 on an H1B visa. I am a Software Professional and I have been working in the USA by paying my taxes on time. My only goal is to get better quality of life and provide the best for my family. In doing this I have always been a law abiding person and never breached any laws in this country. In this process I have always maintained my legal status and I have been trying to get my ‘GREEN CARD” thru my employer

Due to delay in labor certifications from labor department & then due to the visa numbers unavailability, people like me might get only get green cards after 10 more years. In reality & logically this process should not exceed 12-24 months? The GC labor processing is killing our day to day life. We are not able to take major decisions like buying home, establish business for spouse or investing in economy in stocks etc.

As a legal, tax-paying and productive member of society, my career and working status is stalled by this seemingly never ending unfair wait in the American legal immigration system and is very discouraging and possibly detrimental to the interest of the American global economy in the 21st century.

I request you to look at the whole community like us who are highly skilled, peace loving and helping US economy to grow

It’s almost 3 years for me now. I would appreciate if you could help people like me, who having been waiting for so long now. Please contact me for any details. There are many suffering like me & can be contacted if you look up

Note – I have left voicemail on 212-975-3247 explaining the issue, the whole working legal immigrant community will be highly indebted if you could air these issues & probably that might awaken the right authorities to look into the details & do something.

Attached letter send to Leticia Sierra from the labor department to address the labor certification delay issues.

Thanks and Have a nice day.


Breath-Taking House Voting Schedules and Need for Contact with the Members of the Hou

11/14/2005: Breath-Taking House Voting Schedules and Need for Contact with the Members of the House within Today and Tomorrow

The House is scheduled to adjourn after the some voting activities between tomorrow evening and Friday evening, November 18, 2005 for the Thanksgiving break. Currently, no voting activities are scheduled on the House floor until and after the first week of December 2005, once the House misses to vote for H.R. 4241 before the Thanksgiving! Besides, there is no roll call scheduled for any bills or resolutions today and the earliest voting is not expected until tomorrow evening. Accordingly, today and tomorrow are the critical dates for the businesses, schools, and immigration supporters to contact en masse the members of the House so that this bill is passed within this week. The House is under political pressure to act on the deficit reduction bill (H.R. 4241). Please act now!!

congrates and a question !!

Rajel said:
For once, I was proven wrong by the BEC...

When I received my 45d letter Oct 7th, I forecasted a potential approval for Apr 2006. Well, yesterday, my lawyer called me with the good news.. My LC was approved on Oct 26th and was received Nov 14th at her office. My guess is that if you're a 2001 case and you receive your 45d letter, your case will be processed almost immediately (as a reminder, my PD is Oct 2001 and my case never made it to Regional).

My lawyer told me that she'd file my I140 and wait a little for the I485 since the cut-off date is still Mar-01. I'd appreciate any comments on what's involved in the next stage and I wish you all good luck with your cases.

See you soon in I140/485 boards.

Congrates !! Would you pls provide details of your case ?
Case Details :
PD : Oct 21st 2001 (NY SWA)
45d letter : Oct 7th 2005 (replied same day)
LC approved : Oct 26th 2005
LC received : Nov 14th 2005
Another Approval- NY 2001- Rajel

Another approval posted in other Tracker by RAJEL

Case Details :
PD : Oct 21st 2001 (NY SWA)
45d letter : Oct 7th 2005 (replied same day)
LC approved : Oct 26th 2005
LC received : Nov 14th 2005