Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Question about your 45 day correction list

atyagi73 said:
Aprlc...first I wanna thank you for visiting the forum even after your own LC has been certified. I hope you have filed I140/485. Now selfish part of me takes over :)

Do you have any inside information with what is going on with PBEC(or BEC in general) ? There is not much progress. As you ssuggested that they will clear 2001 cases by end of this year, do you still believe that would happen.

One more thing I wanna know if they got their contract extended ?? If they have got it with this progress report I wanna work for them :)

Thanks in anticipation !!


Could you tell me whether you have correction list from your 45 day letter? From June 2002- now, my company has changed ownership but the name remains the same except the fact dba (doing business as) has changed. Philly Backlog Center needs my lawyer to verify that my employer is still the same. Anyway, let me know whether your correction list requires business license, articles of incorporation, business registration. Thanks. :)

NJ RIR June 2002
45 day letter received September 12'05
Applications by Year

Does anyone have any idea about how many applications they have pending by year. Was just trying to guess how long it will take till my application gets processed.

PD June 2002 , VA, No 45 day letter yet...
laborpain01 said:
Does anyone have any idea about how many applications they have pending by year. Was just trying to guess how long it will take till my application gets processed.

PD June 2002 , VA, No 45 day letter yet...

Labor Pain,

You shud hv recieved your 45 days letter by now, Why don't u or your attorney send an e-mail to find out the status ? My dates are similar to ur's and I recieved my 45 days letter way back in Jan 3rd week..ofcourse untill now I didn't hear anything back from them

where's the tracker


How do we find/get attachments on this forum. I tried all kind of searches to get the xls tracker but never found it?

SN4GC said:
Labor Pain,

You shud hv recieved your 45 days letter by now, Why don't u or your attorney send an e-mail to find out the status ? My dates are similar to ur's and I recieved my 45 days letter way back in Jan 3rd week..ofcourse untill now I didn't hear anything back from them


Its not that simple, there are many application dated back to 2001 without 45 day letters.
Just got fax from my attorney

looks like it took PBEC over 20 days to mail the approved LC once it's approved.
laborpain01 said:
Does anyone have any idea about how many applications they have pending by year. Was just trying to guess how long it will take till my application gets processed.

PD June 2002 , VA, No 45 day letter yet...

Did your application make it to Regional. I filed my case in October 2002 from Virginia. My application was at Regional before being forwarded to PBEC. I got the letter in feb 2005. Did you send an email to PBEC?
I found out from by Brother that he has a friend who works for Philly BEC. So I talked to his friend regarding my case which has a Philly DOL RD of August 2003. He is saying it should be approved by end of the year. That was just a guess on his part but I hope he is correct.
how_long said:
I found out from by Brother that he has a friend who works for Philly BEC. So I talked to his friend regarding my case which has a Philly DOL RD of August 2003. He is saying it should be approved by end of the year. That was just a guess on his part but I hope he is correct.
Can you please please find out more info? Any insider info will be very helpful to everyone here.
Great !!

This could be a very good contact to have specially during these times. Could you please get more information on BEC queue status and how much time it will take for the 2003 SWA cases to get cleared ?

Thanks for the information.

how_long said:
I found out from by Brother that he has a friend who works for Philly BEC. So I talked to his friend regarding my case which has a Philly DOL RD of August 2003. He is saying it should be approved by end of the year. That was just a guess on his part but I hope he is correct.
I am on the thread, i see a attachement symbol at the forum index. when i go into the thread where can i find the tracker? can i download it or update it?

Click on the last page of that thread. The most recently updated tracker is on page 105. Go back to previous pages starting from the last page if necessary. You will see an attachment in a message by JustWatching. It is a compressed Excel file. You may download and uncompress it, but you are not supposed to update it. JustWatching does it a few times a week.
Screen shot from philly show incorrect Priority date

Hi guys,
I am new to this forum, but I have a question and it seems you people are more knowledgeable about these LC issues. Actually the problem is that I filed my labor certification under EB3 Case Type: RIR and Priority date was Nov 2002 and recently i send a request for screen shot to extend 7th year H1B to philly backlog center. But in the reply the screen shot shows my priority date is May 2005 and Case Type : TR . You guys are requested to let me know how to rectify this issue/problem/error.
Also anybody else facing same situation please reply...
Thanks in Advance.
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qaviullahkhan said:
Hi guys,
I am new to this forum, but I have a question and it seems you people are more knowledgeable about these LC issues. Actually the problem is that I filed my labor certification under EB3 Case Type: RIR and Priority date was Nov 2002 and recently i send a request for screen shot to extend 7th year H1B to philly backlog center. But in the reply the screen shot shows my priority date is May 2005 and Case Type : TR . You guys are requested to let me know how to rectify this issue/problem/error.
Also anybody else facing same situation please reply...
Thanks in Advance.

Check the screen, do you see the case receipt date? What date is it? Nov 2002 or May 2005? If the case receipt date is Nov 2002, then don't worry.
Screen shot from philly show incorrect Priority date

There is nothing is in Case Received Date:
Column is empty. What does it mean. Please reply. Thanks
how_long said:
I found out from by Brother that he has a friend who works for Philly BEC. So I talked to his friend regarding my case which has a Philly DOL RD of August 2003. He is saying it should be approved by end of the year. That was just a guess on his part but I hope he is correct.

hi Howlong ... that's indeed a major thing for all of us ... if you could ask your brother to get some more info, that would be awesome !

- how many officers work on certifications ?

- how do they work ? do they review cases ONE BY ONE ? or they'll do mass approvals at some point ?

- only officers adjudicate ? or they'll put contractors to do adjudications ?

if we could get that info, we could have a better understanding of the overall process and come up with some guestimates ...

please post any updates !

So you got the hard-copy from lawyer right? What is the certification date on that? Are you applying for I-140/485?

Good Luck
Beam said:
looks like it took PBEC over 20 days to mail the approved LC once it's approved.