Hi Guys,
I have written to my congressman, my senator, senator McCain and Senator Clinton. So far, only the congressman staff is researching. My case went to Atlanta Regional 06/2003, and I have been completely in the dark since: no 45-day letter, no one can tell me if my case has not been lost! What is worries me the most, I've looked the the DOL spreadsheets for 2003 and 2004, and cannot find my case # my lawyer gave me! No one can give me a straight, meaningful answer.
I want to make a point: in all my letters to the politicians, I've emphasized that I have been a regular, dutiful taxpayer for 6 years, from a relatively high income. Part of my letter says "In fact, my tax dollars are paying for the lamentable work going on at the DOL". We are not asking for any favors: as taxpayers, we have a right to a government service (DOL). We do not have a right to a GC, but we do have a right for our petition to be looked at in a timely and professional manner, and a decision rendered on the merit. We are paying for the service. We are not refugees, we are not illegals. If our tax money is good enough for Uncle Sam, give us the service!
I urge you to stress that point in your correspondance to elected officials.
Thanks for your patience.