petition against Lou Dobbs of CNN

The petition is fast approaching 1200 signatures

Just checked the petition. It is now is fast approaching 1200 signatures. I encorouge evryone to send it to your freinds/collugues and sign this petition
Protect your interest first then your Indian cousins


All of you are missing the point here. I'm an Indian waiting for my green card. I know many of the H1 people have gone back, many of them, including GC holders are out of work. I'm more worried about my known friends living here than those unknown friends in India.

CNN and Lou is trying to take genuine issue that affects millions of of people living in this country.

Outsourcing is driving jobs out of this country and L1 VISA's misused for this purpose.

All American Indian's have to strike to a balance between one's own self interest and you native country's interest. Your interest is to get your own GC and have a comfortable income to live here.

Sorry. I disagree with some of you.
I thought this topic went away,

to much surprise this is coming back again. We are after one anchor! If we can we should tackle bcis backlog and feel accomplished.
1351 signatures!! This level of activism will help the Indian American community to be heard more often in this country and be taken more seriously in the future.

Mr. Lou and everybody should know this

Who says 5.9-6.1% (recent unemployment rate) is very high? Is it because of so many people(Indian) came here on H-1 or outsourcing? I strongly disagree…

Here is data from Department of Labor

Historic Unemployment rate (age 16 and over)
Year %
1975 8.5
1976 7.7
1977 7.1
1978 6.1
1979 5.8
1980 7.1
1981 7.6
1982 9.7
1983 9.6
1984 7.5
1985 7.2
1986 7.0
1987 6.2
1988 5.5
1989 5.3
1990 5.6
1991 6.8
1992 7.5
1993 6.9
1994 6.1
1995 5.6
1996 5.4
1997 4.9
1998 4.5
1999 4.2
2000 4.0
2001 4.7
2002 5.8

Unemployment rate is minimum in the years when most people came on H-1/L-1

I agree people misused L-1 and even H-1 visa, but I guess Corporate America misused more than we did,
Even Mr. Bush is misusing his position as a President, Now its all terrorism, It used to be WMD, then Iraqi people

I am waiting for my greencard too........
Come on guys spread the words and get more people to sign the petition....
Countering the propaganda

This petition,I guess,intention is to counter the issues and say they are not based on facts.
If such ,any statistics on each point(if available& gathred) to counter will add up more credibilty and to have more serious affect.?
Should this way it is more appropriate. ?
Because it was cliamed Lou Dobbs is projecting other than the facts.
CNN may like to see facts/statistics to be conviced and to expose the propaganda.
Just the thoughts.
Emails to and from Mr. Lou Dobbs

It is important that we do something about this guy.

Here is a track of email conversation that I have been having with Mr. Lou Dobbs.

I tend to believe now that Mr. Dobb's remarks were merely to get some ratings. He has little or no knowledge about what he is talking.

If you have not already signed up .. please sign the petition. Spread the word ... we need to get this guy to apologize!!

My First Email :

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:27 PM
Subject: Lou Dobbs Tonight

name: Anand
city: Charlotte
demos_state: North Carolina
country: United States
view: Negative
comments: Dear Mr.Dobbs,

Your view on Aliens taking over American Jobs, American Jobs being exported or "Stolen" prompted me to write this.

I wish you had the foresight of suggesting this during 1998-99 economy surge! Where were you then?
How would you define Globalization?
I originate from India, and from a city where people without a Master's Degree are looking down upon. I personally have 3 of them!! Anyway, the challenges of Globalization is Global Competition! You really cannot open your doors when you need, Use the available resource and throw them out when you are done!

The Job loss scenario now is not the cause, but the result - the result of a greedy and corrupt Corporate culture.

Besides Exported Jobs , please also start talking about the "Brain Drain", that was once brought in by the same "Aliens".

I am just appauled at your ignorance.

comingfrom: TV

Mr. Dobbs reply :

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dobbs, Lou"
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 16:04:30 -0500
To: "''"
Subject: RE: Lou Dobbs Tonight

you misspelled "appalled"....all the best. lou

My Second email to Mr. Dobbs :

-----Original Message-----
From: Anand Kangala []
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Dobbs, Lou
Subject: RE: Lou Dobbs Tonight

Thank you, Sir!

One job well done!

I actually sent the email so you would 'understand' - not spell check.

Would I also get some 'Actual' response from you?

Well! nahh! Your email shows it all!

Good Luck to you... You will need it more than me!


His reply :

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dobbs, Lou"
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 16:54:18 -0500
To: "'Anand Kangala'"
Subject: RE: Lou Dobbs Tonight

I accept...perhaps if you had been so civil first, an "actual" response would have been warranted. all the best. lou

My last email reply

I don't understand what was not so 'civil' about the first email. Besides .. You should not be talking about that anyway !!

I remember watching 'Money line' at a time when Nasdaq and Dow were at its dizzy heights. I remember your comments about the contribution of 'highly skilled imported labor' to the economy, during that era. I wish I had a recorded transcript of those days to refresh your faded memory.

Let me ask you this ... Why don't you impress upon the American Government to let go of every non-immigrant or immigrant alien in United States, that way Americans will have all the job they want!!!???

Next time you write to me .. talk some 'sense' - show me that you atleast understand what you are talking!

I don't need luck to survive ... U DO!!

Good Bye!


Wow.. zero.. great job. I'm impressed. Please post the response again if you get any.

Thanks zero for sharing the mail with Lou Dobbs.

I wrote to Mr. Dobbs a couple of times but was never (un)lucky enough to get a response.

If I have your permission zero, I would like to atach the mail exhange between you and Mr. Dobbs to the petition while submitting it - it will bring to the attention of his bosses at CNN, how much contempt Lou Dobbs displays to feedback.

Sure, rcetc! Please feel free to use it in anyway you deem neccessary.

rcetc, have you tried reaching other news media (US and India)?

I wish we could get more people to sign the petition.
Anti Immi ??

This is another site which is something like a ANTI Immigrant, there was a show on C-Span with the director of this Organization and he seems pretty arrogant towards the immigrants ..,
also if the number of foreign worker is so high that they are taking the 'jobs away from Americans' then they must be contributing to the economy heavily (paying taxes , buying houses etc.) most of them being the first generation will end up spending all they earned here.

and what about the the education industry in US. Didn't I hear something that foreign students (majority Indians) pays billons of dollar of tuition fee in US schools.

yes I welcome the suggestion that close the door . send all of us back and let us see how Lou hold on to his chair.
Interesting !!! Read this extract from Eduardo's(BCIS Director) speech:
About a month ago, I was on CNN Moneyline with Lou Dobbs. The segment was billed by CNN as “The
Great American Give Away.” My message was that we give nothing away! In fact, we add value by
making America more secure, preserving America’s legacy of immigration, and celebrating America’s
ultimate privilege- Citizenship.

Full speech at Full speech

So every one knows that what Lou Dobb's says is crap.

Need we say more about this anchor,
Somebody should send this Lou Dobb Idiot this link, being a reporter who works for CNN he should not have anti immi sentiments, also he should not forget that he was also an immigrant to this country, this shows how this idiot works for a idiotic channel like CNN
Is that right ?

I heard Minnesota state government cancelled a contract work with TATA consulting after Lou dobbs program on CNN. I came to conclusion after reading Dobbs reply to one of our members his IQ may be less than 40. All he does read the script what CNN writes to him. Leave him alone, poor Lou. By the way If some one write theirname with first letter in lower case, it means they are low-self esteemed people.
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Originally posted by pchandr
...this idiot works for a idiotic channel like CNN

looks like the choice between the two major news networks has been reduced to that between dumb and dumber...

try BBC and/or NPR.
Re: Is that right ?

Originally posted by Seth_Chamaklal
I heard Minnesota state government cancelled a contract work with TATA consulting after Lou dobbs program on CNN. I came to conclusion after reading Dobbs reply to one of our members his IQ may be less than 40. All he does read the script what CNN writes to him. Leave him alone, poor Lou. By the way If some one write theirname with first letter in lower case, it means they are low-self esteemed people.

I seem to remember it as Indiana, but may be Minnesota went down that path as well.

Since you seem to know a bit about graphology, maybe you can throw some light on what it means when someone like e. e. cummings (or our own porkchop here) shuns capital letters altogether? :confused:
To zero and others supporting the petition...

Thanks for your support
The whole idea of the petition was formed less than 2 weeks back and the petition was put online 10 days back. So far we haven't got any support of any Indian-American organization or Indian media. It would be very helpful if you can help in that. We have got 1.8K signatures so far - I think we need at least 5k to make some impact....
Breaking news......

Just got a mail from (which has led some succesful campaigns against CNN in the past) that they are currently examining our petition to see how they can support it.

We are within striking distance of 2000 signatures now. Please continue to spread the word and as we get more signatures, probably we might be able to rope in more Indian-American organizations and make the petition hard-to-ignore for CNN