PBEC:Cases from 2001 and early 2002 that are stuck

How many of you are Interested in Paying to check the Status thro Rajiv

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    Votes: 52 92.9%
  • No

    Votes: 4 7.1%

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  • Poll closed .
I have sent an email to Rajiv's office for Fee for the 3 options mentioned . At this moment it is not free.

Folks: We will come up with action item ASAP so that we can act from early next week. Please come with concrete option, so most of us will going to agree.


NYS_June2002 said:
Rajiv has suggeted the following three options to be pursued simulataneously
1) Write letters to Senators/ Congressmen as well as to Assistant Secratory ETA Emily DeRocco individually as well as send these letters to Rajiv and he will send a letter collectively on our behalf to DeRocco.

We need to suggest points to include in the letter to Rajiv and Rajiv will give us a format to use.

We can find elected officials in our zip at the following

Rajiv can help file a request under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the department of labor to discolose information.


Rajiv can file a request to disclose information under the Privacy Act, in order to do so, we will need information on individual cases.

Rajiv is willing to do all this at no charge to us.
Added my details

This is a useful effort. I've written to my Senators and local HR. Will follow up with them again, and also do whatever we collectively decide to do with Rajiv's advise.
With you all

Guys ,

i am with you all what ever action we take as group. count me in.

great work

thank you
So what exacaly should all of us who missed the conference call do?

I suppose we all would like to know:

1) If there's a fee, how much and where to send it?

2) If there's a consent/power of attorney form to sign, where to get it and where to send it?

3) If case particulars are needed, where to send those?

4) Will my current relationship with my attorney be affected?

You know, particulars :rolleyes:
schmooze said:
does anyone know if our lawyers can call PBEC for status at 484-270-1500?

They probably can and I think they should -- but some (like mine, for example) are fighting the idea tooth and nail. :confused:
Options from Rajiv Conference call

As posted by someone here Rajiv has suggeted the following three options to be pursued simulataneously

These are followup action Moderators/all of us will do in the next few days

1) Write letters to Senators/ Congressmen as well as to Assistant Secratory ETA Emily DeRocco individually as well as send these letters to Rajiv and he will send a letter collectively on our behalf to DeRocco.

We need to suggest points to include in the letter to Rajiv and Rajiv will give us a format to use.

We can find elected officials in our zip at the following

Moderators or anyone in this forum : Write up the points to highlight and sacbee will send that to Rajiv for Draft. He will also find out from Rajiv how to send the same and to whom ( after talking to Rajiv on the same). LADUDE you can cordinate on this if anyone post points and draft a final list of points to be sent to Rajiv

2)Rajiv can help file a request under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the department of labor to discolose information.


Sacbee will followup with Rajiv Office on this and get back to us. Better we come out with a Format for (1) so that he can discuss that along with this while talking to Rajiv office on Monday

3) Rajiv can file a request to disclose information under the Privacy Act, in order to do so, we will need information on individual cases.

I think Rajiv might need Complete Inofrmation on all our cases . Sacbee will work out some modalities with Rajiv offcie and set up a Contact person and address to whom and where we all should send our Individual Case Details for this option

Rajiv is willing to do all this at no charge to us.

Sacbee to confirm on this one more time with Rajiv and inform all of us about this.If all the three options are free then it is very good

Thanks a Zillion to Rajiv and all his Team for their efforts in helping us out on this. They have contributed thier Time, Knowledge and Money for all us

Whenever we submitt details to Rajiv please send a Thank you note without fail
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Hats Off to Rajiv!

Thanks a ton to Rajiv for taking an initiative to stand for us when our employers and attorneys are not trying much to help us with the cause!

Thanks Saknia for sharing the information. I missed the conf call by a few minutes and then it was already locked.

I will post points I can think of in this thread so that LADUDE can put them together for Rajiv. I am ready to provide more detailed information of my case to Rajiv's office, do we have a person whom we can send the details to?
My file updated

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
Case details

Here is mine:

RD in PBEC 11/19/2004
45 replied in 04/22/05

keepupdahope said:
Here are the complete details:

PD: 07/31/2002, RIR, EB?
State : VA
RD : Mar'04
PEC case# : P-04280 -xxxx
45 Day letter : replied 03/04/2005.

I have Master's so I'm not sure if that automatically qualifies me under EB2? Not sure how the EB category one falls under is determined.

What is the best way to approach out of 3 options?

Please come up with points pros and cons for all these options. We can pick best option which suits us.

From now on we need to talk only specific options not the general statements!!!


saknia said:
As posted by someone here Rajiv has suggeted the following three options to be pursued simulataneously

These are followup action Moderators/all of us will do in the next few days

1) Write letters to Senators/ Congressmen as well as to Assistant Secratory ETA Emily DeRocco individually as well as send these letters to Rajiv and he will send a letter collectively on our behalf to DeRocco.

We need to suggest points to include in the letter to Rajiv and Rajiv will give us a format to use.

We can find elected officials in our zip at the following

Moderators or anyone in this forum : Write up the points to highlight and sacbee will send that to Rajiv for Draft. He will also find out from Rajiv how to send the same and to whom ( after talking to Rajiv on the same). LADUDE you can cordinate on this if anyone post points and draft a final list of points to be sent to Rajiv

2)Rajiv can help file a request under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the department of labor to discolose information.


Sacbee will followup with Rajiv Office on this and get back to us. Better we come out with a Format for (1) so that he can discuss that along with this while talking to Rajiv office on Monday

3) Rajiv can file a request to disclose information under the Privacy Act, in order to do so, we will need information on individual cases.

I think Rajiv might need Complete Inofrmation on all our cases . Sacbee will work out some modalities with Rajiv offcie and set up a Contact person and address to whom and where we all should send our Individual Case Details for this option

Rajiv is willing to do all this at no charge to us.

Sacbee to confirm on this one more time with Rajiv and inform all of us about this.If all the three options are free then it is very good

Thanks a Zillion to Rajiv and all his Team for their efforts in helping us out on this. They have contributed thier Time, Knowledge and Money for all us

Whenever we submitt details to Rajiv please send a Thank you note without fail
I think we can do all the 3....
But I vote to prioritize #2 or #3 (which ever is faster and benefits all of us)..

Writing to senators, from my experience, has long response times....

sacbee said:

What is the best way to approach out of 3 options?

Please come up with points pros and cons for all these options. We can pick best option which suits us.

From now on we need to talk only specific options not the general statements!!!

sacbee said:

What is the best way to approach out of 3 options?

Please come up with points pros and cons for all these options. We can pick best option which suits us.

From now on we need to talk only specific options not the general statements!!!


Hi Sacbee and others

I think we need to follow seriously on the option 3 to start with . You need to Talk to Rajiv Office today and arrange where everyone can send thier information. Some mail id going to Rajiv offcie should be fine too.

Followed by that we can do option1 (writing to senators and Rajiv following up collectively) . This does not require much effort from every one. However we need to finalize a darft. Can some one post some draft which we can all modify and the present to Rajiv for finalization.

Option 2 - Invoking Freedom of act and asking them is a longshot which might take time. Our objective is to push thme to approve the cases struck in next 2 -3 months ( not more) .Thye might esacape Freedom of Information Act using some other protection they might have under Labor Laws of the Country ( some immunity could be therre for them 0
Rajiv had stated that doing a FOIA (Option 2) request will not be difficult, he has the resources (intern) and he can put him/her to do the paperwork.

Regading Option 3, Rajiv was a bit uncertain since the Privacy Act can be used only by citizens, but he mentioned that on several occasions he had successfully used it and so we can try.

His opinion was to do all the three options simultaneoulsy to get the most effect.

I asked him specifically about the time required and he said all these will take a couple of months to get some response.

I guess we should soon draft the letter for option 1 and send it to Rajiv for his review and then start sending the letters out. We also need to know how soon we can initiate FOIA request and what information is required from us all.

saknia said:
Hi Sacbee and others

I think we need to follow seriously on the option 3 to start with . You need to Talk to Rajiv Office today and arrange where everyone can send thier information. Some mail id going to Rajiv offcie should be fine too.

Followed by that we can do option1 (writing to senators and Rajiv following up collectively) . This does not require much effort from every one. However we need to finalize a darft. Can some one post some draft which we can all modify and the present to Rajiv for finalization.

Option 2 - Invoking Freedom of act and asking them is a longshot which might take time. Our objective is to push thme to approve the cases struck in next 2 -3 months ( not more) .Thye might esacape Freedom of Information Act using some other protection they might have under Labor Laws of the Country ( some immunity could be therre for them 0
Please Help


Should we followup on both the senators and congressmen at the same time or we should write letter to one and wait for his response and the proceed to next congressman .

I am willing to provide all the information for privacy act and FOA act

I am in a great mess for last six months i have been telling PBEC that my case had been submitted as RIR while they are reating my case TR . My attroney and employer has written many but letters via email , fax and mail but its has been useless

Today I have submitted my case to one of the congressman OF NY state . The lady told me she will get reply soon . My question to u guys is should I follow up with other congressman and senators or should I wait for the response from this congressman's office response

PLease Help

PLaese also update my detail in the excel tracker

PD 06/26/2002






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Just called the number

And asked about the possible neglection of 2001/earlyl 2002 cases. The lady replied that a lot of those cases didn't get to PBEC until Oct 2004 and they're trying to abide by the FIFO rule as best as they can. Sounds like the stuff we've been told over and over, but bottom line is we're still waiting for the damn LC.

Xipe Totec said:
They probably can and I think they should -- but some (like mine, for example) are fighting the idea tooth and nail. :confused:
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