There are crimes and then there are crimes. While overstaying a visa and living in the country illegally is a crime, it certainly does not fall under the same category as someone stealing to support oneself.Sorry to say but your entire logic is flawed. The truth is that these people commit a crime by illegally entering or overstaying their visas. It also means that they support themselves by illegally working without papers or forged documents. So it is "kind of" ok to commit crime? So where is the borderline. Is it also ok for them to steal to support themselves?
Your entire evolution logic might have made sense few thousand years back but in today's world we live in a society controlled by laws.
Following your logic the Virginia T. shooter is the fittest, Hitler and Stalin would would be the last survival of mankind...
IMO, illegal immigration law is analogous to the sexual offender bunches offenders all under the same category regardless their situation. Just like someone who overstayed their visa , stayed out of trouble and became successful would nevertheless be deemed an illegal immigrant, a 18 year old who has sexual intercourse with his 17 yr old college sweetheart could be deemed a sexual offender for the rest of his life.
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