October & November I-140 approved-to-NVC Tracker !!

My packet 3 created yesterday

when will it be mailed out?
Please let me know
Your packet 3 might have been generated yesterday
check the AVM
No Title

AVM Message does not change after they create Packet 3. But if u speak to the operator, he/she can tell u if P-3 was generated. But from other posts i gather that it takes 1-2 weeks for them to mail the P-3 after creating it and once they have mailed it (P3 to attorney or you) and the case to the Consulate, the AVM MEssage will change.

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Thanks guys. I will try to speak to operator next week, as I already called them 2 times in last two weeks. And I dont know whether calling them again and again create any delays???

next stage is NVC. Just wait till next row weeks ok. Then call NVC 603 334 0700
Have your receipt number on hand ok

all the best Chuck
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I check the NVC AVM, but NVC did not create case - My I-140 case was approved on 10/31/2001. Anyone in after 10/30 has got the RD of NVC ?

Please post detail.

just be patient

it will probably be generated on Monday next week, My AD is oct 16th and my case was created 5/11/2001. Thats right she told me my pkt 3 was created on monday
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I-140 AD - Oct 29 at VSC
CP at Chennai.
My attorney is yet to receive the notification.
It took about 45 days for my I-140 approval.
Case# created on Nov 5 (Monday).

So far, so good!

Keep posting guys!
I140 Approval Notification to Attorney.

Does anyone know if the attorney will be notified of the I140 approval immediately or will they send the notification along with Packet 3? As mentioned in my previous posting, NVC has created my case#, but my attorney is yet to receive any notification.

Your help is very much appreciated.
he should have it by now

its only a dealy with the mail thats all.
So did they tell u when they will mail out pkt 3
Did they give u case number?
Mine too was created on Nov 5th m y pkt 3
Case created on Oct 3oth
Police Clearance Certificate.

My case number was given by the operator.
Pkt 3 will be mailed in 2 to 4 weeks.

Also, does anyone know if we need to have the police clearance certificates both in USA & the country of birth.

for any place u have lived for more than 6 months since turning 16
For me i have lived no where else so i only need one.
Please let me know whenthey mail out your packet 3 ok. I am so anxious

just spoke with operator. I aksed if thaer was any problem calling the VVM to often she said its an AVM so thats what its there for. she then asked my case number and told me my packet 3 will be maile to Barbados in 2 to 4 weeks hopefully the earlier and to the attorney as well.
I asked how sson does AVM get updated after its gone she said its automatic.
So as soon as it goes the AVM will reflect that
just informing u guys
my guess is that all of us who were created on monday will be mailed out next monday
so some of us who mail the PKT as soon as possible or before Dec1 st may get a Jan interview
I want a feb
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I just spoke to NVC, my Case No was created on Oct 29, she did\'nt
say about my mailing date but says my file will reach Chennai in
1-12 weeks!!. ANd my Attorney will get it in next couple of weeks. Should i be worried?
it was mailed already

Otheres on this board who had their casr created on 29th had it mailed already so they sent case to consulate this week.
If u know your case number u can send your pkt 3. Just down load from the net ok. immihelp.com
mine was created on the 5th nov and i am sure it will be mailed out next week monday or so
Not called yet

Haven\'t received the pkt3 and also the AVM
has not changed. I decided not to call this wek, will be calling
only next week to find out when it was mailed.