I have also observed (from looking at the trackers in this forum) that they seem to pick up apps in batches. So if you start seeing other posts with Ack date close to yours but moving forward, then start wondering (not worrying yet). The other thing I have seen from these forums is that if for some reason there is a delay, then it turns out that they had some trouble with scanning the photos or signatures/thumb prints. I would give them at least 3-4 weeks after Ack date before spending any effort trying to find out whats going on.testram said:Here are my details:-
Despatched: Nov 1
Acknowledged Nov 11th
Current Status: Under Process
I have seen that normally they grant/scan etc., in 4 working days. Should I worry? How do they communicate issues with the application?
I followed every instruction except that I did not notarize or self-attest the photocopies of the document - I hope this is not a deal breaker.
Thanks all, especially ALT
And I appreciate your thanks. Just glad that my experience is helpful to someone.
All the best!