OCI Steps and Documents
I am getting ready to send my application for OCI. I have made a list of steps and documents. I am sharing it here for everyone's benefit. The content below is the same as in the embassy website but just in a different order. The one titled 'Entire Process' is not from website.
Entire Process:
1. Register Online at https://passport.gov.in/oci/OnlineOCIRegistrationG.jsp
2. Print out Part-A and Part-B
3. Send filled out forms along with supporting documents and fee to Embassy
4. Application received at Embassy
5. Application acknowledged and status updated
6. Photos/Signature scanned
7. Registration Status Granted
8. Documents Printed at New Delhi
9. Documents Dispatched from New Delhi
10. Documents Received at Embassy.
11. U.S.Passport stamped and returned with OCI.
Status Inquiry:
. Guidelines on checking the OCI Status Online
In order to find out your file number, please follow the steps mentioned
Step 1:On the Enquiry block (see below), enter your online registration
Step 2: Press the “Go” button.
Step 3:Your file number and other details will automatically show.
Step 4:Send the US/ foreign passport for affixing of U visa once
“Documents Received at Washington DC” shows the Date.
. The completed application form (Part-A & Part- B) must be submitted in
TWO SETS for each applicant to the Embassy.
. You must also paste Two PHOTOGRAPHS of 2 inches x 2 inches or 35mm x
35mm IN COLOR FOR EACH APPLICANT on the space provided on the PART
A. DO NOT STAPLE the photographs. Attach third photograph in an
envelope with name written on the back of photograph.
. Current US/ foreign passport in Original and self attested copy of first and
last page of US/ foreign passport.
. Indian passport in Original and self attested copy of first two and last two
pages of Indian Passport.
. Self-attested copy of the birth certificate for foreign-born children as a
proof of relationship with the child.
. Cashier check/Postal Order of $ 275 (two hundred and seventy five only)
per applicant
It should be payable to “Embassy of India, Washington DC”
One Cashier check/Postal Order for entire amount for a family is
Cash, Personal Checks, credit cards or any other form of banking
instruments are not accepted.
. A Self Addressed Stamped USPS Express Mail Envelope for Returning
Documents. Please record with you the USPS tracking number for tracking
documents when mailed by the Embassy.
. Mail To:
OCI Cell, Embassy of India, 2536 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington DC 20008
Dispatch of OCI Cards:
. Step 1: Send your and your family member’s US passport/s and PIO card/s,
if any, to us by mail marking attention to:
OCI Cell (Dispatch),
Embassy of India, 2536 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington DC 20008.
. Step 2: Kindly quote applicant’s/applicants file number and current address
in a cover letter along with the passports.
. Step 3: In Case return mail charges, or pre- paid envelope was not sent
earlier, enclose a self addressed stamped Prepaid USPS Express
Mail envelope for returning the passport. Please ensure that the
complete current mailing address is mentioned on the USPS Express
Mail envelope.
Special Instructions:
. Self-attestation means- signing the photocopy of the required documents
stating as "true copy of the original". In case of minors, documents should
be attested by either of the parent.
. All documents should be submitted in two individual sets for all the
applicants. Each set should comprise of Part A, Part B and supporting
. The signature of the applicant should be WITHIN AND IN THE CENTER of
the Signature box of Part A of the OCI Application form. Place thumb
impression in signature box in BLUE INK ONLY (right thumb for female and
left thumb for male), if the applicant (including minor children) can’t sign.
Make sure it is a DARK PRINT. Parents should not sign for children in the
signature box.
. Reference or online registration number begins with "USAWI......"
. OCI File number will begin from "USAW00...." (numeric zeroes)
I am getting ready to send my application for OCI. I have made a list of steps and documents. I am sharing it here for everyone's benefit. The content below is the same as in the embassy website but just in a different order. The one titled 'Entire Process' is not from website.
Entire Process:
1. Register Online at https://passport.gov.in/oci/OnlineOCIRegistrationG.jsp
2. Print out Part-A and Part-B
3. Send filled out forms along with supporting documents and fee to Embassy
4. Application received at Embassy
5. Application acknowledged and status updated
6. Photos/Signature scanned
7. Registration Status Granted
8. Documents Printed at New Delhi
9. Documents Dispatched from New Delhi
10. Documents Received at Embassy.
11. U.S.Passport stamped and returned with OCI.
Status Inquiry:
. Guidelines on checking the OCI Status Online
In order to find out your file number, please follow the steps mentioned
Step 1:On the Enquiry block (see below), enter your online registration
Step 2: Press the “Go” button.
Step 3:Your file number and other details will automatically show.
Step 4:Send the US/ foreign passport for affixing of U visa once
“Documents Received at Washington DC” shows the Date.
. The completed application form (Part-A & Part- B) must be submitted in
TWO SETS for each applicant to the Embassy.
. You must also paste Two PHOTOGRAPHS of 2 inches x 2 inches or 35mm x
35mm IN COLOR FOR EACH APPLICANT on the space provided on the PART
A. DO NOT STAPLE the photographs. Attach third photograph in an
envelope with name written on the back of photograph.
. Current US/ foreign passport in Original and self attested copy of first and
last page of US/ foreign passport.
. Indian passport in Original and self attested copy of first two and last two
pages of Indian Passport.
. Self-attested copy of the birth certificate for foreign-born children as a
proof of relationship with the child.
. Cashier check/Postal Order of $ 275 (two hundred and seventy five only)
per applicant
It should be payable to “Embassy of India, Washington DC”
One Cashier check/Postal Order for entire amount for a family is
Cash, Personal Checks, credit cards or any other form of banking
instruments are not accepted.
. A Self Addressed Stamped USPS Express Mail Envelope for Returning
Documents. Please record with you the USPS tracking number for tracking
documents when mailed by the Embassy.
. Mail To:
OCI Cell, Embassy of India, 2536 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington DC 20008
Dispatch of OCI Cards:
. Step 1: Send your and your family member’s US passport/s and PIO card/s,
if any, to us by mail marking attention to:
OCI Cell (Dispatch),
Embassy of India, 2536 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington DC 20008.
. Step 2: Kindly quote applicant’s/applicants file number and current address
in a cover letter along with the passports.
. Step 3: In Case return mail charges, or pre- paid envelope was not sent
earlier, enclose a self addressed stamped Prepaid USPS Express
Mail envelope for returning the passport. Please ensure that the
complete current mailing address is mentioned on the USPS Express
Mail envelope.
Special Instructions:
. Self-attestation means- signing the photocopy of the required documents
stating as "true copy of the original". In case of minors, documents should
be attested by either of the parent.
. All documents should be submitted in two individual sets for all the
applicants. Each set should comprise of Part A, Part B and supporting
. The signature of the applicant should be WITHIN AND IN THE CENTER of
the Signature box of Part A of the OCI Application form. Place thumb
impression in signature box in BLUE INK ONLY (right thumb for female and
left thumb for male), if the applicant (including minor children) can’t sign.
Make sure it is a DARK PRINT. Parents should not sign for children in the
signature box.
. Reference or online registration number begins with "USAWI......"
. OCI File number will begin from "USAW00...." (numeric zeroes)
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