OCI - San Francisco Tracker

Ok, tried doing this myself.

Once it brings you back to the main page, where you see the "Wrong File or Passport Number Please check it", message, key in you passport # in the passport # field and then try clicking on the "Go" button, next to the field that is populated[File (Acknowledgment) No].

Should work and show you the statuses you are looking for.
Superb! Thank you so much!

I now see the details.

For Future reference to others who want to check, you have to fill in all the below fields

Please Enter Passport Number.
File (Acknowledgment) No
Online Registration No

Click the "Go" button against the Online Registration No and it will show the details.
Date of Acknowlegement: 5/10/2011
Photo/Signature Scanned On 12-MAY-2011
Registration Status Granted On 12-MAY-2011
Documents Printing Status NOT PRINTED
Documents Dispatched to Concerned Mission/Office on NOT DISPATCHED

Did your oci get printed after May14th. If yes, could you please share your timeline. Thanks.

I would like to get your opinion for clarity -- I think that the first page of our application is the order form with the barcode. As soon as an agent babu completes a process (say, photo-signature scanning) he/she scans (or supposed to scan) the barcode and the status gets updated immediately. If an agent-babu forgets to scan the barcode after completing a process, the status remains unchanged even though the application keeps on hopping forward. Am I thinking right here? I do understand that often it is the backlog and/or inefficient agent-babus are responsible for delay and hence delayed online updates.

After looking at several of the timelines posted, I infer that they print only once or twice a week and dispatch may be once a week. It probably is economical to them to dispatch fifty ocis in one packet once a week (or ten days) instead of five to ten each day. What do you think?
Did your oci get printed after May14th. If yes, could you please share your timeline.


Not quite sure who the question is addressed to, but if you look at the immihelp tracker and this board, 3 Houston based cases have a print date of May-20.

The last San Francisco based printed date was May-14, with a granted date of May-02.
Not quite sure who the question is addressed to, but if you look at the immihelp tracker and this board, 3 Houston based cases have a print date of May-20.

The last San Francisco based printed date was May-14, with a granted date of May-02.

Thanks idk. I was interested in San Francisco applications. To get into the forum, I hit "San Francisco Tracker" and assumed (wrongly) that it was addressed to SF applicants. Thanks for your prompt response.
Gundas, would you know if the online status on Travisa's and MHA's website reflected this? Mine was also dispatched from India on May 16 and so far no change in status.

Only Travisa's site has this. I will receive the passport today before 10:30 according to Fedex.
It's not clear whose date of birth expected in #6 in renunciation of citizenship form? Father's or Self? Please clarify Thanks
>> answer from Travisa: Question #5 and #6 are father's information.

Collected passport from SF, filled oci application at nearby Fedex and applied OCI in person on the same day. My experience was pleasant at Travisa, no crowd at 3pm and submitted OCI application in 5 minutes.

Date/Time Action
05/20/2011 Service order form completed online
05/20/2011 Order form and supporting documents received, payment processed
05/20/2011 Documents prepared to go to Embassy.
In addition to IDK's message, I'd advise sending the message to N. P. Singh as well. He's the guy in charge of signing the OCI documents. You can check his email address on cgisf's website.
Good Luck.

Thanks idk and speakamericano.

I sent an email to both the OCI status link and N P Singh. Let's see what they come back with. In the past I have not had much luck with getting email responses from the Consulate.

On the other hand, I did contact NIC in New Delhi with my problem and this is what they came back with (at least they responded):

"There are some technical problems and hence delays. The documents are under printing and likely to be despatched by next week".

Now I know everybody's frustration with Travisa. They sat on my application (sent via 2-day air) for 2 weeks before opening the envelope. I wish I had gone and dropped it off personally; perhaps that would have made a difference.

Now I may have to withdraw my application, ask for the passport, apply for a Visa - just more $$$ because of Travisa's lethargy. It is so frustrating.

I had sent the application almost 2 months before the date of travel.

Anybody have any other ideas?

Thanks idk and speakamericano.

I sent an email to both the OCI status link and N P Singh. Let's see what they come back with. In the past I have not had much luck with getting email responses from the Consulate.

On the other hand, I did contact NIC in New Delhi with my problem and this is what they came back with (at least they responded):

"There are some technical problems and hence delays. The documents are under printing and likely to be despatched by next week".

Now I know everybody's frustration with Travisa. They sat on my application (sent via 2-day air) for 2 weeks before opening the envelope. I wish I had gone and dropped it off personally; perhaps that would have made a difference.

Now I may have to withdraw my application, ask for the passport, apply for a Visa - just more $$$ because of Travisa's lethargy. It is so frustrating.

I had sent the application almost 2 months before the date of travel.

Anybody have any other ideas?


My guess is for the one application that has been printed, you should see notification from Travisa either today or Friday at the latest. Keep checking the online status.

For that application, go pick up the OCI card in person. At the same time ask about your other OCI card, guessing you would have sent them in one packet.

If they can follow up with the consulate and get this sorted, it will still take at least 10 more days for you to get the other OCI.

Worst case scenario, apply for a visa for your other kid, no need to withdraw the OCI app. You can ask Travisa the details if/when you visit them.
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Got emails from travisa

Quick update - Got email from travisa at 5:30ish PM today PDT time that travisa verified OCI is correctly issued
Sorry can't check the mha site now since the details are on other computer but when I last checked 4 hours ago the status was unchanged
More later...
No change in status yet, for the rest of us. Gundas, did you receive your Passport/OCI?
Quick update - Got email from travisa at 5:30ish PM today PDT time that travisa verified OCI is correctly issued
Sorry can't check the mha site now since the details are on other computer but when I last checked 4 hours ago the status was unchanged
More later...

Cool beans! Thanks for the update. You made the Tue bus. If I don't get an email by tomorrow, I probably will have to wait it out until Friday.
Here is the complete status as of now:

Service Status: Outsourcing office has verified the OCI is processed correctly. Ready for pickup between 4:30pm and 6:00pm. If mail back, waiting for FedEx pick up and is likely to be mailed out tomorrow.

Interesting part is govt babu's website still says:
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Documents[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Received at[/FONT] SAN FRANCISCO
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif] [/FONT]​

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]NOT YET
Cool beans! Thanks for the update. You made the Tue bus. If I don't get an email by tomorrow, I probably will have to wait it out until Friday.
Hope you are on the same (or faster) bus as well. I noticed you are actively helping lot of forum members and your karma will definitely pay off :)

BTW, on unrelated note, I found it funny too :)
Reminds me of a very old Johnny Lever joke, Chelaramani Aur Angrej Dost Robart, third from the top.
Thanks idk and speakamericano.

I sent an email to both the OCI status link and N P Singh. Let's see what they come back with. In the past I have not had much luck with getting email responses from the Consulate.

On the other hand, I did contact NIC in New Delhi with my problem and this is what they came back with (at least they responded):

"There are some technical problems and hence delays. The documents are under printing and likely to be despatched by next week".

Now I know everybody's frustration with Travisa. They sat on my application (sent via 2-day air) for 2 weeks before opening the envelope. I wish I had gone and dropped it off personally; perhaps that would have made a difference.

Now I may have to withdraw my application, ask for the passport, apply for a Visa - just more $$$ because of Travisa's lethargy. It is so frustrating.

I had sent the application almost 2 months before the date of travel.

Anybody have any other ideas?


I might end up asking back my passport with a visa before the oci. I understand your frustration. They have not printed any oci from CGISF after yours (on May 14th). They are printing ocis from other places though - NY, Houston etc. When they print from a batch from San Francisco, I am sure yours will be among the first few. When is your trip? Please keep us posted on "getting a visa while OCI pending" issue.

I as well have been frustrated with TRAVISA's non-existant customer service. They need to change the message while you are on hold when you call. It keeps on repeating "If you prefer emails over waiting on phone, please send us an email and someone will get back to you within 24 hours". I have not read even one post on any forum attesting to the fact that travisa got back.
Hope you are on the same (or faster) bus as well. I noticed you are actively helping lot of forum members and your karma will definitely pay off :)

BTW, on unrelated note, I found it funny too :)

Thank you forumuser123, for your kind words. There are plenty of others like ginnu(has like 15 k posts!!!), speakamericano and others who are doing a thankless job by contributing to the OCI forum. I am sure there have been/are others.

Off topic, since you liked the Johnny Lever joke, something that I came across today and found very funny: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/23/epic-cover-letter_n_865569.html

Congratulations to you on getting your OCI (almost there) and good luck!
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No change in status yet, for the rest of us. Gundas, did you receive your Passport/OCI?

I received the passport on Monday. MHA site still says not received at San Fran though. Now I'm waiting for my moms OCI to be printed. Hers was granted on May 12th.
I received the passport on Monday. MHA site still says not received at San Fran though. Now I'm waiting for my moms OCI to be printed. Hers was granted on May 12th.

Thanks Gundas. There is one guy from San Diego on another forum who had a "shipped" via UPS status as of Friday last week, but the package is still not trackable, which is why I was curious to see if you got yours.

Your mom's should be printed soon, number of people with "Printed" status have increased over the last few days.
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Thanks Gundas. There is one guy from San Diego on another forum who had a "shipped" via UPS status as of Friday last week, but the package is still not trackable, which is why I was curious to see if you got yours.

Your mom's should be printed soon, number of people with "Printed" status have increased over the last few days.

Mine was shipped via Fedex and usually get it next day since its coming from San Fran...