s_ravindranath, my OCI was printed on May-13 and May-14, twice for some reason.
There is no pattern to predict how long it takes for the printing to happen. For some it has been 5 days after granted status and for some it has been 30 days or 40 days.(recent data)
In my opinion 2 weeks is too short a time to hope that the printing happens, and you will get the OCI in hand. There is a slim chance that you will be able to pull this off by writing to Mr Shetty in NIC, calling the consulate etc.., but the chances are very slim.
Your best bet is to do what sfo2blr did and what miyengar planned to do and apply for a visa. You can complete the OCI process once back.
Please read these threads/posts.
The whole process sucks balls.
s_ravindranath: There is no linear or logical relation between date-granted and date-printed. miyengar's both sons have same date-granted - one oci is printed, dispatched and delivered and the other one is still pending (not printed).
What I would suggest is, you should fill out online visa application, print, sign, and stay ready. If your status changes within a few days then you might pickup your oci at travisa (takes about 5 days to get the packet from delhi to here) it will require a bit of pleading, travisa can call cgi and get your passport with oci from cgi office. In case it does not get printed, fax the withdrawal form to travisa, make an appointment for the next day. Visas applied before 11 AM are ready by the end of the day. On the fax, please mention that you want to apply for the visa and ask travisa to hold your passport there. If you do not, they might end up sending your passport in the prepaid envelope (if you have provided one).